Chapter 11

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The foots of the man are coming closer to her , she was so scared that her heart can stop at any moment .. Suddenly man say "Shraddha " come on take my hand ..

Shraddha : What ! who are you..? she asked with low and tremble in her voice .

Man : Don't worry i am "Kabir" with removing her hoot and extended his hands towards her .

Shraddha : What the hell ..! She cant believe on her eyes for a moment , (relaxing breath , comes out from her mouth ) she said arrogantly are you chasing me ..? how dare you to do that .?

Kabir : What are you crazy , or mad why would i chase you .! I am trying to save your life from those freaking goons , in spite of that you are shouting on me like a freaking old aunt..!

Shraddha : Sorry really sorry .! actually i was so much tremble and scared that i didn't realize that what kind of word and to whom i am speaking .

Kabir : okay . it's fine now come with me ,ill drop you to your home ..

Shraddha : So sweet of you .! but how could you know that i was in trouble and who is he ..?

Kabir : I'll explain it later by the way he is Rhaul my co-worker in the cafe ..

Shraddha : okay , nice to meet you Rahul , ooh yeah i met you earlier today in the cafe ..

Kabir : That's nice , by the way how far your home is from here ..?

Shraddha : Just three blocks away from here , but we he have to move quietly and silently between the other society .

Kabir : okay that not the big problem ..I guesses , so rahul you can go man , and really thanks for the help..

Rahul: No problem at all buddy .. It's my pleasure to help someone like "Shraddha" (constantly staring at her figure ,while saying the statement)

okay i'll take a leave now .Bye good night take care both of you ..

Both : okay bye take care Rahul..

Now they both are alone at the street and staring each other for a while .. Suddenly Kabir's phone make a beep sound , and on that note they both came back to the reality ,and say let's move now , excatly at same time and same pitch of volume ..

Now they have started moving towards Shraddha's house . The city is quiet , no traffic, no croud , only cold breeze and they both . The situation is perfect for two soulmates .. Suddenly while waling she ask

Shraddha : How would you know that i was in trouble ..?

Kabir : I saw you that you are waiting for me from so long , in fact after my working hours finish . Then i decided to have a conversation with you but unfortunately you left . After few mins i tried to follow you but when i saw you to take unsafe and dark street to your home at that point of time ..

Shraddha : okay , go on (while listing to him , she is constantly watching him , like a small child watching his favorite tv show with so much concentration) she started liking her , of course Kabir deserve to be liking by her, as he has saved her life and dignity .

Kabir : Hey..! Shraddha where you lost ..?

Shraddha : Nothing .. I really sorry i was so much involve in your words that i forgot to tell that my house's came ..!

Kabir : okay . good and don't be sorry , he completely forgot to ask why she had stolen his wallet , if she had done that . He said okay bye for now i'll catch you later is already to late .

Whereas she was not thinking about the conversation she want to have with him . After all this , so they both went to there own places and waiting for this epic night to finish..

Next day Kabir is in possitive mood and waiting for her call , but not thinking anymore about that conversation , may be because after last night he thought that "Shraddha" is not that kind of girl who stole things from other people . He went out to the market for getting the daily basis product for use . While shooping in the market , he get a call from the Rahul..

Rahul: Hey , man where are you and how was the last night ..?

Kabir : Hi , i am in the south ex market purchasing some stuff and what do you mean by last night . It's just a situation of drooping her .

Rahul : okay fine , by the way come over here soon , i have a surprise for you . com soon bye

Kabir : Surprise for me .. Hey hello wait .. Shit !

After the call he is excited about the surprise , he is thinking that the surprise is Shraddha who is waiting for him . He is doing everything fast and want to reach as soon as possible . Finally after 20mins he mange to reached the cafe , with so much exictment , happines and joy to se her but unfortunately this things are completely diffrent at the cafe

He saw that Rahul is waiting for him with the boss ..!

Rahul : Here he is .! com on Kabir hurry up

Boss : He seems to happy , did you already told him about the surprise ..?

Rahul : No sir not at all ..!

Boss :  You better be not , told him to come in to my cabin .

Rahul : Sure sir .!

Kabir enters the cafe , in a casual manner like normal guy . But after he enters , instantly rahul came to him in a rush (like a high speed cars suddenly stop in front of you ) He told to him to get in the boss office , right now .

Kabir : Everything is alright...?

Rahul: Yeah i hope so ..

Kabir : Let's see ..!

Kabir : May i come in ?

Boss :  ooh yeah , i am just waiting for you kabir .!

Kabir : Okay , (in low voice with tremble felling )

Boss :  Have seat .. Are you okay ..?

Kabir :  Yeah , i am fine but why did you ask that ..Sir

Boss : Actually you seems to lost somewhere ..Aren't you ?

Kabir : No not at all sir , may be it is just because of night shift !

Boss : Exactly ,that why i call you here and want to discussed about it . And i knew everything about it ..!

Kabir : Okay ..! (said with some miscellaneous negative thoughts about the statement )

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