chapter 6

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Next day he went to his school , where his examination results to announced . He is little bit nerves , conscious and have miscellaneous feelings about the results . Suddenly teacher announced his name to collect his result with some kind of wired smile on his face . He is little bit confuse , in spite of that he collect it with respect and gentleness. He saw his results as heart stone . he realize that he is passed this time and going to new class with some kind of respect he so happy from inside but the earlier incidents are to severe  for him to handle and had a negative impact on his soul , that he don't want to express his feelings to anybody . After that he reaches his home and kept his report card on the table , he go into his room and got some daytime sleep . In the evening his mom is so happy about the result but father seems to be okay with the result . He is now have no hope of positive from his father towards him self. He went out for playing cricket in the locality . He scored century on that day . Next day he reaches his class room , teacher said seat down everybody and concentrate what i am saying . Thing are pretty much same as earlier accept the examination ,that is this time it's board examination . The situation are same at home as well . Scolding on average marks and arguments with the father are becoming more worst day by day . After some times there was no conversation between father and son , they both living like strangers to each other . The time moves on with same situation . Next day he went to school , he is now a little bit change person , who has no hope in his life and going with the flow of time in belief that everything will changed one day . Either in positive way or negative way . Life always give some opportunity to make things better , it depends on your wish how would you change it . Suddenly he realize that he has some aptitude to make changes in the situation . He decide to do something big to get out of these freaking situation .He decide to work hard for his examination and want to clear it . So that he can go out of the city for further studies , this is only the way to get rid of the freaking house and the situation.

Suddenly his mom call's him " KABIR BETA "

He replied gently ji aya , he reaches the kitchen and saw that his mom had made his favourite food . He is so happy about it and eagerly waiting for the dinner time . After the wonderfull dinner , he went for the sleep . Next day in morning when his auto rikshawa came to pick him up for the school , he noticed some wiered thingh in that ,there was less no of student on that day . But that beautiful girl was there and staring on to him, he thought he is looking good today and happy from inside , he seat next to her without asking her and she didn't bother about that , propably she also want to seat near by him . Suddenly auto rikshawa reached to the house of next student and make a honk . Two students came out with his bags , They both entered inside the aut rikshaw and ask kabir to move , so that they can seat along side of kabir , but the space are less between that girl and kabir and kabir don't want to go closer to her in any manner. He tried to ask to her to move a little bit but before he could say anythingh to her , the alongside child pushes him , he said sorry to her immidately and she also repiled at once .


He thought that ,she was already interested in me and looking for the way to talk to him ,before he could make out more of it ,she interupted ,


He said actually i was thinking about my exams , my name is "KABIR"

She replied softly and gently "wow nice and stong name Kabir".

Kabir is realising that auto rikshaw is already entered in the school , so he starting avoiding the girl . And try to focus on the examination and how to get better results . He reasches hi class and trying to focous and concentrate on what the teacher is teaching , suddenly teacher ask him to give the answer of the question in front of whole class . He is little bit nervous to say it in front of everybody , but he manage to speaks beyond his fear and his answer was correct . He wont believe that .. Suddenly he realise that after this incident he has gain some respect and recognation amongs the class.

He is now having some confidence about his studies and belief in him self that this time he could to better in his exams . Day gets over pretty much soon and he reaches his auto rickshaw again .

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