Accidentally Friends

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"Good morning everyone" I said as I entered the conference room. Some people nodded, others muttered a brief "and to you too" and the rest (namely Linda, who acts as if she doesn't care about anything and I believe she has the slightest crush on Gale) just stared at the desk like it was telling them their fortunes.

"Right so I don't want to waste a lot of time so this will be a brief meeting." Today's meeting was about changing my PA. The previous one was Layla but after she entered her eighth month of pregnancy she decided it was best to stay home from now on.

So why do I have a whole meeting for this? Because I have to switch some people around to substitute the previous job the PA I have in mind covered.

"After taking a look at your CVs and seen how much you've all progressed, I'd like to congratulate you all." I stopped talking for a minute. I was at the head of a long table and at this point, everyone was staring at me with wide eyes.

"However, I've decided that the best person for this job is Gale Hawthorne." I heard some groans and a scoff from Linda. I was going to let it go had she not muttered "Best person my ass, God knows what you'll do together won't be work". I couldn't let that go, I just couldn't.

So lifting my head slightly I said in a calm but firm voice "What was that Mrs. Peterson?" Suddenly her head flew up and her eyes grew wide. "Oh uh n-n-nothing boss" and then she added "And it's miss Peterson" I was waiting for that part. "You're a miss, I mean you're single? Well no wonder you're so..." And I left it at that. No wonder she's so desperate. I know I said I always kept formal but who said I can't do bitchy?

"Anyway I'd like to wrap up this meeting already so," I continued glaring at Linda who kept her head down. "Mr. Hawthorne I'd like you to move to Layla's previous office. I will assign you a private company car and give you a card if you'll accompany me to my office afterwards."

After that I showed everyone else who's moving to where and so on. Then I wrapped up the meeting and went to my office.

Before I knew it, 4 pm came around. I still had some papers and documents to stamp and approve of so I decided to just pack them and take them home with me. As I left the building, Gale came up to me and decided to "walk me to my car." The whole way he was talking about how he knew I was going to assign him because I "couldn't resist his looks" and how I "showed Linda back there" etc. On normal days, I would have argued back or maybe even laughed and told him he was too full of himself. But today I just wasn't in the mood. I was still thinking about last night.

I didn't feel like going home so I decided to visit a friend of mine. I smiled as I thought of her, and how we met. Suddenly, "Pose to be" by Omarion blasted through my speakers, ugh my ridiculous ringtone. I looked at my control panel and reached out to answer the call, it read "Rana my homie".

"Hey cuz" I tried to sound cheerful. "Hey Talia, how have you been?" She sounded a little stressed and there was some shuffling in the background. "I'm good. What's up?"

"Nothing new. Just wanted to check on you. I called yesterday but you didn't pick up"

"Oh uh I wasn't feeling too good. But I'm better now. Did you need anything?"

"No but someone misses you. He's driving me nuts. When can we see you?"

Stopping at a red light, I quickly looked through my weekly planner.

"Okay why don't you guys come around on Friday? You can even sleep over."

The cars behind me started honking loudly when the light turned green.

"Wait are you driving? That's dangerous, Tal. Call me back when you get home."

"Actually, I'm not going home. I'm going over to visit Amal."

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