The "Wedding Ceremony"

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"HE DID WHAT?!" Rana squeals squeezing the life out of me. I pretend to choke and beg for her to let me go and when she does, I give her a quick smile before repeating "He proposed."

I lift my left arm and show her my ring finger that had the ring Zachary had bought the day after and still got down on his knees because he wanted to, and I quote, do things the proper way.

The ring was really a beauty. Adorned with diamonds and floral designs, it was exactly the way I liked it, nice and simple, but most importantly, it could pass as a normal ring, though designer. I had to admit he had really good taste.

Rana attempted to wolf whistle while closely admiring my ring, but failed miserably. "Looks like he spent a fortune on that." She muttered lowly.

"About thaaat," I had yet to tell my cousin who my fiancé was, I had only told her he was a Zachary. "He is the Zachary Adams."

"Oh my God, Tal. You aren't pulling my leg are ya?" She continues after I shake my head "But, I heard he's kinda cocky and mean. I mean just take a look at his interviews he cuts people short and makes some seriously shrewd comments."

"I know Rana, but I've discovered a new side to him and he's different. He just doesn't like the paps and I can't blame him. You know how annoying the can get, last month at the gala when we were sponsoring some stuff, one of the paparazzis actually asked me if I had a personal or sexual relationship with Mr. Anderson!"

"He did not!" Rana exclaimed, shock written all over her face. I remembered that day and that I had to tell myself that if I ouch this guy out company's name will be at stake. Of course if any other woman did this, people would be siding with her but I if I do that, the first person to my right will probably be running away full speed and shouting "TERRORIST" at the top of his voice. Why? Because I were a hijab. Some people even wonder how I got this job since most are islamophobists which probably was what triggered that reporter's question.

Rana shakes me out of my trance by shaking my shoulders.

"Enough talking about your boss and the paps even though I'm sure that if that reporter caught you on a side walk, he probably wouldn't be able to move the right side of his face for the next month and not from a stroke." She giggled.

"You know it." Was my smug reply.

"So when are you guys gonna get married?" She asks avoiding eye contact.

This is the hard part. It has me in a dilemma and for a second I actually consider fessing up and telling her it's all fake but quickly change my mind. It would take too much effort to explain and answer all her questions.

"He might be travelling for a while so I'm thinking in two weeks," I say rather unsurely.

She blinks a couple of times and gives me a confused look "Why can't you get married after he comes back?"

"No need to delay things, anyway where are you taking me?" I ask eagerly. She had called me erlier and after I delivered the news, told me to come over for something important.

She broke into one of her mischievous grins, "We are giving you a bridal shower!"

I groan inwardly but follow her because I mostly don't have a choice.

It is finally the big day. The past two weeks were spent packing up my possessions into boxes that Zach said will be transported by an arranged moving company. Speaking of Zach, I was nervous as hell and although I kept reminding myself that this is just fake. I still didn't know wether or not I'd be willing to wear all my tanks and shorts plus the new stuff Rana made sure to buy me and roam around his house freely.

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