Marriage and Whatnot Pt. I

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This chapter is dedicated to KatnissandPeeta80 because she's just an awesome human being

Friday came around, and so did Rana and Faris. I had prepared everything we needed: a load of junkfood and some movies. In other words, the usual. When they arrived on Friday, we had let Faris watch The Boss Baby, and eat some snacks which needless to say, left him so sleepy he couldn't make it to the bed without our help. After that me and Rana rewatched The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part II and Me Before You and cried at both times that Sam Claflin died, I mean he had a son, a freaking unborn son!

So we watched movies, ate out, danced and had a blast, but now that Faris was asleep, we were both laying down on my bed and staring at the ceiling. Each lost in her own world of thought and worry. I was thinking of when and how to tell her about my decision. Maybe see what she thinks but the time never came.

Unexpectedly, I heard Rana whisper something in a voice thick with emotion.

"We've come a long way you know."

"Huh?" I mittered unintelligently.

She smiled and turned her head in my direction "Me, Faris and you,"

"Yeah, we did" I pursed my lips.

"We should and will always be together."

I felt bad. How was I going to tell her I was getting engaged tomorrow? Possibly married in less than a month?

Oblivious to my thoughts, she continued "I feel like we've done a lot for Faris. Especially you, that boy loves you, Tal. So much. When I told him we were coming he started jumping and screaming. I've never seen him so happy. And when you went to Dubai last month he didn't even want to go to school. We were going for his regular check up the other day and when I told him he said 'Is auntie Talia coming too?' That's why we're visiting you more often, he's still used to living with you."

Leaning on my elbow I sat up and interrupted her before she carried on "I have something to tell you,"

She raised her eyebrows encouragingly.

"I'm..." I can't just tell her I'm getting married! Okay just engaged, no no that's too forward. Fine how about "Going on a date."

She looked at me straight in the eyes, as if trying to see wether or not I was telling the truth.

I held my breath, waiting for her reaction. Suddenly, she bolted up from the bed and grabbed my hand.

"Get up girl let's pick out your outfit!"

Letting out a breath of relief, I jumped off the bed. I had expected a completely different reaction. We opened my closet and walked inside. After eyeing, trying, changing, swapping and matching 100 articles of clothing we came up with the perfect outfit. Simple and elegant.

While we were cleaning the mess I answered all of Rana's questions about my date. I may have not been completely truthful but I didn't have a lot of options.

Rana pursed he lips and looked down after the thousandth question, she did that when she was unsure of a situation.

"Do you think he could be the one?"

Taken aback by her question, I had to lie "I don't know, I mean I've known him for a while now and he really seems interested but I don't wanna jump the gun."

She nodded "Yeah let him take his time. In the end if he does propose, you don't have to say yes. Marry him if you love him and are ready for him to be your partner for life. Don't let him pressure you, remember marriage is a lifelong agreement because I don't want you to get divorced. And look at him closely, Talia. You're a picky person. Analyse him, after all it's what you do."

After that she left to sleep in my pull out sofa but not before giving me a gentle smile and hug. Oh and of course leaving me in a mixed realm of emotions: guilt, doubt, confusion and more.

I came back from work at 4:30 in panic mode. Not just because I had only one and a half hours to get ready but also because... no I was never nervous meeting boys and that's still the case.

I gave the outfit that Rana and I had laid out one last look before taking a long relaxing refreshing shower.

Still in my robe after putting on my underwear, I moisturized my skin with my favourite cocoa butter stuff and painted my nails a soft reddish pink shade.

I painted my toenails a nude shade and just ran a comb through my naturally curly hair then tied it in a bun.

I then applied some eyeliner, filled in my eyebrows finishing with some matte lipstick. I always went for a natural look.

Sighing, I pulled on the black flowy pants with colourful aztec designs and a gold waist belt, plain black carina, and silky light blue scarf with pink splashes of colour on it. I heard the quiet ding of my phone notifying me that I just got a text from Zach. I panicked. Is he here already? He's not due until another half hour. I tapped on it.

Oh... he was just asking for my address. I texted him back and he told me he was close.

I slipped on my open-toed cream and gold low heeled sandals and gold charms bracelet. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was satisfied and after adding a few puffs of my favourite vanilla perfume, I picked up my clutch and placed my wallet, phone and keys inside.

I suddenly felt nervous, and started pacing the living area restlessly because to be honest, Zach confused me. At times he was cold and distant, other times downright rude, but yesterday I saw or rather heard a soft side to him. He was complicated and hurt. And I knew the feeling.

A text interrupted my thoughts, it stated that he arrived and was waiting downstairs.

I took a deep breath and reminded myself who I was. I wasn't a girl to daydream of a boy, much less be nervous meeting him. I was confident, unreadable and today, I was helping a friend be granted her death wish. I was doing a brave and wise act...

Or was I?

Hey guys,

Sorry for the confusion, I wanted to preview this chapter but it got published so I had to unpublish it.

~Thankyou guys sooooooo much for 160+ reads and a higher rank. You guys are the best💓💓💓💓

~Also, this is only part one to this chapter. The date could be in Zach's POV and updated in the weekend if we can get this chapter to 50 votes so share and tell your friends to vote. As soon as we hit 50 I'll do part 2.

~Before you leave, make me happy by voting, commenting, sharing and give me a follow.

Love in tons,


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