What now?

118 17 1

Zachary's POV

It's been a long exhausting day. I'm usually much more productive but today I felt like something was distracting me. Today Talia's face constantly shows up in my mind's eye. Ever since I saw her, she spoke class.

I remember everything about her. From her soft smile to how I was almost a full head taller than she was. Her high waisted flowy skirt that emphasised her small waist, her doeshaped chocolate brown eyes topped with long thick lashes, her soft pink lips with the beauty spot at the corner of her bottom lip line. Hell, I even remembered the way she smelled. Like vanilla... not the store-bought powder, like the actual natural stem. I remember because my mom used to bake with them.

Oh there's no point in sitting around and day dreaming about her, she's not coming. You screwed it up with your attitude, my inner conscience makes me feel guilty. Mother will be so disappointed.

I was currently seated in one of the Starbucks booths, waiting for Talia to show up. But she was not going to come. I was expecting her at about 5 pm. It was now almost 6 pm and still no sign of her. I should probably just go already. Sighing I picked my keys up and was about to stand up when I saw her walk in through the door. Some guy held it open for her and was rewarded with a beautiful smile. He was clearly swooning. I felt an unexplained pang at her action.

She looked around until she saw me and started making her way over. I took my time checking her out. She was wearing a floral red dress with plain crimson sleeves. The dress was gathered at her waist with a thin black belt that matched her open-toed strapped high heeled sandals and hand bag. Yup, class.

She came to the booth and sat opposite me whispering "Hey."
What? No smile? Not even a handshake, wave or anything? I felt disappointed but quickly masked it over.

"You're late," I huffed glancing at my watch. She started getting up.

"I wasn't even going to come," she said sounding irritated "So if you don't have anything to say I'll just go already."

My mouth said the words even before my brain registered them "No, please!" Okay now I sound desperate. Anyway I should start talking already.

"I have an issue to discuss with you." I quickly added in my formal tone.

"Okaaaay..." she dragged on the last syllable giving me a weird look.

Just then the waitress came over taking her order while I just wanted a refill. She gave me a flirtatious look while she was at it. The first impression that came to my mind was disgust and I looked down to see Talia mirroring my expression while rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

I decided to get right into it. Heaving a sigh I leaned forward starting "Okay so Talia, are you single?"

She looked surprised and a little embarrassed but nodded anyway. Well that's a good start.

"What does this have to do with anything?" She asked averting her eyes from my intense stare.

"Well it does, a lot actually and I'll tell you in a bit." All said in my most formal tone. "But first tell me a bit about yourself."

She shrugged tapping her now mint green nails on the table top "My full name is Talia Omar, I work at Nova Enterprise, I'm 21 going on 22. I started with the company as a business analyst but I'm a General manager now. And... yeah that pretty much sums me up."

"Okay I'm Zachary Adams, I'm 24, I am boss and CEO of Amalyne private co. Ltd." I told her and saw the shocked look on her face.

"You're Zachary Adams? I mean the Zachary Adams? Like youre the CEO of Amalyne?! Oh my god why didn't I connect the dots before? I cant believe it. Well that's why you're so cocky and full of yourself." She rambled on as if talking to her self.

I chuckled as I continued "Yes I am. Now believe it okay? And look, I've got a proposition for you."

I couldn't delay this anymore and besides, there was no subtle way of introducing this topic. The waitress came back with our orders and Talia took a sip of her coffee.

"So..." She began sounding incredulous "About that proposition..."

I sighed. I've never felt tongue-tied in front of a girl ever in my life. Or maybe that's because most girls I interact with are employees or gold diggers. Or because this is quite a major step in my life and I'm forced into it. Surprisingly, I didn't mind too much.

"Alright, Talia Omar we met a fews day ago and have taken interest in each other." I began "You know my mom and that's all the family I have. So Talia I'll cut to the chase. Will you marry me?"

She stopped sipping her coffee and stared at me. She blinked, once, twice, thrice then gulped. Then in a low whisper while exhaling she spoke "Holy shit you're serious."

It was more of a statement than a question. Suddenly, she panicked. Holding up her hands as if in defense she spoke quickly "Oh no I'm not... I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I... no no I'm not looking for a-"

But before she could finish I interrupted her. Sounding bored, I huffed "I'll make this easy since you can't form up a coherent sentence,"I spoke calmly "Is it a yes or no?"

She took a deep breath before continuing "I mean we don't even know each other... well not properly anyway. Let's... I don't know maybe p-"

I don't have all day, I thought as I glanced at my watch saying "I really don't have time for this Ms. Omar, this is a once-in-a-lifetime offer. Take it or leave it."

She looked a bit mad or irritated now, I couldn't tell which. Staring outside the window as if the parking lot contained a rare specimen she spoke in a low voice "I mean this is marriage, it's not just a random process. You have to pick out your partner carefully and not rush-"

What does she mean it's not just a random process? Does she think I'm not good enough for her? And here I thought she was different. I had one last resolution so leaning forward, I looked into her eyes and said "Look I'll pay you, okay? Ill have my lawyer make a contr-"

I couldn't finish because she jumped to her feet like the seat was on fire. She gave me a glare that made me thank God that looks couldn't kill.

"Believe it or not Mr. Adams, some of us aren't all about money alright, and wether or not I was going to accept your proposal having cash in my hand would not have changed my decision. Marriage is based on respect, trust and love not dollar signs. So when you acquire one of those three qualities," she stopped yelling for a second and was now shuffling inside her bag "You can come back and try again, or tell you what? Don't waste your time. You should just know that money is a possession, not a quality."

Slamming a one hundred dollar bill on the table, she made her way out of the booth, stomping her feet with an angry face and stormed out of the place, leaving me prey to 100 pairs of eyes.

Their staring was becoming irritating so looking around I bellowed "What are you all staring at? Stop being so nosy and get back to you own lame lives!"

After that I got up, paid and left. Whatever, who needed Talia anyway? Mom will get over it eventually. And besides she said she wanted me to trust and love her? No, doesn't she know I don't do that shit? I learn from my mistakes and believe me when I tell you anyone you love no matter how close, or dear to you, could leave you at the blink of an eye. This is experience talking here.


Hey homies,
~ I actually didn't have a song to go with this chapter so comment one you think does.
~ My cousins came to sleepover so I've been quite busy so excuse the late update.
~ So... Zach's POV huh? That's new....comment if you'd like more of those.
~ Pls comment, share, vote and follow. See ya next chapter..

Peace out✌


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