The Ghost of a Husband

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Talia's POV

I stared at the form of the small boy lying on the bed beside me, not missing a single detail on his face.

There were shadows cast on his forehead by his thick dark locks and under his eyes by his eyelashes. Said thick loosely curled locks were almost dry after his shower. His eyebrows were sharp and perfect. From now, I could tell he would grow up to be a heartbreaker.

It was only yesterday when I had to watch his meals and change his diaper, at least it felt like that. The stress and worry and hassle all came down to this beautiful, intelligent, outgoing boy.

And I couldn't have been more thankful.

Just as I leant in to place a kiss on his forehead, I saw a shadow appear, starting from my door frame. And it immediately snapped me out of my thoughts.

There was Zachary standing, his Han at the back of his neck as if he was caught stealing a cookie from the jar. When I finally sat up from my laying position he spoke.

"Uh, they're here. Should I let them up?" His voice was a little deeper than usual, but I took no notice.

"Yeah, I'll just," I leant down to carry Farris in my arms, but just as I'd straightened up I was swaying under his weight. This boy has grown!

In an instant, Zach was next to me, hands on my hips to steady me before he reached out and grabbed Farris put of my hold. To say I was embarrassedwas an understatement. In fact, I was pretty sure I had that cookie the if expression on my face right now.

When Rana and her date came up to the penthouse, Zach and I were standing next to the door, he was holding Farris and I his bags.

We did greetings and pleasantries and then I invited them into the living room, where I got to know Ahmed, as he told me his name was, better.

Ahmed was hot. That much was obvious. And that he was Arab. His charcoal shirt perfectly moulded his broad shoulders. His build was tall with bulging muscles. He had golden-brown hair that fit perfectly with his olive skin and further accentuated his seafoam eyes. His hair was now slicked back neatly into a man bun. He had a light stubble that made his jaw line and nose look even sharper.

And all I could say was damn.

You'd think from the looks any girl could fall for him but with his manners? Any girl can fall head over heels for him. Nothing beats a hot boy with manners.

"I hear you work with Nova." Ahmed's deep voice broke me from my thoughts.

"Uh yeah." I cleared my voice. "I was lucky to land a job there right after college, my internship gave me a good resume though. I'm now Branch Manager there."

"Wow," he was clearly impressed. "You must have been one of a kind. They're very picky with interns."

"Still am one of a kind," I said jokingly.

Then there was a collective laugh. It was at the point that I realised that Zach was not taking part in this conversation. In fact, since he'd introduced me with a very firm "my wife" he had not spoken, his unwavering gaze was fixed purely on Ahmed with a more than wary expression on his face.

But no one seemed to notice. And just as Ahmed got up and asked where Farris was so he could carry him, Rana trailing behind him,  I grabbed Zach from the forearm and shoved him towards the kitchen.

Once we were alone, I shoved at his chest, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Before I'd finished my question he was back with a seething response, "What is wrong with me? Can't you see what he's like? It's so clear that he has an ulterior motive, he obviously doesn't like your cousin. No one is just that nice from the start!"

I could not believe him. "Just because you're an insensitive, annoying, bipolar bastard that treats everyone like the dirt on his shoes doesn't mean everyone else is like that." The response was out even before I could wholly process it, and something stirred into those hazel-brown eyes fiercely but before I could fathom what it was, it was gone.

And standing in front of me was a six foot tall body with broad shoulders and muscles and looks and hair, but his eyes were distant and cold. So much that it scared me. His gaze was fixed on me. Staring, judging, analysing. When I couldn't take it anymore, I pushed past him and walked our guests out. Alone.

It was only when I lay down in bed that night that it dawned on me why I enjoyed Farris's company more than usual today. It was because I felt that I was noticed, I had someone to talk to, take care of, and worry about.

Wether I admit it or not, Zachary's nonchalance towards me hurts. I don't know why but it does. How he avoids me all the time. How he only talks to or answers me in monosyllables. How he never calls, never asks, never cares. Even on nights when our housekeeper is here, sleeping on his bed is just routine. And being with an emotionless person was less than delighting. It was like living with a ghost.

And that thought in itself-- I reconned while curling tighter in my once warm duvet as if to seek affection-- is terrifying.



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