A Change

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》》》This chapter is especially dedicated to @fjaved123 for her supportive comments on the book. You really put a smile on my face❤❤ 》》》

Talia was miserable.

Absolutely fucking miserable.

If she had thought Zach's ignoring her was harsh in the beginning, then his nonchalance towards her entire existence was a hundred times worse. It had been a week since she had said all those nasty things to him in a moment of blinding anger, and Zach still hadn't forgiven her. She didn't know how much longer she'd be able to keep this facade up.

She had tried to apologise, multiple times actually. But upon hearing her apology, Zachary merely shrugged, picked up the glass of water he came to get, said, "You're right. I am insensitive. And that's how it shall stay. What you said poured our relationship back in its mold. It was starting to get out of hand. This is how it is. And thank you for fulfilling my mother's death wish."

Then he had side stepped her and went straight into his office, and she hadn't seen him for the rest of the weekend. Literally, he came to his bed after she fell asleep and left before she had woken up, the only evidence of his short stay the wrinkled bedsheets acroos the bed.

And it was fucking draining. Living with someone like you were a burden he had to carry, like it was him doing her a temporary favour!

Not to mention that their maid, Amira was starting to get the hang of their relationship. It seemed that them "sleeping together" wasn't enough to prove their "undying love" for each other. Last week, when they had sat down to eat, she'd hinted a little thickly that she regularly visited Amal and that she would tell her they were doing great as usual.

Zachary gave her a slight smile, obviously having not picked up on the silent threat, but Talia knew immediately. She was silently telling them that she would tell Amal all that was going on, all that they had tried-- and succeeded so far-- to hide.

Such were her thoughts as she pulled up in front of their building's basement garage. She was about to go inside to another evening with the ghost that was her husband, about to go back to being harassed by her freaking housekeeper, about to feel more miserable. But it was fine, she could do this. She would do this. She had to do this.

And then it clicked.

She didn't have to do this.

She didn't have to be the one stitching up the tears and splits in the fabric of their facade. She didn't have to be the one making the sacrifices and keeping up the pretenses while Zachary sat like a prince on a pedestal. She didn't have to be the one struggling to make ends meet.

She was still a free woman. She didn't care that she was in a fan marriage, or at least that is what she had told herself. In that moment, she needed a break. A break from it all; from this new-founded lifestyle. A touch of the old one was what she needed. A hint of normalcy.

As she pulled up into the main road with the busy streets and finally, some sunlight, even driving aimlessly appealed to her. And that's what she did for a while. Until her eyes landed on the most inviting beauty salon she'd ever seen. She let her eyes roam over it slowly. Prestige was its name and damn did it fit. Before she could fault-find or change her mind, she found a spot, parked her car and walked right in.

There were a lot of hair dressers, some bleaching, some curling, some dying, some straightening, some trimming, some washing. At this moment, they were all laughing. Well, all but one in the corner, but they stopped when Talia walked in. A girl walked up to her with a sketch pad in her hands.

Giving her what she must have thought was a discreet once over before smiling, she asked, "Do you have an appointment?"

Talia gave her the same smile, "Hello to you too."

She blushed, "Sorry, hi."

She made a "there you go" gesture with my head before telling her she didn't. "Well, what would you like to have done? This section is just for hair care but we have a nail salon, where you can get a pedicure or manicure, but these are full. We have a massage section but..." she looked at the attachments again, "Mmm, these are full scheduled too. But you can get a facial or waxing session. Anything else I can help you with?"

She was eyeing her hijab warily as of she was contemplating wether or not she had any hair. Talia almost laughed at loud at her ignorant face. She then called out to a "Barb" to help her out. This Barb girl came quickly, eyes cast downwards and took Talia to a seat silently. Talia eyed the other male dressers that looked at her more than curiously.

"Uh hey," she addressed Barb, "Can we--"

"Yeah we're not working here, I'll take you inside, I'm only taking equipment." Barb interrupted timidly.

Talia took an immediate liking to the girl. She took her to an empty massage room, if the beds were anything to go by, sat her down and took her hijab off though Talia was completely capable of doing that herself.

"So what do you want to do?" She avoided eye contact but Talia could see her clearly through the mirror she was seated in front of.
She was pretty, with black hair and large eyes, but there was something odd about her, beside her skinny figure. Then Talia realized that this girl's skin was too pale, like she had too much foundation on. She literally looked like the girls from "Hundred Layers of Foundation" videos online.

Then Talia noticed that all of her make up was overdone; her mascara was piled, blush was obvious, eyeliner was too thick and highliter was too much. Especially because Talia had the impression she was shy.

"First, I'm Talia." She turned and held her hand out, then, suddenly aware of her business like tone, she added, "And you're a Barb, Barbara I'm guessing?"

"Uh no," the girl looked down, as if embarrassed, "My name is Diane."

Talia was surprised, she was pretty sure a couple of staff members had referred to her as Barb. Still, she repeated the beautiful name. "Diane."

Then turning around, she let her hairl loose from the low bun and tried to sound cheery. "Well Diane what do you have in mind." She responded to her earlier question and watched as her face lit up.
Hey guys!!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but happy New year!!!!

So how was it? Is it better in first person? Tell me!!!

Anyway, exams are rolling by and I can't study and haven't studied anything but... I'm living.

So as usual please vote, comment and share.

I shall update when I update.

Don't give up,


My Mother in LawDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora