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By the time Talia parked home, it was a little past seven. She had enough time to even get a manicure and she loved the purplish-grey shade. Her hair was cut into layers and that gave it more volume, and it looked healthier with curls.

She noticed that only seven of Zachary's cars were parked so he must have taken the eighth. Just when she thought she would have a warm shower and go to bed early, she heard the rattling in the kitchen.

Great, Amira was here. Now she was going to have to put on a show again. She really had to talk to Zachary about this, she was starting to dislike her prying very much. But never the less, she did have that shower, and it worked well with untying the knots in her back and shoulders. She then put on a pair of dark grey sweats and a deep red short t-shirt and made her way to Inspector Kitchane in the kitchen, fully prepared to snap at the forty year old if she took it too far.

But just as she rounded the isle, the woman looked up with a warm smile, but Talia was still wary. "There you are, I thought neither of you two was coming tonight."

Talia said nothing, but walked to the fridge and taook out a coke, already wrapping her hands around the lid to try and uncap it. But she was interrupted, "No, no." Amira walked up and gently pried the bottle out of her hands, "That's a hell of a lot of sugar, we wouldn't wanna ruin that beautiful figure."

Talia smiled at the compliment, she knew the shirt was snug but she didn't know it was that body-tracing. The housekeeper continues, "And besides, its even more unhealthy on an empty stomach."

She walked over to the oven and pulled out a tray that made Talia's mouth water. "Oven baked, pasta with chicken parmesan chops and cream stock sauce," she proclaimed. "Delicious but healthy."

"I was going to wait for Zachary to come home but God knows when that will happen."

"No, no we'll wait for him." It seemed a sin to ruin such a flawless tray, though she was tempted. "Besides Zach already told me he'd come late tonight."

Amira raised an eyebrow at her lie but made no comment.

Zachary didn't come home. It was now nine in the evening and Talia told Amira they would eat anyway. And they did, and after a light cup of tea, Talia didn't mind her presence as much.


Talia didn't sleep. She tried to but she couldn't. And after sometime, she stopped trying and gave into her reminiscent thoughts.

She was remembering many things, events. Good days, bad days, stressful days, blissful days, confusing thoughts until they all morphed into one compelling memory that would haunt her forever. She could have been more careful. She could have avoided it. If only Rana hadn't gone out, if only they were found sooner.

If only...

But what was the point, it was all in the past. Once again she tried to sleep, freeing her hair from the bun and stretching a bit.

It didn't help.

And so she just went back to thinking, though this time she lay on one of Zachary's pillows and the scent on it was very distracting.

Zachary didn't arrive him until later, and she didn't turn over as he entered the room or when he came out after showering. It was only when she felt the mattress dip that she turned over and looked at him. His hand was under his head and he was staring at the ceiling, his biceps bulging because of the stretch.
But she wasn't stating at his biceps, she was staring right into his eyes, well eye.

"You couldn't have avoided me forever you know." She finally spoke in a tone so calm it scared her.

He didn't respond, didn't even move a muscle and Talia entertained the thought that he hasn't heard her.

"I waited for you for lunch." She smiled bitterly, "You didn't even show up. I looked like an idiot telling Amira you told me you would be late."

By now he looked more that uncomfortable. But he still stared at the ceiling and as Talia stared at his eyes, she saw a glimmer of guilt, but thought she'd imagined it.

"I'm only doing this becau--" he cut her off midsentence with a loud sigh and his arms pulling him up; he was leaving.

Like every time they spoke, but Talia wasn't having it. She placed an open palm on his chest.

Both pairs of eyes drifted down to look at it before she harshly removed it likeit burned.

"Lay back down," she said, her tone icy. "I've had enough."

It as then that Zachary realised he was in for a fright.


Hey homies...

I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time but ive not been okay for a long time.

I'm still not, but I guess it'll get better.

I write out of passion not obligation, so know that if you didn't like this chapter, that's because I wrote it out of obligation.

I hope my mental health gets better soon.

Pray for me.

Don't let your thoughts poison your memories,

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