So Much For Secrecy

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Zachary's POV

I came back from work today and headed straight for my room, not even thinking about lunch. I had a long stressful day but I felt really annoyed and pissed. Some idiot from my staff rescheduled two simultaneous meetings without my consent and the next open slot in my schedule is about a month away. This is why I don't have a manager and am my own management personel.

I thought of this and let all my anger out on my punching bag. With every punch I threw, I felt the weight on my chest decrease and more adrenaline course through my veins as well as my grunts getting louder. The more excited I got, the harder I hit the sack and as my limbs continued to ache, I felt the sweat trickle down my neck but I didn't care, I was on a roll.

There was history behind this particular punching bag, but that's a story for another time.

I was so consumed in my exercise that I didn't hear the faint rapping on the door until it got louder. Panting, I pried my sweaty palms out of the gloves and threw them in a corner.

As I tore the door open, I was surprised to see Talia standing with a concerned expression on her face. Her eyes briefly wandered to my bare chest before they raised to meet mine. I raised a questioning eyebrow when she didn't say anything.

"Umm... I heard some... never mind. Why didn't you have lunch?"

I was surprised with the sudden concern. Talia and I engaged in very few conversations and kept our interface minimal. During lunch, we sat at the same table but barely spoke a word, each scrolling through our phones. In the morning, she grabbed her cup of coffee and left before I could even tell she was up.

We had an argument the other day when I told her my housekeeper was coming for the weekend and that during that period, she was to sleep in my room. Ever since she ignores my presence even more than before.

"I wasn't hungry." I told her monotonously.

"I see, well it's on the counter. Microwave it if you're gonna eat it later. I'm going out." She says in a very matter-of-fact demeanour.

"Where to?" The words leave my lips before I can stop them.

"Out with friends since they can't come home anymore," she shrugs and I noticed that she was avoiding looking at my sweat-clad chest.

"You know, they can come. Just as long as they leave before I arrive home. And come through the front entrance, not the garage."

I don't know why but I feel like Talia's been feeling trapped ever since she moved in. I was hoping this could maybe compensate.

"Okay then. I'll see you around." The long lost hint of friendliness was back in her tone.

I didn't miss the casual smile as I closed my door to her retreating back.


Talia's POV

"But I keep cruuuuising, can't stop won't stop mooooving, it's like I got this muuusic, in my mind sayin--"

"Adri, Adri wait. Sshh, shut up. Do you hear that?" Ashton waits for a second after Adriana stops singing that God awful song in her more God awful voice.

"What?" Zoe asks, confusion all over her face.

"Silence." Ash breathes dramatically.

"Food arrives in fifteen minutes sir." Gale makes his presence known by imitating the cashier I'm assuming while plopping down on a chair. "I still don't get why I'm the one who has to take all your orders, I mean it says self service for a reason." He gestures to the many posters on the walls that spell the words in bold block letters.

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