Chapter 17 - More Then Friends

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Chapter 17

            “It was so real.”

“Trust me, you are not the first person to find their dreams to be intensely real.  The subconscious is a marvellous wonder.”

“Please patronize me,” I rolled my eyes at my supervisor.

“OK, yes this is disturbing but I would not expect less from your imagination.  You are fixating…Now if only you could fixate on your work like this…Now that would make me happy.”

“I will, I just wanted someone’s take on this.  I’m just a little freaked out about all this.”

“Well freak out off the clock, it was two dreams.  You just let waking thought enter your subconscious, don’t worry or think twice about it.  You over think everything, just relax.”

            I knew that he was right but having someone tell me that it was nothing, made me feel better.  He spoke rational thought into my ear and swept the bad thoughts out the other.  My head was clear, at least clear enough to forget the nightmares for eight hours.

By the end of the day I felt completely fine as if nothing had ever happened.  That night the dreams seemed to be a distant memory.

            My alarm clock buzzed and shook on my nightstand next to my head.  I pressed the snooze button and rolled over for fifteen more minutes of sleep.  My sheets were warm and soft, my pillows allowed my head to disappear.  All my stress escaped my physical body when I laid in that bed and an extra fifteen minutes would mean all the happiness in the world.  I felt refreshed from a dreamless sleep.

“Fi, you’re going to be late.”

She meant well but did not understand how my brilliant mind operates, the more sleep I had the better I would function.  I rolled myself out of bed and forced myself into semi professional clothing.  Charcoal dress pants, white dress shirt with a black vest and black flats.

One benefit of living at home was a ride to work in the morning.  My mom would drop me off on the corner and I would walk the remaining ten minutes.  In the summer it was really nice when I walked to work or at least from the bus station.  It was peaceful downtown in the morning, the only time of the day that it was peaceful; or at least felt peaceful.

            I spent the week at work moving about getting my job done and re-adjusting to home life.  I had not seen Rob in over a week but it no longer had to do with the dreams, rather a lack of free time.

“Hello beautiful, r u ever gonna have time 4 me?”  My phone had a text message from Robert.  For the first time in a little while I wanted to just relax in his arms. 

“Like what?”

Five minutes passed and then a response, “well we could rent a movie and stay in.”

“Ya, but Im back home so…”

Hours passed without response, I ignored my phone and returned to my work.  At the end of the day, as I packed up my bad, and got ready to go home, I noticed a new message.

“Ill pick u up @ 7.”

            On the bus home from work I thought about what this meant.  A step forward in our so called relationship.  Robert and I may no longer be classified as friends.

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