Chapter 1 - wolfsbane09

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all credit for title image goes to workshop on


My name is Hannah and I am a self confessed computer nerd extrordinaire. I play video games, write flash games and even sometimes help people with tech problems. Other than that my life sucks, so that's why I've taken mine into the virtual dimension. 

MMORPGS or Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games are my way of escaping the boring mass of work and tedious socializing that my life has turned into. There's one game in particular that is my absolute favourite, Mobinogi - virtual life. It's a really fun game where you can create your own fantastical life, living with elves, dragons and even giants. 

One day I was sat on this particular game, and being a bit of a n00b I was in need of some help. I went around Palashia (the starter village) typing to people to ask for advice. But they were either all afk or they just said Noob to me and carried on masacarring sheep. Honestly, people could be so rude. Then he came along, wolfsbane09. His avatar was an elf with striking white hair and a beautiful premium red coat. "So, you new here?" he said, waving at me.

I sat frozen behind my screen, was he going to help me? "Well... kinda" I said, trying to portray how I really wasn't. "Well... if you need any help, I'm always online" My heart leapt, this guy was going to help me, but I was still curious "What music do you like?" I asked, hoping and wishing for -"I like indie, you know coldplay, marroon 5.. stuff like that" My heart leapt, this guy was awesome. "I love coldplay, I'm a megafan!!" I type, trying to get a bigger reaction out of him. "Were you planning on quizzing me all afternoon or are we actually going to do something?" He asked, his winking emoticon taunting me to answer. "well, I was going to go raid some dungeons." I said, I instantly regretted those words. Before I knew it I was on his horse riding behind him, my avatar hanging on for dear life. "I really don't know how to fight..." I say, as we draw near to the cavernous death trap looming on the virtual horizon. My character looking particularly n00bish compared to the knights, and wizards that were riding around. "that's ok, you'll be fine..." the next words made me gasp in horror "I'll protect you ;)" I had never known such a nice guy in all the time I had been on the internet, a gamer who was not mean and judgemental about the fairer sex gamers.

I went afk for a while to get some juice from the mini freezer I had by my desk. "Honey what're you doing?" my Mom shouted, oh god, she never aproves of me playing social games. "Nothing mom, just finishing some homework." I say quickly closing the game as she hurried upstairs. "Oh ok, come down when your finished won't you?" she peeps round my door and blows a kiss at me before she leaves. 

Back online wolfsbane was waiting, "Hey, you said you were going afk for a bit, not for ever!!" he said, his avatar lying on the floor outside the dungeon. I laughed out loud before replying "Sorry, my rent just came upstairs, she hates me chatting online" he winked at me, and got up before he typed "Oh, well that's too bad, you'd better leave then hadn't you" I typed the answer before I had even thought. "Oh ignore her, let's go fight some bad guys" 

So we did, entering the cavernous dungeon the quest name popped up and the quest cinematic played, we had to fight spiders. "EEK, I hate spiders!" I yell, waving my arms in distress. We managed it alright though, "Hey we make a good team don't we" he says as he leads me out of the dungeon, riding on his nobel steed again. "Can we take a break from questing for now, I'm bushed" I say, my character yawning just as lound as the real me. "Ok, shall we go to the woods, I know a really romantic spot there... we can talk, just you an me... ;)" this supprised me more than anything he'd said all day. "well... ok then... just you and me, sounds nice... plus you can teach me how to cook. So, off we went riding into the virtual sunset together. Needing eachother, craving each other, (or at least the reality and hilarity the other provided) 


hope you enjoyed chapter one, btw this is based on a real story that actually happened to me... 

oh and full credit to mabinogi as I don't own it. (btw some names etc have been changed to prevent copyright infringement etc.) 

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