chapter 9 - happily ever after?

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well... after that little spat sunday was special. I went to the park with him and had a picnic, just him, me and May.. My 3 best friends in the world. We sat, ate cucumber sandwhiches and fed each other marshmallows. If there was a campfire this would be perfectly romantic. Just as it had been on the game... the game that I didn't need now. It was nonsense, it didn't make sense any more. I'd got all I needed out of it. Now, my real life was worth living. 

I loved him, he loved me and that's all we needed... eachother.. 

We even got around to going to each others houses and telling the other's mum "I love him/her" everything was perfect. 


It was a couple of months later, and we were still really happy... until my dad turned up. 

The dad that had ran away from mum when I was barely even a twinkle in mums' eye. He just turned up, out of the blue and fell onto our doorstep.

I am never going to forgive him, nothing would make me. Not even presents, which just happens to be what he got me, one day when I got home there was a massive hutch in the middle of the living room with a bunny rabbit in it. "oh nice, just what I've always wanted... as a 15 year old girl... a rabbit. Oh boy, oh boy" My dad stood in the doorway frowning, "I thought you might like him, I mean he's cute... look at his little nose. I didn't know you were such a boy Hanny wanny" I scowled at him and ran upstairs to tell mum about the 50th present this week. He was desperate, I knew that. You'd have to be an idiot not to. 

Mum still hated him, but she put up with him because she needed some extra cash to pay the bills. I loathed him, just for being here, and once I told Burmudo he hated him too. He was a bad bad man. He hated that he was so invasive of our relationship. He would chat to us both on facebook, inspect our e-mails to each other, and worst of all, send messeges to Burmudo. Saying things like "keep your hands off my daughter!" and "she really doesn't love you you know" but he ignored it and so did I. I was not letting my arse of a father ruin our lives all over again. 

Then one day he said something that shocked me, I was just on msn, talking to May, asking what she'd been up to lately when he popped up.. and he said something that broke my heart and went against anything I've ever believed "sorry babes, but your mister lover boy is gone" 

My heart rushed as I rushed to reply, "You're lying

"No I'm not..."

"what happened to him? tell me dad!" 

"Like I said he's gone, didn't you hear?"

"No why? what has happened though?

"He was oh so dissapointed with you!"

"oh shut up, what the hell are you going on about?"  

"hmmm which option to take"


"I don't know weather to shut up, or tell you"

"Just tell me dad I'm not in the mood for games!"

"Oh ok, I'll tell you"

"Good, then what the hell happened?"

"He was arrested"

My heart stopped... "what?"

"you heard me, he was arrested, taken by the police"

"yeah but why?"

"Because he raped your friend."

"What? What the hell are you talking about? stop being stupid Burmudo would neve-"


"wait, you're not talking about Burmudo are you? you're thinking of jack, he did rape May... she told me"

"No, it was Burmudo, he said so himself!"

"what? he would never do that.. neve-"


"you stitched him up didn't you? You raped someone and let him take the blame... I hate you dad and I always will... he was my boyfriend, he would never do that"

"So what if I did you little insect, if you tell anyone both him AND you will be dead!"

Tears ran down my face, what was I going to do? My own father had stitched up my boyfriend? this was low even for him

"Why did you do it Walt, just tell me that much... then I'll decide weather to tell or not"

"Oh alright, I was desperate... I needed some, and it was obvious your slag of a mother wouldn't let me do her"


"so.." he said, eying me up. 


"Are you going to tell on me or not?"

"I'm going to tell mum, and that's it!"

I log out, my eyes swimming in tears. I cannot believe it my own father stitched him up, and now he is sat in a prison... without anyone, without me. The elf prince had been punished by the oger king.  

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