Chapter 13 - the conversation and the truth

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The two men stood, side by side glaring at my mum. We were all quiet, tense for the momment when dad picked up the phone.

it came, "Hello?" came dad's voice

"Hello Arthur, what's happening" Mum said, trying her best to sound natural.


"What? what's wrong?"

"I kinda feel guilty babes"

"Why? what's wrong?" mum said, showing a big thumbs up to the room.

"I've really messed up babes, I'm going to prison."

"oh my god really? why?"

"well... I raped someone"

"really that's awful" she said, punching the air.

I smiled, they had it on tape... dad was going to jail, and I couldn't be happier. I could have my elf prince back, he wasn't going to rot in jail. I loved my mum sometimes.

the smile I had on my face was as wide as anything possibly could be, this was absolutely brilliant.

"Oh well... I can't say that that wasn't convincing... but was that really your husband?" the larger officer chirped in then

"Of course that was him you great lug, we've been through this twice before... Chill out, honestly, you think EVERYTHING is fake... It is bloody unbelievable." I laughed, finally... someone had got the message.

the short one just said "OH!" and slumped his shoulders, he looked defeated.

the bigger one came over to me and patted me on the shoulder, "you did well kiddo, oh and don't listen to that fella, he's a new recruit." I laughed, obviously somebody got why we were so annoyed.

"I guess he's got a touch of the nepolian syndrome" it was his turn to laugh, till he almost fell over.

the little one looked at me in a way that said "I'm going to kill you" honestly, if looks could kill we'd both be on the floor by now.

we left the station then, with the ever silent Bermudo following us. the journey back to his house was agonizing. "just talk for god's sake, this silence is killing me" I said to myself as we got to his front door. As soon as we'd knocked the door flung open, and there in the doorway was a barely recognisable person. Bermudo's usually perfectly dressed mum was now in a similar state to him. "Where the hell have you been? I thought you would be back by now. Honest to god I thought you'd killed yourself or something.

This was hard, but if she didn't know... she had the right to. "well... he kinda did try..."

Then it came, a flurry of fists, and angry yells. "SHE DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW." "WHY DID YOU TELL HER YOU IDIOT." "I HATE YOU SO MUCH" "WHY DID YOU TELL HER?"

I couldn't parry his sudden attack, his agressiveness was overwealming. Was this the same boy as I had met online just a couple of months ago?, a boy who'd been so nice, so warm, so... perfect.

the tears came, along with the blood, and the yells and the constant hits, as hard as rock.

my love for him exchanged for fear, this boy was insane... violent, rabid, evil. I didn't care if it had been a hard time for him... why on earth was he taking it out on me? His supposed girlfriend. His supposed heart. His supposed future wife. Yeah right...

Mum just stood, trying to yell over him but failing, and as for his mum, she was practically cheering him on. I was the villain, I was the one in the wrong... me... me...I...

It carried on for what seemed like an age, the blood still poured out of my nose. I was flat on the pavement by the time he was almost ready to finish the onslaught. Then he said something, something as hard and brutal as the kicks and punches. "I DON'T LOVE YOU, I NEVER HAVE OK? YOU WERE RIGHT, I WANTED YOU TO DO IT WITH ME... I WANTED NOTHING MORE THAN THAT..."

the last blow was the most painful. He pulled his leg back, grimacing at me, his eyes were full of rage. Maybe he should've been in prison... kick to the ribs, a hard hard kick. It winded me, I couldn't breath, but it wasn't the physical pain that had done it, it was the words. The words of someone I thought loved me, who I thought cared. Evidently not.

I was better off behind a screen, better off with his fake relationship, and his fake words, Infact, I would be better off without him all together.

Once I had recovered and was finally back on my feet, I shouted back at him. "OK THEN, IF YOU ARE JUST A LOONATIC AFTER DIRTY THRILLS THEN YOU'LD BETTER FIND SOMEONE ELSE ON THAT BLOODY GAME, I CERTAINLY DON'T WANT YOU!" I spat on the floor and walked away. I hated him, I hated the game. I hated the internet, I hated chatrooms, I hated life, I hated relationships...

and worst of all I hated the idea of an mmorelationship.

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