Chapter 3 - passing the blame

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I have no clue how long I was out for, must've been a while, because I was in bed when I finally came around, and to my surprise my Mum and my laptop were propped on the end of it. "you ok honey?" Mum asked, reaching forward to feel my head again. "Yeah I'm ok, what time is it?" I breathe, surprised that I can actually find my voice. "It's 12.30 honey," I gasp and struggle to get up, but mum eases my mind. "You've got the day off today honey, it's ok if you're not well enough... as long as you go back tomorrow." my happiness is shot then, I miss school... but then I also miss seeing my friends, and inevitably I won't be allowed on my laptop. "oh," I sigh and sink back into the cloudy mass of pillows I have stacked up by my headboard. I feel drained, and starving hungry. My stomach echoes this, making my mum stir and say "Oh, you're hungry, I'll go and fetch something. Oh and don't worry you can use your laptop as long as you promise not to give out personal information ever again!" Leaving the room she sighed and, as far as I heard began to sing to herself. As soon as she was out of the room I grabbed my laptop and turned it on. Waiting, yearning for Mabinogi. It's a stupid obsession, but an obsession none the less, and I'll be sad if I don't get to play it today. As soon as the desktop is up I click manically on the mabinogi icon, impatient to talk to wolfsbane, because he was a nice guy, even if he was a stalker. 

As soon as the log in screen popped up I typed my name in : compninja09, and clicked play. I wanted to live some sort of life today, even if it was only a fake virtual one. 

I had only just logged in, and there he was, right in front of me. Lying on the floor, pretending to be afk. "I know you're not afk, so give it up" I say, laughing, he was SO dumb sometimes. "aw you rumbled me!" He said, getting up and yawning. I noticed something new today, he was carrying a lyre, a guitar type thing. "what's that you're holding?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me. He lolled before he replied, "Oh this, it's a musical instrument, I've written a song on it, would you like to  hear it?" I sat down by him then, and listened. He had written a really long song, about 3 minutes long actually. It was beautiful, with a high sweeping melody and a dark malicious undertone... kinda like him actually. 

"Wow, that was beautiful" I say, in a whisper to him... not wanting to sound like an idiot talking to the rest of the world, and to my immense displeasure he started whispering to me too, if Mum caught me now I would be dead! Just as he'd asked me "how old are you?" my mum was stood in the doorway. "You feeling better? she asked, placing a tray of grilled cheese sandwiches on my bed. "yes, I feel a lot better thanks mum!" I minimized the window, just in case she came over and wanted to look what I was doing, luckily she didn't, so I was not dead. 

As soon as she left the room I was back online, trying to think of an answer. Then, I realised, if I asked him first he might not lie to me, or at least that's what I hoped. "You answer first lol ;)" I say, trying to toy with him... and he fell right into the trap and said "Oh, well I'm 16, so now you answer" Ok, I was stuck... mum was right he could be anyone. "I'm 15" I say, short and to the point. 

The answer I got was just not what I expected, it came, short and sweet. "have you ever had a bf?" Ok he was screwing with me now, he had to be. 

While I was thinking what to say, I minimized the window and ate my sandwiches, the warm stretchy cheese was strong and delicious on my tongue. 

After I had finished eating, I opened up my browser google chrome and typed "What to do if you suspect a paedophile" the results were really not useful, I got one basic feeling, the best thing, according to the Internet was to report it to a organization of some sort. But I didn't want to, and I actually found myself trusting him. So I forgot about the advice, re-opened mabinogi and said "No, never.." which was again one of those face-palm moments. "well, would you like one?" he said, his avatar winking provocatively at me. At that particular momment, I hated him. "well, no.." I said, attempting to tell him that my mum would kill me. "well, if you got to know me more would you?" as he spoke I got redder and redder, how could this wierdo be doing this to me? I was questioning everything, my mum's advice, his identity, even my own inteligence. I had no idea what to say, so I simply said "umm..." He had me, and had no intention of letting me go. "well.. let's just see shall we ;)" oh god, I was under his spell... I had no chance of escaping now. 


we raided some more dungeons, leveling up in the process... ignoring everyone else, simply whispering to each other. We asked each other questions, from what music we listened to, to what weather we liked. It was kinda nice to have a companion, and so I voiced that to him. "It's nice to have someone to play with, it's boring being a lone wolf" I said as we fought some giant wolves. His avatar nodded before he replied "yeah, otherwise you don't learn anything ;)" I couldn't believe him, he was wrapping me around his little finger, and I was actually enjoying it. 

By the time we had raided our 15th dungeon of the day it was 9.00 again, so it was time to log out. I made sure to say goodbye this time. "bye wolfsbane" I say, waving at him as he lay on the floor. There, now he couldn't have a go at me. 

And sure as anything, in the real world was my mum stood in the doorway with my bag. I WAS going to school tomorrow. I knew it, even if i puked she would still send me in. My time with wolfsbane was up for now. 


the next morning as me and mum ate breakfast she asked me what I had done last night... and all I said was "I played mabinogi" I felt my face blush as I said this, here comes the questions. 

"did you ask him first or did he ask you?

"he did"

"did you talk to him all day yesterday?" 


"Did he say anything provocative?"


I wanted mum to know what was going on, but I didn't want her to get him in trouble.. deep inside I loved him, and trusted him. 

"Did he ask you to be his girfriend?"



"but mu-


"but mu-






 I sat, silent now. spoon in hand, salty tears dripped down my face. Mum was right, I had no clue who this guy was. I had fallen in love with a screen, and a virtual persona not a person. 

I ran upstairs then, bawling my eyes out my makeup smearing down my face. I should report this guy, but what if- I tried to block out my love for him for a while. trying in vain to think of something to do. If I reported him he would get angry at me, and he might even go to jail. but if I didn't he could move in right next door and rape me or something. I had no idea what to do, the waterworks continued as I got dressed, pulling on yesterdays uniform. I had dug myself into a deep deep grave, and I had to decide. Help me, or help him (whoever he was)  


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