Chapter 8 - the game

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The next day I knew, I was going to kill Bermudo... Why had he hung up on me? then I realised, he was probably playing mabinogi (since it was the weekend) so I decided to join him. 

As soon as I got online, I saw something dispicable, he was chatting to someone.. a girl. I ran over to them as fast as my virtual feet would let me, I was fuming. "Oh hey hannah" he said, casual as anything. "Umm... I'd better go" the girl stood next to him said (her name was Mayxbabe) she obviously didn't recognise us. But before she had moved a pixel, Burmudo was on her, "No you can't leave, I was going to help you fight and stuff" his desperation reminded me of something, he was promissing to do anything she said, kinda like he had done to me. "Ok, so when're you going to tell her that you're moving in in her town?" my fingers stabbing each key with so much hate that I knew my fingers would be bruised in the morning. He ignored me, (he was obviously whispering to her) and I stood like a loony, wanting answers from him. 

It was a while until he replied "aww chill out, I live near you I'm not going to move to live next to any chump who I bump into on this VIRTUAL GAME" I could not believe him, he was being so stupid, not sweet and romantic at all.... just like a peadophile would. Mayxbabe was shocked "If you're going to stalk someone I would find someone else if I were you" she said, she was angry with him now. 

"I get it now, you're a sex machine aren't you!" I type, the words coming thick and fast from my mind onto the screen. He just stood, idle and said nothing. Mayxbabe on the other hand was talking to him, "what's she going on about? A sex machine? is that what you're after? you want dirty pictures of me or something? well sorry hunny but I'm not that kinda girl" I was absolutely furious now, what were they playing at? "What do you mean hunny? He's my boyfriend not yours!" she sighed, and replied quickly "well... he said he'd help me out... and well... we got to know each other and well.. I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend" My avatar had this expression on her face O.o, what the hell was going on? what was he doing? I thought he loved me? I knew he loved me, ME... I knew he wasn't a peado or anything... he was Bermudo. I knew it was a long shot, but maybe she would recognise me if I said "I freakin' love mabinogi" But no, she just stood, looking at me like I was an idiot. 

It wasn't May from year 8 in my school, it was May from the USA... a different May, 

"a different day a different May eh?" I say, trying to sound as malicious towards him as possible. 

But there he was cool as a cucumber again. "I was helping her, I still love you Han" I giggled, what a load of tripe. He was making it up. I knew it, and so did this May, her avatar was crying and inevitably, so was she. 

Hate coloured my face a horrible blotchy red, I couldn't believe he was doing this... just next door too. He'd led us both on, he was playing a game with us, with me. May was going to freak, and so was my mum... he was doing exactly what my Mum expected him to do... he was breaking my heart. I cried, he lied to me. He lied to both of us. I had to go round, but it was 9.30 at night... 

I had it, the next morning I would be around at his place, telling his and my mum exactly what happened. 


I kept that promise to myself, and the next morning at 8.30 I was knocking on his door. I wanted the truth, I needed it. 

He came down almost instantly, opened the door and put a finger over my mouth. It was warm and sticky, and so was the rest of him. "Guilty are we?" I say underneath his finger, not giving a damn who heard. But as soon as I had said that he had his arm around my waist, and he was dragging me inside, deep into his domain. 

We reached his room when he freed me from his grip, I glowered at him.. "What're you playing at Bermudo? This really isn't funny... I thought you loved me, and then you ignored that trust and love I have for you and carried on with your sick games. I know what you're up to... you want dirty pictures, and sex... you filthy beast" I cried as I said this attempting to hit him. He simply stood, and took it. It seemed like he forgave me for getting so angry. 

"wait, you mean you still love me? But why would you?" he whispered into my ear, I was in his grip again. He ran his fingers through my greasy hair, and across my face and laughed, good... I'm glad someone was happy. I didn't care if he wanted sex, all I wanted was him. "you know" he said as he ran his fingers down my spine, "I do love you..." I snigger, his warm embrace defrosting my feelings. Making me forget my hate towards him. "you have a wierd way of showing it you know," 

The next thing I knew he was pulling my hair out of my eyes, and smiling at me, his teeth shining briliantly in the dark. The DARK? oh god he was going to rape me. "You sicko, get off me... I said I didn't want it" he accepted it though, and turned the lights back on, and before I knew it I was in his arms again, just as I had been when we first walked into form room together. Ok I admit it, I loved him. He was just so... warm and kind.. and gentle. "I don't care if you cheated on me once, just never do it again" I say, worming my way further into his embrace. Right now, nothing excisted for me.. but him. "I'll never do it again, I promise, I'll even quit mabinogi if you want?" his breath warm on my kneck. "You'd do that for me?" I ask, batting my eyelashes at him. I was starting to enjoy this romance thing. 

It turned out that he was too because he said, "I would do anything for you, I love you"

then was the first time I had ever heard him say it properly, authentically without me having to prompt him... and this time I knew it was true. 

We cuddled, and kissed all day. Enjoying each others company, not caring what was happening, not giving a damn what our parents might say. This was what I would call a fairytale romance. I was the lost little princess, and he was the dashing elf prince. 


hope you're enjoying this as much as I am, thanks so much for reading... btw... what do you want to happen next? 

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