chapter 2 - the forest

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disclaimer :- from this chapter on, things become a little more fictitious 


So, we went to the forest afterall... I thought it was just a joke. But it turned out the place wolfsbane was going to show me really was romantic, the trees were tall and in full cherry blossom bloom, and when it got dark he lit a campfire in the middle of the orchard and cuddled there. It was then that we propperly  started talking. "So," I started, trying to think of a good question... "Go on" he said, prompting a rapid response. "Ok, I know this is a bit much but where do you live?" Knowing this was a long shot I mashed my head on the keyboard, a jumble of nonsense appearing in the chatbox. "Oh, well I live in Argentina, but I'm moving to the uk in a couple of months. In october I think" wolfsbane replied almost instantly. I blinked in surprise at my monitor and hastily typed a not so articulate answer "rly? omg I lve in the uk, were bouts u movn to?" 

The answer completely blew my mind... "I think I'm going to london, why? you live in Uk?" I completely fell of my chair at that point, oh well guess it served me right for leaning back on my chair. When I had safely recovered my mouse off the floor I replied "Yes, Oh my gosh I live in london... and the house next to mine is sold, that would be so cwl if you moved in right next to me" His avatar simply smiled and he said "Oh, well I don't know my Mum never says anything to me about it" I sighed, too bad... it would truly be awesome if my new online friend moved right into my reality. Just then my heart broke, my Mom was peeking through the door, and looking at my screen. "That doesn't look like homework Mrs!" she said venemously, I could feel it coming... I knew I was in trouble. I bit my nails as I waited for her stern reply. She however, didn't respond, she just stood and tapped her foot, looking at my glowing laptop screen. "Who's this you're talking to?" She asks, before I can spring infront of the screen. "Oh, it's just a boy" her face said it all, I was sooo dead. "A BOY?" she said finally, still tapping out a neat little rhythm with her foot. 

In my head I knew, my mum was going to have me skewered and banned from the computer for a month for lying... "well, you be careful who you talk to online... they might be peadophiles or something" Oh goodness, my mum was so clueless. her grey hair, and laugh lines giving away what makeup tried to cover up. She's a stout, muscular woman, who never seems happy. Many wrinkles form a kind of barrier between us. "Yes, ok... but I know this one. He's moving here in 2 months" I say, again wanting to mash my face into the keyboard. I knew I'd messed up. "Oh really Hannah, he's a faceless person... he could be anyone, you can make any kind of story up online and be whoever you want... sure he might be a 16 year old boy from argentina or whatever, or he could be a dirty 50 year-old man who wants nothing more than to find out everything about you..." the bawl went on for hours, until Mom finally said "well, anyway... it's 9.30, you'd better get your bag ready, you've got school tommorow" 

So, I yelled a quick goodbye to wolfsbane then logged out. Detatching myself from my perfect virtual reality. Cursing silently to myself I packed my bags, I would've wanted nothing more than to stay on my computer all day and just talked to him, but Mum was right. I had to get my edumication. 


The next morning I was awoken at 6.59 by the beeping alarm on my phone thay I had hidden in my coat pocket. I couldn't ignore it otherwise I'd have Mum up as well, and I know how much she hates rude awakenings. So I quickly and quietly jumped out of bed, ran down the stairs and grabbed my iphone out of my pocket, only, it wasn't my alarm... it was a text message. from a nameless number, "What the hell?" I whispered quietly to myself as I opened up the message. My mouth dropped to the floor, "You didn't say goodbye last night ;)" Now how had he gotten my number? Had I let that much about me slip. If Mum found this she would kill me. So I wrote a quick reply "WTF are you playing at?!" and deleted the prior message. 

As soon as I had done that I heard the soft footfall of mum, coming down for breakfast. So, I pegged it into the kitchen, threw some oats and milk into a bowl and sat down on the sofa. When she finally came into the room she simply looked at me, and her mum-o-vision senses kicked in. "I've never heard you move so fast Hannah, is everything ok?" dammit, I cursed under my breath.. kicking myself for being so stupid. And all of a sudden my ringtone went off again, and it was the same number. "You put your mobile number on your about me box, so I thought I might as well use it... after all, if you're hardly going to play Mabinogi, what is the point of us talking on there?" I gasped, how on earth had I been so bloody stupid. My mum looked over my shoulder at the message, like a ninja. Her face dropped, just as mine had done a few minuites before. "Oh hannah, what the hell have you done now you stupid girl" she said slapping me across the legs, I was just about to get up to get my porridge (which had conviniently just went "ding") when her stern look shot me down again. My heart raced at 100 mph in my chest, the framerate smooth and fast.. almost too fast. I was boiling over with panic, how was I going to explain this? 

Then all of a sudden a kind of static (like when tv's aren't tuned) filter flickered across my eyes, everything slowly turning monotone. Mum was feeling my head, "oh honey, what's wrong you've gone really pale" all around me everything was black and white "noo muum I'll be finee" my voice in slow-mo, everything in slow-mo.. then, everything in black. 

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