Chapter 10 - the interview

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After that horrible day when I found out about Bermudo, my heart just wouldn't stop breaking. Mum didn't believe me that it wasn't him, "If he's a dirty rapist, it's his problem not yours!" May just wanted to stay out of it "You know I don't like hearing about this stuff Han, I'm sorry," And Adriana was absolutely frantic with rage "If he did that, he's going to have to move. I'm not putting up with his nasty antics any more" 

Safe to say, if I didn't help him nobody would. I missed school for the whole week after I found out, wanting to help in the case as much as I could. 

Unfortunately, I doubted myself.. and even my Dad. I only had his word that he did it, and even then he had said in on the internet, and we all know how easy it is to hide behind a screen. He might just be lying, and Bermudo might have done it... being in love with me hadn't stopped him before, but no way... that could never be true.. he loved me now and he would never cheat on me, especially not to rape somebody... at least that's what I thought. 

"I don't even know him any more mum, I don't think I ever did... I can't find any evidence, dad won't tell me anything.." I said one day while we ate lunch (macaroni cheese) In absolute silence. my head rushing with facts and figures... Nothing seemed in Bermudo's favour, he was pretty much screwed. 

The silence was getting unbearable so I slammed my fork onto the table and yelled "HELP" at the top of my lungs. My mum didn't say anything, she just looked at me, and well... stared. She doubted him as much, no, more than I did... after all she had warned me about meeting people online. 

After about half an hour more pained silence, she burst into life and came over and hugged me. "I am so bloody sorry, I've been heartless... not caring about you like I said I would. I've broken my promise to you... oh god... you're heartbroken... I let you down let you down." She squeezed me so tight that I almost forgot how to breath. "Alright alright, get off me now yeah... it's not your fault." I whisper shakily into her ear. Inside I was realing, mum was just trying to protect me from this all along, and I just ignored her and went along with his silly games. i thought I loved him, now I wasn't sure.


The next day, a saturday.. Bermudo was in for questioning, now I would find out if he really did do it... 

I went along to the station with mum, holding her tight... the prison bars and shouts of "I'M INNOCENT GODDAMMIT!" didn't exactly make me feel confident. This place, this hell was where my elf prince might soon be condemned to for all eternity. 

I walked slowly into the interview room, yearning for some kind of indicator of how confident he was. And then, just as I entered the room, I saw him. He looked ragged, weak and tormented. But most of all, he looked angry. He stared at me as I sat down, and gave my mum the evils too, he knew she suspected him. I patted her on the shoulder, trying to reassure her, and myself that everything was going to be ok. 

Then.. the policeman turned the lights off, and turned a little lamp on in the middle of the table. Leaving me and my mum in the dark (literaly) 

"So, ok... are you going to answer with the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

"Yes" he mumbled, with his head in his heads

"Did you... with full intent, sexually assault Georgia May Thomas?

"Thats, easy!" he said, sitting up... he was confident now, and in control. I was glad!

"Did you do it? answer my question?"

"NO I DID NOT!" he yelled, slamming the table with his massive fists. Wow, I have never seen him this angry before, I just wanted to reach over and comfort him and calm him down, but I knew... this wasn't the time or the place

"Then who did then? answer me that sonny" 

"I dont kno-" I gasped, he was going to leave my dad out of the picture

"So, you say you didn't comit the crime... yet you don't know who did?" 

Then, before I could stop myself I sprung in and said. "Sir... it was my father" 

The room went quiet, Bermudo sat, staring at me with a puzzled look on his face. "Why are you doing this?" Mum whispered in my ear. 

"Is this true? Did your father commit this crime?"

"YES, YES HE DID!" I yelled, my whole body shaking with confused, contained rage.

"And how do you know this?"

"sir, he told me" My hands quivered, like the rest of me then. It was a long shot, which would probably miss it's target.

"Do you have any proof?" Dammit, I'd failed

"Well... not exactly.. bu-" that was it, we were all screwed. Bermudo was going to jail.

"Wait a minute officer, she doesn't have proof. But she will"  mum, what the hell are you doin- oh wait...

"Yes, I do have proof.. I can get it as soon as tommorow" this was my chance, this was perfect... he wasn't going to get put in prison, everything is going to be fine.

Bermudo was furious, he stared at me, he frowned, and a single tear dripped from his eye. He was going to kill me when he got out.

"ok, you have until tommorow at 7.45am to come back with this evidence" aww shoot, I'd have to get up really early to sort this mess out.   

That evening I logged onto my computer, and opened up msn, and discovered May was online. 

"Hi May how're you?"

"Good, how about you?" 

"I'm ok actually, going to have to have a really early night"

I took the gap in our conversation as a perfect chance to open up my dad's chat history. There it was, in black and white. Perfect. I quickly copied it, and pasted it onto google documents... once I'd done that I clicked print. "right, there's my evidence" I say to myself. 

then, back on msn "why? what's going on Han?"

"well, Bermudo has just done his questioning this morning"

"Oh really? How'd it go?" 

"well, he said he didn't do it.."

"Thats cool"

"But he got caught out, he said he didn't know who did do it"

"oh O.o, what's going on with him now then?"

"I've found him some evidence."

"I thought you messaged me on twitter saying that there was no evidence, were you lying to me again?"

"No, but I just realised I was talking to my dad the other day"


"and he said that he did it"

"how is that evidence? How do they know that it was him..."

"ahh no, I see what you mean..."

"what're you going to do then?" 

"well... I have my dad on msn, I'll try and chat with him on webcam and record him. I hope that he falls for it" 

"me too.... do you think he will though? Parent's aren't stupid Han"

"well I won't tell him I'm recording"

"You sure he'll believe you?" 

"Oh I don't know May... I'm confused."

"it's ok, I'm sure you'll be fine" 

"thanks May, you're the best" 

I clicked close on that conversation, and opened up my contacts. there, in bright bold text was my dad. I clicked call... hoping, praying that my plan would work. 

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