Chapter 11 - Crucial evidence

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The next morning I was awake, at 5.30. I was worried, terrified for Bermudo. I did not want to loose him, even though I had only just found him. I had already forgotten my conversations last night, all I thought about was him... He was more important to me that anything by now, I didn't care about anyone else. I had the evidence, it was perfect.. Now all I needed was to take it off my usb memory stick and get it to the interview room on dvd. That's why I was awake, copyining my new video file onto an empty disk.

Last night had worked out well... almost perfectly. 


That night I logged onto my MSN account and opened my contacts, then, I slowly, but surely moved my cursor towards my dad's name. I really just wanted to smack him, but unfortunately he was now hiding, from us. From the police, from everything. 

As soon as his chat tab opened I typed "Hi dad"

He took a while to reply, I knew it would, but when he did reply it was clear he was drunk, or simply just trying to win my affections back... (fat chance daddy waddy) "Hello my beautiful little girl, how're you doing this evening?"

I was so pissed right then, how could he be saying this to me? when MY boyfriend could be rotting in prison as far as he knew. I bet he hoped that actually. 

I tried to make the reply as bitter and cruel as I possibly could, which turned out to be very. "Well... I am bloody furious at you, don't ask why, you already know why. You, a filthy wretch of a father has possibly condemned my boyfriend who I love with my entire existance to a lifetime in prison, and I have to try and save him... ME! A Freakin' 15 year old girl.. I have to save him, because you tricked your wife and his mother that it WAS him that raped that girl. Nobody will help me, thanks to you you filthy piece of crap! I hate you!" 

He didn't reply, but to my surpise he put his webcam on. I assumed because he was trying to psyche me out, but silly little daddy waddy had fallen right into my trap. It was going perfectly... just as I had hoped. There he was, in the corner of my screen. Staring at me, with a terrible scowl on his face, yup he was deffinately drunk. I could see, he was in a dark room, a pitch dark room. The only light coming from what I assumed was a lamp, stood by his computer. his evil scowl reminded me of just how much I hated him. He was dirt, worse than dirt... he was horse crap. He wore a vest, covered in what I hoped were sweat stains and his hair was messy and greasy... if he wanted sex why the hell didn't he wash? 

"You got anything else to say? anything to divulge? Anything to confess? Anything at all?" I said, I needed this... Bermudo needed this. While he was typing his reply I turned my recently installed screen recorder on, hoping I could get the same reaction as I got before. 

he still sat, completely still... barely blinking, hardly breathing. I was scared... not of him, but of the drink that had rotted his brain. Then, came his reply. "I might be drunk, but I'm not stupid" ahh shoot, how did he know? oh dammit, it was on the highest quality recording options, and it was slowing my webcam down. So, quickly as I could I opened the settings, clicked quality, then clicked normal. There, that should fool him.

"what's wrong dad? is my webcam slow? 

"Yeah, what're you doing? 

"Nothing, it must be a glitch on your end... mine is fine, nothing wrong here"

he looked at me from the corner of the screen, his eyes zeroed in on my face. Zeroed in on my expressions, he was suspicious. "I was sure something was up, oh well... it's sorted itself out now anyway" I laughed, he looked at me and I dismissed it with a shake of my hand. 

"good, now if it happens again you could probably get i.t help for that. Anyway, now that's sorted, what've you been up to lately, had any more dirty affairs?" I blushed as I typed this, he was drunk... so I had no idea what he might say next.  

His face got red as he typed, and I could see his sweat patches growing. Oh boy, here comes the juice."I am replying" came onto my screen, I was extatic, he was off his head... he wouldn't keep out a single detail... I hoped. 

"Other than that fine young lady I did the other day, nothing no. I've been sex free for days" He laughed then, a high and manical laugh. I so wished that I didn't have to talk to him, I hated drunks. But, this was for Bermudo. 

"Oh ok, well then I just thought I'd say.. you're going to jail" I typed this as quick as I could before I closed the recording software and logged out of msn. I had done it, I'd actually done it. 

I was just about to log off the computer all together when an e-mail popped up. It was from May, what was wrong now? 

I clicked on the popup that had just appeared on my desktop, and up popped the message.

"Have you done it Han? Only, I want to tell you something!" I closed the email almost instantly after I'd read it, maybe we could chat on msn. It was 9.00, but I don't think mum cared how late I was up anymore, she had detatched herself from me since our argument at lunch a couple of months ago. It was bittersweet. I had freedom sure, but no company. It was like I lived alone, in a diferent universe. On a completely different wavelength to her. 

Sure enough May was there, on msn. 

"Hi May, you're up late aren't you? What did you want to tell me?"

"Hi Han, yeah I am, but I was worried about you... have you done it?

"Oh, yeah... it went brilliantly actually. Why?"

"well... It's not exactly an easy thing to say" My heart leapt, what was going on? 

"what's happened?" My heart beat at 300mph in my chest, please don't be Bermudo, please don't be..

"Bermudo tried to commit suicide tonight, I went to see him.. and there he was, trying to hang himself with his jacket."

"What? Did you ask him why?" 

"No, but I stopped him from doing it. He had it tied to his kneck and around the light in his room. He was just about to jump when I walked in"

"but, where did he try and jump from?"

"he'd put the table in the middle of the room underneath the light"

"What the hell, why would he try that?"

"He was crying his eyes out, muttering under his breath... Han, I think he's gone mad.." 

"what was he whispering about May, did ya hear?"

"all I heard was 'no good, it's no good' then when he was on the table, 'I'm better off dead, I'm better off dead'" tears flooded into my eyes, how could he speak like that? Was he that angry at me? did he not trust me? did he not care? did he not know that I had been working for the last week trying to help him? If I didn't know him I would call him ungrateful, but I did and I loved him, that, and only that, stopped me from calling him that. 

the tears that had built up in my eyes were pouring out now, so much that I couldn't stop them, and I fell asleep. Laptop screen still blaring, 

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