chapter 6 - getting to know you

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All lunch I yearned to ask him more personal questions, but I settled for... "so, wolfsbane... what's your real name?" (original I know) the answer was totally unexpected and his voice was also. "My name, is Bermudo, and I know that yours is Hannah... so I take it that that is your friend May?" his english was perfect and May sat laughing and nodding, almost chocking on her peperoni pizza.  I joined in too, and so did he, his laugh was intoxicating... just like the rest of him. May cherped up then, after she had narrowly avoided chocking "What does Bermudo mean, if I can be so rude" she says, faking articulations. But he just laughed shrugged his shoulders and replied "It means protector of man, it comes from a branch of latin." it was my turn to choke then, he is perfect. He knows latin... I am so lucky.. just as I was about to compliment him the bell rang. 

To my suprise he took my hand, and kissed it (must be an argentinian custom or something) then he held it and we walked together... to the form room, our form room... 

"are you in my form then?" I ask, his hand swaying in mine. "It looks that way doesn't it my fair senorita" I giggled and went red as we walked along the language corridoor, other girls looking very envious of me.

for the first time in ages, I was happy... actually happy.


The rest of the day was spent watching in awe of Bermudo's accademic prowess... he was the smartest guy I'd ever met in my life, he knew spanish, italian, japanese, and french. If I was sure of 2 things, they were 1. he was a genius, and 2. He liked me and I liked him back. 


that evening I didn't need mabinogi, I was around at Bermudo's house, helping his mum unpack. My mum didn't mind, she said she was glad I was not spending my whole life on the computer, and I was glad too. To be around him. His mum was as perfect and articulate as he was, her name was  adriana and she carried off her clothes and makeup and everything brilliantly. She played piano, violin, the clarinette and the flute. 

Argentina must be a boring place if the people have time to learn so very much. 

I was still at his house at 6.30, at which time May called me. "Oh hey May"

"Hi, Are you at his house? What's it like? Have you kissed? does he like you?

"whoah whoah whoah, stop with the onslaught"

"sorry, I'm just so excited for you... he's amazing"

"he sure is" I whisper, as Bermudo walks past, smiling at me.

"And you say you met him on Mabinogi?"

"umm, yea-

"ooh, how do you get it?"

"you go onto the website and download-"

"Ok thanks byeee"

and she was gone, rediculous... I could not believe it, just because I had got the god of all gods' off mabinogi, doesn't mean she won't get another jack. "friends are clueless" I whisper. And there he goes, to pick up a suitcase and take it to the loft.

Oh god, I still haven't told Mum that this is wolfsbane09 off Mabinogi.. she still doesn't know. I quickly grab my phone out of my pocket again, pulled up siri and said quietly "tell mum Bermudo was my online friend" a quiet voice replied "Ok, here's your message to mum" and it was sent. Mum was going to have to make up her mind about him now, the ball is in her court.

 I finally walked back home at 8.40, wondering how my mum was going to react. 

When I opened the door I was greeted, suprisingly by May. She was stood in the doorway, beaming with joy, and admiration. "oh my god, I'm so sorry... I only just found your little message... I'm sorry I was so moody. Oh and by the way, you're going to have to pay for my window." I laughed and drew away from her sweet embrace to see mum, looking disaprovingly at me. She waved her short stumpy finger at me, taunting me to go closer to her. So I did, and when I did she whispered in my ear "You had better pay for that window missy, come on... upstairs with me now!" I waved at May as mum dragged me up the stairs, almost pulling my arm out of it's socket. She was whispering manically under her breath. "i don't want you to fall into the same trap as me, I won't let you" I was confused, what the hell was she talking about? When we finally got to my room we sat on my bed in silence. it was a while before she finally said "you're very lucky m'girl, you've found an amazing lad there." her voice was still high and sharp though, so I knew more was to come. "but you be careful with him, I have a secret for you... I bet you never knew that I met your father on the internet 15 years ago.." I was aghast. I didn't even know they had computer and the internet that long ago. Neither did I know what happened to my dad... mum just kept shdum about it all. I was confused "why are you telling me this now?" I asked twiddling my thumbs and looking at the floor.

"because I don't want him breaking your sorry little heart." she really was thinking deeply and strongly about my new relationship. She thought that something was going to happen to us, just like it had with her and dad. My head spun at the revalation... mum was angry at herself.. 

She had always simply wanted to protect me from pain, I'd never realised it before... but now I had, the realization shattered my perception of her. She had met my dad on the internet, had a kid then he beetled off to find a new wife. her heart was broken, and it would never truly mend. 

I sprung up and hugged her, she, crying softly on my shoulder.. "oh mum, I never knew... I was so stupid, I should have asked... now I understand" but she shook her head and said "you don't though, you never will... I will protect you from understanding heartbreak. this guy isn't going to ruin your life" she was shaking with tears dripping onto my shoulder. If I would've been any younger I would've just ignored her, but now I understood... "I know, you're trying to protect me and I really appreciate that, but stop trying to live through me, this guy is MY boyfriend not a way to mend your heart." I sounded a bit mean, meaner than I'd wanted to. Mum realised this and drew away from me, her face was not all laughlines and wrinkles. They were frowns, etched deep into her face and deeper into her memory. 

My mum had gone through crap, and I knew it now. All she had ever wanted was to protect me, she wanted me to be young and free without a boyfriend. Or at least not one I found online. I could feel her disaproval of my actions slowly sinking in, I'd lied to her, she had only wanted to protect me... to save me from a broken heart. 

I understood, now more than ever how important she really was to me, I was becoming her... she was wanting to help me.

I sat, contemplating her words before I finally gave up and got into bed, and for the first time... I had a dream. 

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