Chapter 17

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Briyanna POV

Today we going back over on Westend and Cicero. We actually just made it over here and we walking down the street. I showed them my old house. Then we kept walking down the street back to the porch where we had went yesterday.

I haven't seen my mom since she sent me to live with my dad. And she ain't sick no more. And She just had to be the first person I see when u walk up on the porch. I shoulda knew that she would be over here. I really don't wanna talk to her.

Me-Dad I really don't want to go up there. She gon want to talk to me and I don't like her that much.

Dad-She still your mom. No matter what she put u through, she have birth to u. So go up there and be respectful.

Me-Yes sir.

Jeremiah with us too but he wearing sunglasses so u can't really tell that its him.

I walked up on the porch. She was the first one to say anything to me.

Mama-Briy? Is that u baby girl?


She came up to me and hugged me. I forced myself to hug her back.

Mama-I miss u so much.

Me-Sure u do.


Me-What? U said to be respectful.

U could hear the attitude and shit in my voice.

Dad-Who u talking to like that?

I list that attitude as soon as I caught it too cause I ain't trynna get hurt on this porch.


Dad-Thats what I thought. So how u been Morgan?

Mama-I been doing good. What about u?

Dad-I been good.

Mama-That's great. Umm Briyanna, baby, I know that u haven't been the best mother but I want to be here for u now.

Me-U have never been a mother to me. U hated me. U never treated me like I was your daughter. The only thing that u have actually ever done for me is give birth to me and give me to my dad to raise me. Cause I would probably be doing who knows what if I had stayed here with u.

Mama-Briy now u know that's not true. I always treated u right. I was nothing but good to u.

This woman got some damn nerve. She always treated me like shit. And now she wanna play innocent.

Me-So let me guess. It was your evil twin sister who would come and slap me around and burn me with cigarettes when u wasn't around and u ain't know nothing about it. Was it your twin who told her dealer that he could do whatever he wanted to me while she say there and got high in front of me?

Mama-That never happened.

Me-Yes it did and u know it did. Why are u trying to hide it now? Is it because my dad and brothers are right here or what?

Dad-Morgan u let all this shit happen to my daughter when u could have gave her to me the minute she was born? Why the hell would u do some shit like that?

Morgan-U broke up with me and I hated u. I hated everything that reminded me of u. And this bitch looks just like u.

See I know this my mama and everything but I hate that bitch word.

Dad-U are not going to talk to my daughter like that. And regardless of how u felt about me, she's still your daughter too.

Morgan-That lil bitch aint gon be shit in life. She gon be a lil hoe that only know how to lay on her back to get what she want. U gon see when she come home pregnant at 16.

She keep throwing this lil bitch word around like what tf.

Me-Nahh. I won't be pregnant and 16. I'm gon be something in life and I'm not going to be a hoe. I'm not u so please don't try to make me into the younger version of what u are. Because I am not you. I never gave been u. Never will be u!

Morgan-How dare u talk to me that way? I gave birth to u.

Me-Yea and that's the only thing you've done. I love u for giving birth to me but I hate u with every breath in my body for what you've done to me.

Morgan-You were a mistake! I wish I never gave birth to you! I hate u!

Me-The feelings mutual.

Dad-Never come near my daughter again.

We turned and walked away. I had to go see my auntie B. I knownthat she'll understand because she knows all of what that bitch put me through.

Me-Dad lets go next door.

I knocked on her door and soon my Uncle J came to answer the door.

Uncle J-Briy I missed u. Why are u crying?

Me-That person that I'm supposed to call a mother.

Uncle J-What did she do?

Me-She never wanted me. I was a mistake to her. I hate her.

Uncle J-Lets go upstairs your Auntie B is up there.

Me-She'll cheer me up.

Uncle J-Yea and she'll probably go beat Morgan ass too.

Dad-Yea she gon give her a real reality check.

UJ-Jase how u been?


Me-UJ these my brothers Jeremih,  Jaylen, Jayden, Cameron, Xavier, Malik, and Ace.

UJ-Nice to meet yall.

They said nice to meet u back to him and then we went upstairs. When we got up there I went in. I haven't seen this apartment in a long time. I took off my jacket and my dad noticed my shirt. I was wearing a crop top but he couldn't see it at first because of the jacket.

Dad-Briy y u wearing that shirt?

Me-Ummm it was the first one i saw?

Dad-Yea ok. We talk about it later. Put that jacket back on for now.

Me-Yes sir.

I put the jacket back on. He had told me this morning to not wear the crop top because it wasn't appropriate but I still wore it anyways. Ohh well.
We had a good time and now we're on our way back home from Chicago.

We're on the plane and I'm just sitting here thinking about What my mom said to me. "You were a mistake! I wish I never gave birth to you! I hate u!" it kept playing over and over in my head. Well if that's how she feels then I guess that's just it. But it still hurts to know that my "mother" wishes I was never born. I probably shouldn't have told her that i hated her, but that how I felt at that moment. I've been feeling that way about her for a long time.

I didn't even notice I was crying until someone came and sat next to me.

Jeremiah-Whats wrong baby sis? Why u crying?

Me-She wishes I was never born. She never wanted me. I was just a mistake to her. No wonder all the stuff she put me through. It was a lot to handle at 8 years old. Her boyfriends would always touch me inappropriately when she wasn't around and when I'd tell her what was going on, she would tell me that u was lying and to stop trying to break up her relationship. I hate her. I don't ever want to see her again in my life.

I was crying and he pulled me into a tight hug.

Jeremiah-Its ok Briy. It's ok. Let it out.
Jeremiah POV

Damn this lil girl then been through a lot. I just held her in my arms as she cried. She needed to let this all out.

I saw our dad walking over to where we was sitting and I mouthed to him that we could talk later.
Briyanna's mom is wrong ash for what she did and said to Briy.

Chapter 18 will be up soon

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