Chapter 22

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Briyanna POV

I just woke up and i hear everybody downstairs. Buy i don't really want to go down there cause i know that as soon as my dad know that im up, he gon beat my ass.

Im hungry tho too. So what do i do? Do i go get sum to eat and risk that ass whooping, which i know is already coming at some point today? Or do i stay up here in my room and pray that my dad forgets about me even being in trouble?

I had got up to use the bathroom and when i heard somebody come to my door, i tried to hurry up and get back in the bed.

Too late...

My dad came in my room. I don't know if he looked more pissed than he did last night or less, but he was still pissed regardless. And i know that im in for the ass whooping of a lifetime.

Dad-Get yo ass over here Briyanna!

I got up and walked over to him, as slow as i could. I was basically dragging my feet.

Dad-Pick yo damn feet up!

I did.

When i got over to him, he made me stand in one place in the middle of the room and he beat my ass. It hurt so bad. I tried to run in my bathroom but it ain't work. My dad stopped after a while.

My butt and legs hurt so bad now.

Dad-Come here Briy.

I walked over to him.

He hugged me tight.

Dad-Don't pull no shit like that ever again. When i tell that it ain't safe for u to be somewhere, its usually a good reason why. I'm not just saying that u can't go have fun with yo friends and shit but u just gotta understand that if i tell u no, u cant go here or no, u can't do this because its not safe, then its not and im doing it for u. Cause i want u to be safe. To make sure that nothing bad happens to u. Anything could have happened to u last night. Anything. Yall got lucky last night. Because me and yo brothers wasn't going to go on that hit last night. We was gon come bck home and let the other people handle it. But we came anyway and we glad we did cause who knows what would have happened to u and yo brothers if we didn't.

He took a breath.

Dad-I promise u Briyanna, if u ever sneak out or do something like what yall did last night, im gon beat yo ass so bad u won't sit down till u 35. Do u understand me?

Me-Ye-yes s-sir.

Dad-Alright get ready cause we going somewhere in a lil bit.


He kissed the top of my forehead then left out so that i could get ready.
Just a shoet chapter since i haven't updated in a while. I will make sure that the next chapters are longer.

Chapter 23 coming soon

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