Part 2

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    You hadn't talked much to him, considering you just met. It felt a bit awkward actually, but thinking about all the girls that would kill to be in your shoes, there was no way you'd turn back now.

    "So what's your name?" He says. You're almost mesmerized by his voice. You two continue to wander down Toronto as you secretly really hoped you would stop to eat soon.

    "Y/N.. Y/N, Y/L/N" Your voice nearly shaking. There was no response and that worried you, until you realized Will was no longer behind you. You looked around until you hear the click of a door opening.

    "You coming in or am I gonna eat alone?" He smirked. You had been so focused and wrapped up in your own thoughts, you hadn't even noticed when he walked in the cafe. As you entered, you saw Will sitting, waiting for you at a table. You looked around at the walls, which were painted a fire truck red, with a beautiful mural of Toronto on the back wall. White Christmas lights were strung on the ceiling from corner to corner and you could hear faint acoustic music playing the background. This is perfect. It was so calm, so peaceful. You then turned to face Will, and so beautiful.

    As you make your way to the small wooden table, you see Will has his chin resting in his hand while his eyes linger up and down your body. You had forgotten the sexual outfit you were wearing, Josh had insisted you wore it for the date that later ended in a nightmare of emotions. And no matter how sexy the outfit was, you had makeup running down your face and felt like shit, and Will could see that.

    The memories of what happened with Josh hit you, hard, and you fall so hard in your chair it causes Will to jump out of his. He stands there for a second as you sit up and notice he starts to walk towards to mural that you adored. You lay your head on the table, assuming you had scared him off and caused him to run away, to another girl, just like Josh.

    "Hey." You hear someone say in an almost whisper voice, followed by a soft and gentle touch to your shoulder, one that you could trust. You look up to meet Will's gaze, as he wiped your face with a wet paper towel, cleaning off the smeared makeup and tears, and uses his delicate touch to brush your messy hair behind your ear. He turns back around to the counter and you watch him, your eyes unable to leave him. He comes back and takes off his soft and heavy winter coat, revealing the tight white t-shirt he wore underneath. God, he's gorgeous. He places his coat over your shoulder and rubs your back before heading back to the counter and returning moments later with two cookies and two rather large coffees in hand.

    "Here," he says placing the cookie and coffee in front of you. You let the smell of the delicious coffee fill your nose as you thanked him.

    "I do appreciate this, really, but you didn't have to." You say, almost embarrassed. He shakes his head as you bite into the cookie.

    "You're beautiful Y/N.. tell me about yourself uh..." his voice trails off. "Do you like hockey?" You couldn't help but giggle at his words. You shake your head.

    "Love hockey. Huge fan by the way.. I don't mean to sound creepy but you are one of my favorite players. The way you handle the puck and your composure.. its amazing. Toronto is so lucky to have you." He blushes, and he doesn't attempt to hide it. You smile and take another sip of coffee, as you decide to break the silence that had just surfaced.

    "I don't mean to be rude, but it is hockey season. What are you doing here with me?"

    "It's an off day. We have a home game tomorrow against the Pa-" You cut him off.

    "The Florida Panthers." He laughs at you, looking a bit impressed, and of course responds with a smartass comment.

    "Okay miss 'hockey know it all', why don't we put your hockey knowledge to the test huh?" His smirk after his words makes you melt inside.

    "I'm listening..." You smirk back, mimicking him. What was happening? You seemed so connected to Will, like you had known him for years. He joked around with you like, like a girlfr- No. There's no way. He's just being nice, he'll forget about me by his game tomorrow. You reassured yourself.

    "Hmm so you must be a leafs fan," you nod your head in agreement. "What number is Auston Matthews?"

    Without any hesitation, you spit out "34".
Will doesn't look impressed, and you wouldnt be either, it was an easy question.

    "Last time leafs won the cup?" You rolled your eyes.

    "1967! Come on Nylander give me better questions."

    "I told you, you can call me Will." This time he was stern and serious. Why did he seem so strict on me calling him Will instead calling him something else?

    "I love Will, but I'm diggin Nylander. If not Nylander, how about Willy? Will sounds too serious." He nods his head in agreement. You two continued to talk for hours about yourselves, getting to know each other. You weren't talking to big-shot, rookie of the year, hockey super star William Nylander, you were just talking to Willy and getting to know him. No autographs, no signing, no pictures, no interviewers. Just you and Willy, sitting in his favorite cafe, talking for nearly five hours. It made you feel so at peace, until you checked your phone for the first time all night to see it was almost 3am.

"Oh my gosh." Willy' face went from happy to concerned right after you spit out those words. You had to get up for work at 5am. Although, as you had explained to Willy, you attend university and volunteer at the animal shelter and you hoped for that to be your job someday. You knew the manager and he was training you to help you become better when it was time for you to submit an official job application. "Shit." You repeatedly curse until he finally interrupts.

"Everything okay?" The concern on Willy's face grew bigger and bigger as you took longer to respond.

"Yeah its fine. Just realizing its 3am and I have to get up at 5am for the animal shelter, and I have class from 9-1 tomorrow." Fuck. You didn't want him to feel like it was his fault you were out so late, whether it was or wasn't.

"I have to get you back home. How far do you live?"

"It's gonna take an hour for me to get back home, which sucks because the shelter is fifteen minutes away from here." You see Willy's face light up. You had just met around seven hours ago, but it felt like a lifetime.

"You can stay at my place tonight. I wont try anything stupid, you'll have your own bed, but I live right down the road. You can get to sleep early and the drive to the shelter will be effortless. I can drive you there in the morning if you want?" You knew you could skip class tomorrow, so school didn't matter. But the animal shelter was your life. You couldn't deny his generous offer, so you nod your head. He's in a hurry, as you guys walk to his house, eager to get you to sleep for as long as you can. When you enter his house he asks about your car. Shit. You had ran out of the restaurant after finding out about Josh and left it there, as you explained to Willy.

"Give me your keys, I'll find it and drive it back here. No problem." He lightly brushes your hair behind your ear once again. "Please get some sleep. Your room for tonight is the door on the left, you can borrow any t-shirt you want to sleep in and shorts if you want too. There's water in the fridge here, and tons of food in the cabinet, please help yourself, and get some sleep. If you need anything else, I'm here for you. Always." He kisses the top of your forehead and runs out the door to get your car. Holy shit. You couldn't believe what he had just done for you. He's not trying to get in my pants either. Just trying to help me out. You couldn't stop smiling at the thought of him. He was your last thought as you collapsed in his bed in one of his Maple Leafs shirts.


I feel like I'm pushing the relationship too fast but oh well. I kinda like it tbhhh anyways part3 coming soon hope y'all enjoy!!!!!!

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