Part 13

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You had the most romantic day, simply walking around and seeing some of the beautiful sights your hometown offered. You were currently on you way to some fancy restaurant Willy had made reservations for, and no matter what it was, you were excited.

You pulled up to this beautiful building called "Coasterra." It was a seafood themed restaurant placed comfortably on a small peninsula, off the coast of Southern California. You made your way in, your fingers intertwined with Willy's. He found his way to the counter to check you guys in while you found a seat directly across from where he was.

       He came back over, sitting down next to you as you rested your head on his shoulder. After ten minutes of Willy playing with your hair, you were finally called over to your table. Willy's fingers found yours once again. Once you were seated, the waiter came over and took down your drinks. You took an ice tea while Willy stuck with water.

       "This place is absolutely gorgeous, Will." You said, reaching over the small table to grab his hands.

       "You're absolutely gorgeous, Y/N. And I know I can't fix everything that I've done with taking you out like this, but I hope it's a start. Because I love you so much and I hope you know I would anything for you." He said as he placed a kiss on one of your hands. This is what you wanted, Willy showing how much he loves you. You knew there would be fights between you guys, but now that Willy had actually said these things, you knew he would never hurt you on purpose.

       "Willy, we've both said things that we regret. And no matter what, I know you love me and would never say those things to me on purpose. Hearing you say that, it couldn't make me any happier. I will always love you." You saw him blush at your words. The waiter came back with your drinks and you ordered your food. You and Willy, clearly reading each other minds, each ordered a 6 ounce streak with mashed potatoes.

The restaurant was so nice and seeing Willy like this couldn't make you happier. You still had trouble believing that he came out all this way, just to apologize and comfort you. Suddenly, Willy grabbed your hand and had you both stand up.

"Come here. I want to take a picture." He said, handing his phone to the waiter. You stood by his side, as he carefully wrapped his arm around your waist as you saw him smile from the corner of your eye. You smiled as well as the waiter counted down from three and flash, he took the picture. Willy thanked the waiter, and his eyes never left his phone for the next 3 minutes. You continued looking at him curiously and he caught on, turning his phone to reveal the picture you just took as his home/lock screen.

       You connected eyes as you shyly smiled and showed him your lock screen, which was a picture of the two of you at one of his hockey games. He laughed and stuffed his phone back in his pocket, just as the waiter came back with your orders. You grab your knife and immediately start cutting your steak and look up to see Will staring at you. Your cheeks turn a bright shade of pink as you ask him what's wrong.

"Nothing.." He said, but you knew something was up. You knew him better than he knew himself. After a few minutes of an uncomfortable stare down, he finally grabbed his knife and cut into his steak as well and two enjoyed your dinner in peaceful silence.

Once you had finished, Willy insisted that he pay the bill and you finally allowed him too, insisting that you would pay next time. You stood up as Willy gradually locked his fingers with yours. You loved the way his hand just fit perfectly with yours. You felt a tight squeeze as you walked out of the restaurant and felt the cool San Diego air against your skin and immediately started shivering, causing Willy to take off his jacket and place it over your shoulders. He opened the door to the limo and you got inside as he instructed the driver to take you guys home. The limo was large so you laid down on one of the seats and rested your head on Willy's lap while he started playing with your hair. Tonight was such a great night and you were so happy you got to spend it with Willy. Although, you knew he had to leave tomorrow while you were here another week.

"Will, do you have to leave tomorrow?" You questioned, sitting up abruptly. He looked down and started playing with his fingers. "Will?" You asked again.

"Yeah, I do. To get ready for a road trip, actually. So, I'm gonna be gone the week you get back." He said, still refusing to look at you. You looked down at your shoes and as much as you wanted to tell him you didn't want him to leave, you knew he had to. He had practice tomorrow and would be off on a road trip; no home games.

"Okay." You whispered, resting your head back on his lap. You and Willy had been doing better, but you only wished you could see him more. But that was his job. You subconsciously started playing with the end of his shirt as you thought about not seeing Willy for the next two weeks.

Once you got back to the house, you changed into sweatpants and your favorite leafs sweatshirt of his that you had brought and sat alone on the bed while Willy was brushing his teeth. He finally finished and came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your stomach. You sighed as you stood up and turned to face his sad, confused expression.

"I wish you didn't have to leave." You sniffled.

"Hey hey, its alright." He said as he stood up and hugged you tight. "I don't want to leave either. But, I can't leave my team. You can understand that, right?"

"No Willy... I know you have a team you need to be with. I know they are counting on you and this is your job. I just- tonight with you, was so perfect. I want to be with you all the time and it just sucks sometimes when you have to go on road trips like this and leave for a while. I know its not your fault, I just want to see more of you." You immediately buried your face in his chest, recognizing his signature fragrance.

"I know. It kills me every time I go away. But, every time I'm away for a while on a road trip or something and I finally come home to see you, I fall in love all over again. It's worth the wait. Seeing you after being away for so long. I cant describe what it feels like." He looked at you with sad eyes and you couldn't help but connect your lips with his. Willy picked you up and threw you on the bed as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he kissed up and down your neck. "I love you. I want you to marry me."

"That's quite the proposal, Nylander." You said in a joking tone.

He stopped kissing you and put his face inches from yours. "No. I want to marry you. I want us. Forever. This is not my proposal I can tell you that. But, I just know that you're the one I want forever."

"I love you Willy, me too."


I write rlly short chapter I'm sorry lol I'll update the next chapter soon!! pretty sure the next chp will be in Willy's pov

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