Part 9

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       Mitch helped you out of the car and you walked over to the counter to get some skates.

      "Size 7 please." You said to the blonde woman behind the counter. She looked at you and back at Mitch.

      "Cute couple." She said as she turned to grab some skates. You looked at Mitch as he nervously chuckled. As she set the skates on the counter you aggressively took them out of her hands and walked to bench to put them on. You looked back to Mitch fixing his skates as well and fixated on his hair. How cute. You finished off tying your skates and walked over to Mitch who still couldn't get his on. You started laughing as he darted a glare at you.

      "Something funny?" He uttered.

      "Yes actually. You're a professional hockey player who can't get his skates on." You nearly fell to the floor, unable to control your laughter. You walked over and helped him to get his skates on as he sat with his arms crossed and had a pouty lip. You finished putting on his skates and helped him up as he shyly thanked you.

      "You're welcome Marner." You blushed. He grabbed your hand as you headed onto the ice. You hadn't gone skating in forever and no matter how many hockey games you have watched, that wasn't going to help. As soon as you stepped on the ice you had to grab onto Mitch's arm to prevent yourself from falling flat on your face and embarrassing yourself. You curl your fingers gently around his arm as he guides you around the rink. You never let go of him as continued around for ten minutes skating and taking about whatever came to mind.

      "Thanks for this." You said to him as he brushed your hair behind your ear. You finally let go of him and started skating on your own, and the look on his face said he was impressed. You smirked at him as you tried to skate backwards, but fell over and slid a few feet on the ice. You sat there until Mitch came over to pick you up, and continued to hold onto you as you skated around.

      "I know you wanted to get your mind off this but I just had a question. So are you and Willy, completely done?" He looked concerned as he asked this. You knew he just wanted to help so you tried your best to relax and talk to him about the situation.

      "I don't know anymore. I was planning on just ending it, but did you see him when he walked in? He looked terrible, and I can't stay mad at him forever. Like I said earlier, I just need space from him for a while." He nodded and you continued going in circles until your phone buzzed and you made Mitch skate off to the side so you could check it.

hey. i know i messed up
but i need to talk to you
about this, in person.
please answer me so we
can talk this out. i love you.

      "What is it?" Mitch asked, trying to peek over your shoulder.

      "Nothing." You shook your head, put your phone back in your pocket, and went back to skating. Mitch hadn't said a word for a few minutes and that started to worry you, until he burst out with something.

     "Was that Will?" He asked. You looked at him and looked back down at the ice. You shook your head, not wanting to think about it. You grabbed his hand and took him off the ice.

      "I'm gonna go home Mitch. It's a short walk so I'm just gonna go. Thank you for this, really. It was fun." You quickly took off your skates and started walking away after you set them on the counter. With your back turned to the rink, you felt someone grab your wrist. They turned you around and met their lips with yours, which lasted a few seconds.

       It was Mitch.

      You broke apart and you stared back into his eyes. Mitch's eyes went from yours to something behind you, the same look Mitch had when he saw Willy walk into the coffee shop just a few hours ago. You and Mitch stood there frozen, his hands on your waist and your hands on his shoulders. You knew what he was looking at. Mitch pushed you aside and ran behind you, but you were too frightened to turn around. You stood looking at the ground as you heard Mitch screaming behind you, trying to catch someone. Willy.

      Willy was there. Willy saw Mitch kiss you. Mitch was the one who went in for the kiss, and Will saw the whole thing. You turned around and didn't see anyone. You didn't know what to do, except try to catch Will at his apartment. You started running to his place as fast as you could and didn't knock when you got there. You opened the door and heard screaming.

       You walked back outside, but left the door cracked open just the slightest bit to hear what was going on.

       "How the fuck could you do that to me? I went to find her to make up with her and you go and do that?" Willy was screaming.

       "She needed comfort after you went to another girls house! What's wrong with me, what the hell is wrong with you? Do you know how hard she was sobbing to Auston and I? She still wants you Will! She was telling me how much she loves you and still wants you, even after what you did. And in my opinion, what you did was unforgivable. She's giving everything for you. She quit some classes and cut down her hours at the shelter. For you!" Mitch was screaming at the top of his lungs.

       "What?" Will questioned. Shit Marner. You hadn't told Will you had cut classes for him, you only told Mitch because he was catching on.

       "Yeah. She's been cutting classes so she can come to more of your games and be with you more, Nylander. She's so in love with you, which is why she's so hurt and doesn't want to talk to you. She would give up anything for you." There was silence and that scared you. You look through the crack and saw Will sitting on the couch crying his heart out and Mitch standing next to him.

       "God I'm so stupid Mitch." He started screaming. "I'm so in love with her and I can't believe I ruined this for her. The day I met her I promised myself one day she would be mine and I would never hurt her. And I fucked up!" He said in between sobs. "I would do anything to have her here, holding her in my arms. I would give anything for her to forgive me and anything for her to not be mad at me. Mitch, I want her to be happy, more than anything. But I hurt her so much, she doesn't even want to see me." You started crying at his words. This boy who you were in love with, who had hurt you, was in love with you.

       "I don't know what to tell you. If you want it to work, you have to try to fix it. And don't ever do something so stupid like that ever again William. Do you understand? You're so lucky to have her and you can never, ever, hurt her again. Or that's it. It'll be over." You saw Willy stand up and hug Mitch really tight as he sobbed on his shoulder.

       "I just want to tell her how much I love her. I want everything to be okay. I want her to be here and come to all my games and wear my jersey and be with me forever." Willy said. You knew what you had to do. You looked through the crack one more time as you saw Will stretch out on the couch. You took a deep breathe and opened the door, revealing you had been standing behind the door the whole time. It went silent and you couldn't help but run as fast as you could over to Will. He jumped up, tears still falling down as his face, as you jumped onto him, wrapping your hands around his neck and your legs around his waist.

       You lips connected with Will's and you felt electricity flow through you. When you pulled apart, you rested your forehead on his and started to smiles.

       "You heard all that?" Those blue eyes looked at you.

       "I did. I love you Will." He wiped the tears from your face and you saw those blue eyes finally relax.
       He went in for another kiss and just before you connected lips again he started to talk. "I love you too. So so much." You connected again and you both fell on the couch. You broke apart once again, and hugged each other as tight as possible. Your eyes met his as you wiped away the tears on his face and you saw how red his eyes were.

      "I forgive you Will." He smiled and went in for kiss you again and you could feel his whole body relax in yours. This is what you wanted. You and Will were okay.

      "We have practice tomorrow at 8." Mitch said as he slammed the door. You shrugged at Will as he picked you up and set you in his bed. He curled up next to you and you drifted off to sleep, feeling better than you ever have. It was hard to sleep knowing you and Will were back together forever and all the thoughts flying through your head. But you had to get to sleep because you had to be at practice with Will by 8 tomorrow.


hmm what's happening with Mitch?? we will soon find out 🤔🤔

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