Part 11 ---> Willy's POV

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       I had just dropped her off at the airport, my heart in pieces knowing that she only left to get away from me. What she said to me last night was true; getting mad and upset over little things like Mitch being an asshole and trying to get under my skin. I needed to stopped getting so worked up over everything. I know how lucky I am to have her, but I didn't show my love and appreciation in the way that she wants. She wants a loving, playful, gentle, and caring boyfriend; not someone who gets mad and irritated over little things.

That's when I decided I would go surprise her at home. Her first flight stopped in Dallas, Texas and she had to stay the night in some cheap hotel and then leave for San Diego tomorrow morning. If I took a non-stop flight to San Diego within the next few hours, I could make it there by tonight and surprise her and make it up to her; show her how much I truly love and appreciate her. I would have to call her parents and let them know what I planned to do. I was going to plan a romantic day with her and hoped her parents would cooperate and get out of the house for a while.

After a long conversation with her parents, we finally came to a conclusion, I had booked my plane ticket, and planned the most spectacular day with her. I went to my room and packed several outfits and person items to bring with me, including a lot of money. As soon as I finished packing, I ran out the door to go catch my flight.

The plane ride was painless, but felt longer than five hours. When I walked off the plane, I was forced to throw over my hoodie over my face and put on my sunglasses after several people came up to me asking for autographs and pictures. I normally would've stopped to meet with fans, but I had so little time to get everything done. I quickly called an uber and got to her house in under an hour.

My heart was racing as I knocked on the door. I wasn't sure what she had told them about me and all our fights, but my anxiety quickly went away when I was greeted with warm and welcoming hugs.

"Willy! So nice to see you!" Her mom said in a perky tone. I was so relieved that they were excited to see me. "To save you some trouble, we got all the items you said you needed to make tomorrow the most special day." I could feel my jaw drop to floor when I looked at the back counter and saw roses, candles, a suit, a giant stuffed teddy bear, and everything else I asked for. "I also booked the reservations for that fancy restaurant you said you planned on taking her to." She said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you so much. You're the sweetest." I placed a small kiss on her cheek. Her parents were some of the most kind hearted people I had ever met, and I couldn't thank them enough.

"It's no problem at all. So, her flight gets in at 9 am tomorrow, which means she'll be home around 10. We plan on leaving around 9:30, so you two can have tomorrow morning all to yourselves." I thanked her once again for her generous gestures as she said goodnight to me.

I quickly started placing the roses, balloons, streamers, and candles everywhere so they would be all set up for the morning. I laid out the roses and candles in a uniform fashion, and started tying streamers and balloons to the walls and chairs. I finally finished and went to go iron my suit and get ready for bed.

I started changing and realized I wasn't going to know exactly what to say. I started writing a speech, but came to the conclusion that it would be smarter and more romantic if I just spoke from my heart. I took a few deep breaths after throwing the speech away and finally collapsed in bed, mentally preparing myself for tomorrow.

My alarm started going off at 7:30 as I had set it last night. I quickly got up, brushed my teeth, did my hair, and threw on the suit. By the time I was out the door it 8:30. I drove as fast as I could to get a beautiful bouquet of tulips and roses, her favorite flowers. I purchased the biggest and prettiest bouquet I could find and rushed back to the house, hoping to get there before she did.

I walked in at 9:48 am and there was no sign of her, causing a sigh of relief. I sat down on the couch after lighting all the candles and grabbing the giant stuffed teddy bear, which I held under my left arm as I had the bouquet in my right hand.

       I felt my stomach drop as I heard a car door slam and looked out the window to see her walking up with her suitcase. I watched her as she looked around, noticing her parents car wasn't there and she continued to walk in, knocking on the door. I proceeded to stand up and stand right in front of the door, so I would be the first thing she sees when walking in. I stare at the door handle as I hear the jingling of keys and see the door knob slowly turn, cracking open the door.

       This is it.


WOW I love writing in Willy's POV I think I'm gonna try it again in a future chapter of this book I'm so excited I really like the style. Literally going to start working on the next part right now! Hope you enjoyed 💖💖

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