Part 6

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    It had been three days since you last saw Will, or spoke to him. And everyday you received endless phone calls and text messages from Willy, Auston, and Mitch, as well as some other guys from the team that had reached out to you. You knew Willy was distraught but you just couldn't talk to him. Especially making sex jokes after what happened with Brett. You were sitting on your bed, Kels was out at another party so you were in the dorm alone reading. You looked over to see your phone buzzing and Mitch's picture came up. You didn't even get to say hi before he started talking.

"Y/N, we have a problem."

"What is it Mitch?" You were still mad at Mitch, but to be fair he sounded really concerned, almost scared.

"Look Willy is-"

"I don't wanna hear about Willy, Mitch.."

"Y/N listen to me. Willy refuses to go to practice. He's too hurt about what happened and won't get out of bed. He knows how much he hurt you and you not talking to him makes him feel worse and just- look I'm not trying to guilt trip you here but, he wont go to practice and coach told me he'll bench Will for a few games and that'll really hurt his career. I'm not asking you to forgive him or anything, Y/N please just come down to his place and talk to him. Practice is tonight so we have a while but if you could just stop by that would be-" You knew Mitch would just continue rambling on so you cut him off.

"Okay okay Mitch," You laughed. "Calm down, I'll be there in twenty minutes just relax."

"Oh my God thank you Y/N, thank you so much."

"I'll see you soon," you hung up and got to your closet to pick out a pair of black leggings and a grey sweatshirt. You threw on your converse, grabbed your phone and headed out the door, unsure of what to expect. The whole car ride there, you kept contemplating if you should forgive him, and what he would be like. Will he even apologize? What if Mitch is lying? What if Willy doesn't actually care?

    When you knocked on the door, you felt your heart pounding through your chest. You were so nervous to see Mitch and Willy, not knowing if anyone else would be there. Mitch opened the door, smiled, and greeted you in.

    "I'll talk to you later, but Willy's in his room." You nodded at Mitch, and for some reason, felt the instinct to hug him. You walked towards Willy's room and knocked on his door. No answer. You slowly opened the door and saw Willy's back to the door, and as he rolled over to look, you saw small tears falling down his face. Your heart shattered when you saw him like that. He quickly wiped away his tears and sat up, you're eyes not leaving here. Neither of you said anything, and you dropped your phone and ran over to his bed and hugged him as tight as you could. It felt so good to have him in your arms again.

    "Y/N, I'm so fucking sorry." He started sobbing again. "I'm the biggest idiot and I've never regretted anything more in my life, I-I-I can't do anything knowing you're hurting somewhere a-and you wont return my calls so I don't know-" And thats when it happened. You were inches away from his face while he was talking, and he looked so hurt. He looked broken. So you leaned in and kissed him. He kissed you back and he fell backwards of the bed as you fell on top of him. You stopped to breathe and he started to say something.

    "You don't know how long I've waited for that." He said as he went back in for another kiss. You backed away remembering what he said.

    "Will..." your voice trailed off. "That- that was great but uh- Willy what you said.." You saw tears forming in his eyes again. "Willy, that really really hurt me. Especially after what Brett did and what you said. I know I'm being over sensitive but-" He put his hands on your shoulders.

    "No no no. You are not being over sensitive. You have every right to be mad. I was being careless a-and if I could take it back god damnit I would because I-" He stopped. You looked up at him as he leaned in a little closer. "I love you." He whispered. You bit your bottom lip as you felt your heart stop.

    "Will..." he looked down at you as his face went blank. "I- I love you too." He looked up and you saw that the tears had stopped. "I forgive you Will. Just promise me that won't happen again." He agreed and hugged you really tight and kissed you again.

    "Y/N, will you go out with me? Officially? Like be my girlfriend? So I can take you out and show you off and you can wear my jersey to all my games and always be with me? Will you please be my girlfriend?" You were shocked. I guess he was so worried he might lose me again, he just went for it. He was so adorable and you couldn't believe he liked you.

    "Oh my God Willy, yes I would love too." You hugged him again and you two finally got up and walked into the living room, with Willy's arm wrapped around your shoulders.

    "Ah our love birds are back together." Mitch smirked.

    "Officially, might I add." You said back to Mitch.

    "Damn Nylander finally. You know, Y/N, he has not shut up about you since the day you guys met." He fell on the couch and shoved popcorn in his mouth. "Every time we're hanging out, in the locker room, during practices, it's always 'she's so cute', 'I want to ask her out but I'm too scared', 'oh my gosh she did this', 'she did that' ". Mitch started teasing Willy.

    "Shut up Marns." Willy picked up a banana off the counter and chucked it at Mitch, who got up and walked over to you.

    "Hey, Y/N," he started. "I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for what happened a few days ago." He sounded sincere as he put his hands on your shoulders. "I shouldn't have said that and I knew it was wrong the minute it came out. I'm really, honestly sorry and I hope you can forgive me. And I'm sure Auston would say the same thing if he were here." You nodded and told him it was okay. If you could forgive Willy, you could forgive Mitch and Auston. "In fact, I, Mitch Marner, would like to invite you to tonight's game." You looked over to Will.

    "She's my girlfriend Marner," Willy referring to you as his girlfriend made you melt.

    "Well, I invited her first, so shes my date tonight." Mitch teased Willy.

    "Why don't we settle this in a game of NHL17?" Willy smirked and jumped on the couch next to Mitch. Willy chose team Sweden, while Mitch chose team Canada. Typical, you thought. They were so into the game and it amused you. Willy even started screaming in Swedish, which you thought was really attractive. By the end, Willy had beat Mitch 5-2.

    "Here, you play." Mitch said with a pouting face, chucking the remote at you. You've played NHL before, and you honestly thought you were pretty good. You weren't sure what team to choose, so you went with Mitch's team Canada. You kept screaming at the TV, "No Mitch don't pass it there!", "C'mon what a stupid penalty!" "And Crosby wins the face off!" You were jumping up and down and dropped your remote when the final score revealed you had won 7-5. You smirked at Will who was completely shocked with his mouth wide open.

    "Damn, no one has ever beat Willy before." Mitch teased, once again.

    Willy just continued to stare at you, wide-


I'm so obsessed with writing this & ik it sucks but oh well. more coming soon!! thank u for reading, leave comments and let me know what you think and/or requests ((:❣️❣️❣️

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