Part 10

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You woke up with Willys arms wrapped around your waist when his alarm started going off. He slowly opened his eyes and you ran your fingers through his blonde hair.

"Good morning." He said groggily. You gave a smile back and wiggled out from his arms so you could start to get dressed.

"Willy you gotta get up. You have practice in an hour." You said. He groaned and rolled over, not wanting to listen to you. You walked over and jumped on top of him screaming "get up" several times before he actually did.

"Okay okay you win." He laughed. You smirked at him as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, making you melt. You continued getting ready, watching Willy change through the mirror.

"You're gorgeous." You whispered, almost hoping he didn't hear. He turned to face you and gave a gentle smile as he walked over to you. He connected his lips with yours and whispered "I love you." You smiled and turned back around.

"Ready to go?" He said.

"Yeah, just let me throw my shoes on."

As you said, you put on your shoes, and walked the door. Willy was holding your hand, and in the other hand he had his hockey bag. He stuffed it in the back of his car as you took shotgun and Willy proceeded to climb in next to you. The drive over to the ACC was silent, but comfortable. Willy parked his car, grabbed his bag, and you two made your way over to the front doors.

       "I'll see you after okay?" He said as he kissed your forehead. You stood outside the doors as he headed inside and you thought of how long the wait was going to be.

       Three hours later, Willy had finally finished practice and you were sore from sitting on the concrete. You saw him walk out with a couple of his teammates and you waved to him, hoping he would walk over to you alone, but shocked to see Auston and Mitch by his side.

       You gave all three of the boys loving hugs and quickly backed up away from their sweaty bodies. You then looked over at Mitch who was struggling to get something out of his pocket.

       "Here." He handed you a ticket to tomorrow nights game. "I want you to come to our game tomorrow." You then looked over to Willy, giving a disappointing look.

       "Thank you Mitch for inviting me." You playfully said, hoping to get on Willy's nerves as you placed a kiss on Mitch's cheek.

      "Come on. Let's go." Willy said as he grabbed your wrist, guiding you to his car. He was walking too fast and you couldn't catch up.

       "Willy, Will- slow down! It was a joke!" You said, trying to break your wrist free from his strong grasp.

       "Not to him."

       You stopped dead in your tracks, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. You looked at the ground and turned to walk away. You didn't know why, but you and Will just kept getting in these arguments. You loved him, but it felt like it was too much. You kept fighting and mouthing off to each other all the time and you just didn't know why. You couldn't comprehend why you two were so in love, but couldn't stop fighting about these small things. It was endless. You just wanted a normal relationship where you were always together and being happy, instead of having constant tension, jealousy, and fighting.

       Maybe dating a hockey player is too much.

       You stood with your back to Will as you began talking. "Are you kidding Will? Why can't we just get along? God, I love you so much but we keep getting in these tiny stupid arguments for NO reason! You have no right to be mad at a joke. And no matter what you think is going on between Mitch and I, or watch Mitch is thinking, there's nothing going on."


       "I think I'm gonna go back home." You added on.

       "What?" He hissed. You couldn't believe HE was getting upset.

       "We obviously need to work on our relationship. I know we love each other, but we're going through a lot. And no matter what we say to each other, I know we'll be together in the end. But, I'm just worried right now Will. We've been getting into all these arguments over nothing and, I think I should get some time away from you, from the team. I need to go back home. See my parents. Get away from Toronto." You were upset, but there were no tears. Again, there was silence from Will, until you heard his footsteps getting louder and felt arms around your waist, but you continued to stand with your arms crossed.

       "Then I'm coming with you." He said softly, burying his head in your neck.

        "Willy the whole point is to get away. Away from you." His armed dropped as you closed your eyes.

       "Okay. Then let's get back to my place and we'll book you a ticket back to San Diego." He agreed, no argument. You turned around to face him, and went in to kiss him.

       "Thank you." You said.


This chapter sucked but I'm having writers block. Next chapters gonna be interesting because I'm gonna put it in Willy's POV

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