Part 14 ---> Willy's POV

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I groaned as I looked over to the clock that read 11:23 am, meaning I had to leave for the airport in a half hour. I looked at Y/N who I had wrapped up in my arms and let out a sigh that slowly woke her as I kissed her forehead.

"Go back to sleep Willy." She groaned as she rolled back over, her back facing me.

"I gotta get ready. I have to leave in thirty minutes." I caught her attention as she quickly came face to face with me. Her eyes started lingering around my body as she rested her head on my shoulder. I loved how comfortable she felt with me.

"Alright." She sighed. I stood up and gathered everything I had brought and began to get dressed. After a few minutes, I walked into the kitchen to see her sitting in the middle of the floor with a cup of tea in her hands. She looked so beautiful; her messy bun and smeared makeup along with the oversized leafs sweatshirt of mine that made it look like she wasn't wearing shorts. I walked over and sat down next to her as she remained motionless.

"You're parents offered to take me to the airport." I said, attempting to break the rising tension.

"I think I'll stay here. I don't want to be an emotional wreck at the airport." She sighed. I felt terrible knowing I was going to leave her on her own and I wanted nothing more than to take her on the road tri-

"Come with me." My eyes instantly lighting up at the thought of it; after she finished visiting her parents in San Diego, she can meet up with me right before we take off for our road rip.

"Willy I'm here for another week remember."

"I know, but we leave for the road trip the day after you get back. You can come with me and the boys." I jumped up.

"Oh Willy I don't k-"

"Come on! Please baby." I wanted nothing more than for her to come with me. I couldn't imagine spending the next two weeks without her, especially after the fights we've had.

"Okay! Okay let's do it." She jumped up and gave me a warm hug. I was so happy with her until realizing I was about to leave her for a week, and I pushed away from her. She gave me a confused look as I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar.

       I said my goodbyes as I headed out with her parents to the car. The drive over to the airport was silent until I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see a new text.

hey dude. when do
you get home?

in a few hours.. im gonna
bring my girl on the road
trip, do you think the boys
will mind?

nah they'll be cool.
especially auston...

       especially auston? what the hell does that mean?


never mind. see you when
you land! safe flight



Sorry this chapter was so short. Something is going on with auston.... 🤷🏼‍♀️🙅🏼

Problematic // William NylanderWhere stories live. Discover now