Part 2: The incident

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Okay so weird name lol but it will make since later! BTW I was wondering if you guys wanted me to start incorporating pictures. If so let me know, TO THE STORY!


Mrs. Evens class is so boring and it doesn't help that my all time crush is in the class. I often find myself drifting off..."Ms. Heartfilia! Please stop your daydreaming and actually pay attention!" Mrs.Evens said. "Ya-Ya I will..." I mumbled. "What ?! I couldn't hear you over your nonsence! Anyway----" I rolled my eyes and went back to daydreaming. 


"Hell ya!" I heard a kid say while leaving the classroom. "LANGUAGE!" I heard Mrs. Evens say. I met up with Levy and we started to walk back to our lockers.  "Lu you can't daydream in her class...she is scary...". "I know I just was bored and I couldn't help it, well this is my stop." I said as I stopped at my locker. "KK bye Lu see you later." Levy said walking to her locker. I put in the combination to my locker, I got my books and shut the door. "Oh Heartfilia why are you leaving so quickly? Don't you want to stay here with me?"  Loki said with a sly smile. "Leave me alone perv! I am tired of you doing this!" I said trying to walk off. "I SAID WHERE YOU WERE GOING!" He said while pinning me against the locker. "Hey! Cut it out! I don't like this!" He started to move his face inches from mine. "Oh you know you want this, I mean its me!" . "Back off you big prick!" I said pushing him back, not moving him at all. "HEY! She said to leave her alone!" I heard a familiar voice. "Oh leave me alone Dragneel." It was Natsu, he was defending me! "What is it with you and last names? You got a fetish or something?" While he was distracted I kicked him where the sun don't shine. "YOU STUBBORN ASS YOU WILL NEVER GET THIS!" I said pointing at me up and down as he cowered on the floor. I saw a chuckle come out of Natsu lips. I turned around and started to go crazy on the inside. "Yes!" I whispered to myself. "Lucy right?" I heard the voice say again. "Ya" I said trying to not go crazy on the outside. He noticed me, I heard the 1 mineute bell and ran to class. "Shit I am gonna be late!" I got there right as the bell rang. "Nice job Lucy, try to make it a little bit earlier next time. Take a seat, don't want to be late on the first day!" Mr. Guildarts said. "Yes sir, I will next time." I said taking my seat next to Levy. "Lev! I have to tell you something after class at lunch! It is totally amazeballs!" I said leaning over so she could still hear. "Ok talk then" I heard her giggle as she said that.

Time skip to lunch


We sat down at our regular table with Erza and Jallel, and Gray and Juvia. "So Luce?? Spill the beans what was it that almost made you late to class??!!" Levy said with a glimpse of excitement. "Okay so guess what guys!!" I said waiting for the answer."WHAT!?!?" Everyone shouted. "You know Loki. Well he pinned me against my locker and was about to kiss me when....Natsu stopped him. Then I kicked him down there, as I walked away I was like 'You stubborn ass you will never get this!' Then Natsu laughed!" I said with my fangirly side showing. "You kicked him down there??!!" Gray and Jallel said. "Dude he was trying to attack me! No guy is getting this!" I said with a small giggle. "Man you can't help but feel bad for him, you kick really hard!" "Omg Natsu saw that! He helped you!" Levy, Erza, and Juvia said simultaneously. "YOSH!" I screamed a little to loud. Everyone started to stare. "Sorry, just fangirling over a new anime...heh." I said nervously to the crowd, they all went back to their normal habits. "Why don't you just confess you too?? It isn't that hard, I did it to Erza and everything went well.". Me and Levy started to stare daggers at him. "You brought cake so she wouldn't reject you!" Levy said. "Besides, they are popular. Well we....aren't." I said with a sad look on my face. "We are too popular, just not that popular." Gray said. I wish I could believe him, I wish I could just not love him so much. Then I wouldn't have this problem. "Anyway lets just go eat." Erza said trying to pick up the mood a bit. I nodded and we went to get our food. We soon all finished our meal and waited for the bell to ring to free us to our next class.



We all walked of to our other class, this is the class I had with Gray. "So...." Gray said while we were walking to class. "Yes Gray?" I said turning towards him, "Um well, never mind it was a stupid question..." he said. "Okay whatever you say.." I said dashing off, leaving him in the dust. "Hey! Come back here!" Gray said in a playful manner. "NEVER! YOU CAN TRY TO CATCH ME BUT YOU NEVER WILL! I AM THE GREAT LUCY HEARTFILIA!" I said noticing that we ran past Natsu and Lisanna talking. I saw him wink at me as I was running. What did it mean?

Okay sorry for the late chapter....tehe. I am just gonna pretend it isn't 4:30 when I am writeing hope you liked! byeeeeeeee

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