Part 6: A growing friendship, or maybe not.

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So I am just now realizing that I put two chapter 4....Oops, on "The unexpected" It was supposed to be part 5. So now that that is done, I am writing two chapters in a day. I am feeling like writing today.So on to the story!!!!!


"I believe you!" Natsu said. He believed me, he wasn't doubting me. I was smiling ear to ear, I walked into our lobby. I went into the elevator, went to our floor and opened the door. I found a sleeping Levy sitting on a kitchen stool, I assume she was waiting for me. I was able to lift her up, I took her to her room and put her in bed. It was already almost 2, I should get to bed. I changed into pjs and got snuggled up in my bed, it was definitely comforting considering my day. Little did I know that that day I would regret, and love.

The next morning at school.

Some school girl personal view.

"Lisanna! Lisanna!" I said running towards the white haired girl. "What do you want?" She asked with a bitchy tone. I shrugged it off, "I saw that Lucy girl hugging Natsu. YOUR Natsu!" I said while putting my arms crossed my chest. I wanted to fit in, if it means spying on people then that is what I will do. "What!? That little bitch! I told her to not even look at him, now they are having secret meetings! How does he even remember her!?" She yelled getting a bunch of attention.


Me and Levy were almost at school, today my outfit was a blue button down shirt, with black high waisted shorts. I had on my favorite black wedges on, they looked amazing with my shorts. "Lucy! Why do you have to be so hot all the time?" A voice that makes me puke says. "Loki what is up with you? You are popular and I am not, why are you still trying to get me?" I said turning around to face him. "Oh does that matter, you are sexy. I don't really care about anything but your body." He said. I immidaitly punched him in the nose, giving him a bloody nose. "You are such a prick! If you want a body go find Lisanna! She will do anything just mention Natsu!" I said yelling at his face. "Oh you were talking about me huh? So explain you hugged MY Natsu. I thought that you knew he is mine!" Lisanna said chucking a rock at my face. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Levy said. "Leave this with me and her!" She said. "She is right Levy, I am sorry but this is my fight to win." I said looking up. "Open gate of golden bull, I open thee Taurus!" I said holding out my key. "What the hell are you doing blondie?" Lisanna said with a semi scared look in her eyes. "I am gonna show you who the hell you are messing with! Taurus attack her!" I said with an evil grin. My mind was rushing with evil thoughts. "Yes Ms. Lucy, do I get a smoooch?" He said, "I will think about it." I saw his eyes turn to hearts, he was about to attack. "Wait! Lucy, I know you want to do this but you can't. You could get in serios trouble!" I heard Levy said with a scared voice. "Please Lucy, I am sorry. Don't kill me. " Lisanna said cowering in fear, I broke down. I sent Taurus back. "But my smoooooch!" Taurus said as he left. I fainted, I must have outdone myself. I woke up in the nurses office, "Lucy, you need to rest." I heard our nurse say, her name was Mrs. Porlyusica. "I can't I need to get to class." I said sitting up while rubbing my head, "You have a visitor." She said. "Is it Levy?" I asked. She shook her head, "If you are feeling up to it you can go see who it is. " She said opening the office door. I nodded, I looked at her with a look that said thank you. She smiled and I walked out, I walked out to see a sleeping Natsu. "Natsu?" I said trying to wake him up, it didn't do anything. "Natsu wake up." I said shaking him. He woke up and saw me, "You are okay! I saw what happened with you and her, so I came and brought you here." He said. I felt a pang of guilt, I released one of my spirits on Lisanna. "You saw everything? Even what I did..." I said turning my head away with guilt. "I can't believe it. I could have killed her, but nothing seemed wrong. I am such a bad person, she was my sister..." I said. "You had had enough, I get it. You let all of your feeling unfold at one time. She threw a rock at your face." He said with a soothing voice. I let out all my feelings from my moms death, to dad marriage, to his death, and getting kicked out on the street. I couldn't take it, I didn't feel any guilt. "I almost murdered a girl, for a stupid rock." I said trying to hide what I was really thinking. "It wasn't just that, you let all your emotions out from you whole life. It was sadness and anger, you didn't know." He said still comforting me. "Are you really with her?" I asked with a small voice, not wanting him to hear but to answer. I tilted my head away, making it harder for him to hear. "No." I heard him whisper in my ear. "Never." He said again into my ear. My body was shaking with happiness, and sadness from what I had done. I let my heart take control, and I ended up hugging him. We heard a laugh from the principals office. Mr. Mokarav and Mrs. Porlyusica were watching us, we both smiled and headed off to class. (At lunch) At our table sits Me, Levy and Erza. The guys aren't here, wherever they went Juvia went with Gray. "Lucy, I am glad to see you hear today." Erza said with a happy voice as she ate her strawberry cake. "Ya.." I said not really wanting to talk. Levy leaned over and whispered what had happened this morning to Erza. "I know it was bad. I let my anger control, I am just another teen who is to whiny." I said. "She through a rock at your face!" Erza said with a face as red as her hair. "She don't mess with one of my girls!!!" She said scanning the cafeteria for her. "May I sit here?" A guys voice appeared behind me. "Sure, I guess. You might want to sit by Erza, if I get mad I might kill someone." I said hiding my face. "No I would rather sit by you." He said sitting down, I looked up at my friends whos faces were so shocked, they looked like they just got ran over. I looked at the boy to find Natsu, "Natsu?? Why are you sitting here with me?? They might bully you to, you should leave." I said. "Nah" He said with so much courage. I didn't see Lisanna anywhere, but I didn't really care. The guy I loved was sitting right next to me. We ate our lunch laughing and talking, when the bell finally rang I walked out with my friends. I saw a piece of paper on the wall that wasn't been there before. I read it out loud, "I am looking for a boyfriend stealing slut named Lucy Heartfilia, I will pay you to bring her to me. Be aware she may try to kill you, take her keys first. Thank you, everyone's favorite bitch, Lisanna." I read the last part real slow, "I thought you said you weren't dating her! Maybe you were just playing me, just like every other guy in this damned school!" I screamed at Natsu. He tried to grab my arm but I jerked it away, "Lucy please, I swear we aren't dating!" I could feel tears building in my eyes, I need to leave. "Ya right, it was probably her plan. To get close to me, find out every thing and use it against me. Just don't touch me, don't talk to me you asshole. I trusted you, but clearly that was a mistake." I said backing away closer and closer to the door. "God. Distract her while your slut makes posters to ruin Lucy's life. Why did she ever even like you!?" Levy said the last part slipping out of her mouth. I turned to Levy with an even worse look. I ran out the doors to somewhere, but I had a pretty good idea....


Okay new chapter yay! I am sorry the story is so sad. Many chapters to come though! Another post tonight. Okay I am tired I am gonna go to bed now, good night everyone! BYEEEEEEEE  

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