Part 4: The unexpected

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Hiiii, so I am excited to show you guys this chapter! I was listening to sad Fairytail music, that is why it was really sad. I am listening to it now, but I will try to make this chapter better!


"Lucy, could you come out you have been in there for over 2 hours. You have to eat sometime." My friends said on the other side of the door, I got up and opened the door. Their faces lit up to see me again, "Fine, but I don't want to talk about tonight at all." I said with a shaky voice. I walked out of my room to find yummy food waiting for me. "Why is there so much food here?" I said gesturing with my hands to the huge amount of food. "Haven't you guys already eaten?" I said. "No, we wanted to wait for you. We thought it would be cruel to eat without you, "Well lets eat then!" I said grabbing a plate and getting a serving. Although the day was bad, they night couldn't have been better. We laughed and talked for hours, not even caring that we had school the next day. We finished up and everyone left, with a heartfelt goodbye. We hugged, and they were gone. "I think I will take a walk, I promise I will be back soon." I said to Levy who was not wanting me to go alone. "Can I go? I don't want you to be alone, especially at midnight." She said, I shook my head in disagreement. "No, I need to do this alone." I said putting on my boots and coat, I wrapped my scarf around my head and left. I had to clear my mind, I still had sad thoughts racing through my head. I got into the elevator, I pressed the lobby button. The elevator started up and down I went. I remember times with my parents, elevators were always the most amazing thing out there, I would always want to go on one. The elevator stopped and I got out, I walked out the lobby doors started walking aimlessly. 'Where do I even go?' I asked myself. I decided to go back to the tree where I found Michelle, maybe she will come back again. I walked and walked and walked, till I finally was at the tree where I found her. I slid down the bark on the tree. "It calms you down doesn't it?" I heard a voice from the other side of the tree was Natsu's. "I guess you could say that." I said not moving, you could hear tears in my voice. "Its okay to cry you know?" he said again. "I have cried to much, I just need to get over it." I said in response, a tear fell down my cheek stinging while it dropped to the ground. 'Natsu and I are together. Its official.' those words just keep running through my head. I wanted them to leave me alone, just to reverse time and walked away. So I didn't have to hear those wretched words. "You can never cry to much. Trust me, I have gone through a lot of it." he said soothing me. I stuck my head in my knees, "Here let me help you up, you look like you could use a hug." Natsu said, next thing I know I am being lifted up to stand. I looked at him and cried more, "Lucy? Its you?" He said with a confused look, " Yeah its me..." I said looking down. He started to remember that we were friends at one point. "May I ask what is wrong with you, you seemed so confident the other day. What happened?" He said with a sad look on his face, if I told him he might not believe me. He would side with Lisanna, because well they "Nothing of importance." I said still looking down, tears streaming from my eyes stinging as they fell to the ground. Natsu lifted my chin so I was eye level, and wiped my tears away. It made me smile, "You can't be this upset of nothing. What really happened." He asked, his eyes they had this look. The look of an old friend, he cared even though it was so long ago. "There is this girl, she bully's me everyday. I dread everyday of the school year because of the constant torture. I stood up to her today.....but she said something that will haunt me." I said looking into his eyes. "Who is the girl? What did she say to you? " He asked with and angry tone, I can't believe that he cared this much for me. Even from so long ago, I can't believe that he is even talking to me. "Her name is Li-Lis." I tried to get the word out but it just wouldn't come out. "Who I couldn't understand." he said in response. I turned and walked away from him, "Lisanna." I said, I couldn't say it to his face. I could feel him staring at me. He walked over to me. "What happened?" He asked a little confused. "I should umm get back. Goodbye!" I said running off. "Hey! Wait Lucy!" I heard him call to me. I was running and running, I needed to get home. I shouldn't have come here. I heard a faint voice in the distance, "Luce I believe you!". It was the voice that always soothed me, Luce? Where did that come from. 

"He believed me....." I said with a tear of joy going on my face, it didn't sting like the rest.

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