Part 7: Totall catastrifey.

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I said those words. The words that should have been said by Lucy, I said them. The look she gave me as she was leaving...from your best friend. It is almost like murder. "Lucy!" I said trying to catch up with her. "Please let her be, we would only make it worse." Natsu said holding me back. "NO. This all happened because of your sorry ass, she is a sister to me. I can't let her feel that way!" I said breaking free. "You are the one who made her even more mad." He said, I winced at the remark.


I was going somewhere I never expected that I would go, to the roof of our apartment complex. "I am done!" I yelled through out the streets, hoping someone would save me from this life. "someone save me..." I said whispering, "before it is to late.". I was running, I couldn't stop myself. I was being controlled by the pain and grief I have been through, it wasn't me. I ran up the stairs, No one was here. I was up at the roof, I saw Levy and Natsu running towards the building. I was on the very edge, "Please Lucy! I can't lose you!" Levy said tears in her eyes while running. I fell. Natsu ran double time, "Lucy!" He said as he was running towards me, he got me. "No you shouldn't have got me!" I yelled, "No! This isn't how anything works, it shouldn't happen at all!" He said holding me in his arms crying, we barely just reconnected and he is in tears over me?.?. "Lucy. I am so sorry, I was a jerk. I shouldn't have said that." Levy said running towards me and Natsu. "Save me.." I said to the two of them, they had confused looks on their faces. "You are safe now, no one will ever hurt you not while I am here." Natsu said still holding me. I smiled through all the pain, "Thank you." I said to both of them,

Time skip Next day.


I don't want to do anything to day, but I have skipped school to many times. I just put on an old hoodie and some jeans, I wore some old worn down boots. Levy made scrambled eggs and we ate in silence. We walked to school, Natsu met up with us half-way there. "I am okay guys, I won't do it again." I said pulling my hood over my face, the just stayed with me. I was thanking them in my head, they have done so much for me. Me and Natsu's friendship has grown ever since, it has been about a week since everything went down. Lisanna got expelled for putting up the posters, I guess she forgot that she could get in trouble when she put her name. It has been nice, my friends and I have bonded more over the last week then we could have in a month. Natsu brought us all together. "I really love you guys, ya know that right." I said to all my friends who were hugging me, "Thank you" I said again breaking free from their hug. Ever since that day at the tree, everything has been different. I have been wondering what Natsu was talking about when he understood me. I pulled him away from the crowd, "Remember at the tree, when you said something about knowing how much crying helps."  I asked him, pain struck his face. "Oh I am sorry, you don't have to tell me." I said instantly regretting what I said. "No, its okay. When I was a dad well he left me all by myself. I didn't have a mother, so I was all alone. I don't know why he left, but he did. I didn't get over it for a while." He said explaining everything that happened. I hugged him with sympathy, I never expected I would hug him this much in my life time. He hugged back, the day went perfect after that. After school we all walked to Cona's, me Levy, Natsu, Erza, Jellal, Juvia, and Gray. "Okay so what do you all want?" Cona said appearing at our booth. "Well I don't know, I want a cheeseburger! With a Dr. Pepper." I said with a smile. The others ordered. After we all got some strawberry cake, we had to fight Erza for it. "Erza let go! We want some tooooooooo!" Levy said pulling the plate with the cake on it. "No order your own! One piece won't be enough!" I rolled my eyes at my friends fight. "You eat cake all day everyday!" Juvia cut in pulling on the plate too. Erza finally let go, and the cake went flying into my face. "WHAT THE HECK!? Why is there cake on my face!" I said standing up. "MY CAKE!" Erza said with tears building up in her eyes. I felt a finger get cake from my face, it was Natsu. "I wouldn't eat that. There might be makeup on it." I said laughing at his action, he ate it anyway. I went to the bathroom to get cake off of me, not even caring about what I looked like. I smiled when I looked in the mirror, this was perfect. Absolutely perfect, I washed my face off. Then went back to a table of people smiling, our seating arrangement had changed. Now I was sitting my Natsu, "Theres Lucy." Gray said while laughing. I don't know what went on here but they seem to be enjoying it. I smiled and took my new seat next to Natsu, "Hey Juvia, I uh wanted to er, um would you want to be my girlfriend..?" Gray said nervously, the mood had suddenly changed. "Yes!" Juvia said getting up out of her chair and went to sit on Gray's lap. He looked a little nervous...but then again. "Well I guess congrats on your girl." Natsu said giving Gray a fist punch, he looked a little confused. "Congrats Juvia!" Us girls said. We all were laughing when our food came. "Here you guys go. Why is um Juvia.. You know what, I am just not gonna ask....." Cona said handing us our food. We all nodded and ate our food. We all left and we went our separate ways, except Natsu. He walked us home, "Today has been amazing." I said holding my own hands. "Wow, haven't said that in awhile. It is good, it has been amazing." Levy said walking. It was cold, it sent shivers down my spine. Natsu noticed and wrapped his jacket around me, "Oh thank you." I said to him, "Will you to get together already? You act like a couple." Levy said giggled. Me and Natsu turned a deep shade of red, "Umm, well Levy shutup!" I said to her with a small stutter. She giggled again, "What is true, I think I might being a match maker here." She said laughing furiously. We turned an even darker red then him, "Ummm, lets just cross that bridge when it comes..." Natsu said, "So its gonna happen eh eh??!!" Levy said. "Lets just go home..." I said. We walked home talking about everything, when we got to our complex Natsu came in our apartment. "Nice place you have here." He said taking off his jacket, and shoes. We all walked to sit on the couch, it was finally the weekend. We watched all kinds of movies, we watched a horror movie. Before I knew it I was latched on to Natsu's arm, Levy was constantly looking over at us. It felt like this is how things were supposed to be, it sounds cheesy but I loved cheesy. The movie had ended and I was still holding on to him, I had fallen asleep.

Third person

Natsu carried Lucy to her bedroom, tucking her in. She smiled in her sleep, he walked out and grabbed his stuff. He was about leave when Levy said, "You can stay here. You can sleep on the couch, I think she would be happy to see you in the morning." Levy said cleaning up. "Sure, I can stay. I don't have anyone at home, so I would be fine with it." Natsu said putting his stuff, "Okay let me get some blankets." Levy said agreeing to his statement. "Thanks." Natsu said.

They went to bed shortly after.


I woke up to the smell of "Pancakes!" I said thinking out loud. I got up, got dressed in a jersey croptop with a cardigan and shorts. I straightened out my hair for the day, "I look gooood" I said nodding up and down. I walked out of my room, "Goodmorning Lev." I said still a little sleepy. "Last time I checked I was a guy." a voice said, I readied my hands ready to attack. "Who are you?" I said walking in the kitchen to find Natsu, "What are you doing here?" I said going to sit down at the table. "Levy said I could stay over, so I did. By the way breakfast is almost ready so could you wake her up." Natsu said putting pancakes on a plate. I nodded and went to get her, "Lev breakfast is ready." I said opening her door. "What did you cook? I am sorry Lulu you food isn't that good." She said wakeing up. "No! And hey! Natsu made breakfast" I said shutting the door. "Are you really that bad at cooking?"Natsu said laughing. "Not you too! It isn't that just isn't good." I said. We all got up and ate the pancakes. "These were really good Natsu, I loved them!" I said smiling, "Hey I am thinking about going to the mall, would you guys wanna go?" Levy said. "I'd me down!" I said smiling. "Sure, I could get some stuff too." Natsu said. "We could stop by your house, so you could change or something." Levy said. He nodded and we got our shoes and jackets on, we left to Natsu's place. When we got to Natsu's place we all went in, he went to his room and changed. He came out in a hoodie with shorts, "Lookin good Dragneel." Levy said. We all left to the mall, "I know where I need to go first!" Levy said, we walked into the mall. We found the store that Levy wanted to go to..Victoria Secret. "Levy! Really here!?" I said blushing... Natsu just had a freaked out look on his face. "What?? I need new bras and stuff." She said shrugging her shoulders. I sighed, "Can this get anyworse.?" I said. "Maybe you could get something to Lulu." Levy said. I face palmed, we walked in the store. "Soo umm, well this is awkward..." Natsu said. "Umm yeah...." I said looking at the shirts that were in the store. I was trying to not look him in the eye. "Hey pretty lady. What are you doing in a shop like this?" A random voice came from behind me, the person put his hands on my stomach and turned me around. It was Loki, he grabbed my ass. "Leave me alone you pervert!" I said trying to breakfree from his grip. "Someone! Help!" I said trying to pull away. "HEY! Leave her alone jackass!" Natsu said coming up to him. "I can't do that, I missed out on the body the last time. It isn't happening today. "Dude leave her alone. Not cool" A girl said, he let my hands free. I punched him in the eye." See how you like that Jackass!" I said kicking him.

Okay so sorry about the grammer mistakes or anything in the first part. My computer is acting weird and I can't scroll, but hope you like the chapter! It was almost 2,000 words, I am proud...hehe Okay byeeeeeeeeee

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