Part 8: Maybe love?

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This chapter is gonna be amazeballz, this chapter will be happy! I promise, by the way I won't be able to write chapters on Saturday or Sunday. I might be able to put small things out but not much. So to the story!


I stormed out of the store, gosh he made me mad. My friends followed me out of the store, "I am sorry, I could have done something." Natsu said, sounding guilty. "No its fine, that perv has always had a thing for me. Lets just have some fun, I have had enough sadness in my life." I said looking back with a warm smile. "There's the Lulu I know!" Levy said smiling and catching up with me. Natsu did too. "Lets go to Aeropostle. I need more jeans, when winter comes I am gonna be freezing." I said laughing. We walked to the store, I found some jeans I liked and went to try them on. I came out of the dressing room, "Soo? How do I look?" I said turning in circles. "Uhh, I um wow." Natsu said, his jaw was wide open. "Nice Lu, you got him staring!" Levy said playfully punching Natsu to knock him out of his daze. "Oh yeah you look good." He said blushing. "Thanks, I guess I am getting these." I said giggling. I walked over to the counter to pay, "Is this all ma'em, just saying you look really good in them." The cashier said, "Yes this is all, Thank you it means a lot." I nodded. She scanned the jeans, "Okay $20.89 please." She said. "Here let me take care of that." Natsu said handing her his card, "Hey you didn't have to do that, I could have payed." I said to him grabbing the bag. "No, I wanted to give them to you. There is something I wanted to ask you." He said as me, Levy, and him walked out of the store. "AWWW" Levy said nudging me, I elbowed her back. "Hey.." She said rubbing her side. "There is this dance, Gajeel's parents are hosting. She invited me and a plus one, you can come to Levy. It is a formal, since we are already at the mall we can a dress. "I would love to go." I said, "I will go to, maybe I can see him. Well I probably can..." Levy said. I whispered in Natsu's ear "She is head over heels for Gajeel." I said. "Okay, I might be able to do something for her." He said whispering back. We decided to go to a dress shop now, we walked there laughing and talking about the dance. "The dance is tomorrow night. " Natsu said. We both nodded and found the shop, "Hello how may I help you girls, and guy?" A tailor said. "Oh these two need the prettiest dresses you have." Natsu said pointing at the two of us. He led us to the back of the store where all the expensive dresses were. "Okay here are the dresses that they can look at, "They are beautiful.." Levy said feeling one of the dresses. "We can't afford these..." I said looking at a price tag. "Who said you were paying for them? I can take care of it." Natsu said looking thru the dresses. I looked at the dresses, I found a blue dress, it had sleeves that were off the shoulder with white ruffles on the bottom. "I am gonna try on this one." I said walking back to the changing rooms, I tried it on. I walked out, " look gorgeous..." Natsu said. "Thank you.." I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Lets test it out." He said twirling me around, we laughed and smiled. Little did we know Levy was behind us watching everything, we kept sminning and dancing together. "Thank you Natsu." I said. We stopped and turned around to see Levy, she was wearing a yellow ball gown (Almost like Belle's from beauty and the beast). "You to are getting along." She said smirking. "Whoa Lu! You look good in that dress, how do I look?" She said again. "You look great too Lev. We are gonna be the Bells of the ball!" I said twirling her. We giggled, "Okay lets do this thing." Natsu said motioning for us to change back to pay for the dresses.We did and walked back out of the rooms, we walked over to the register and payed. "Thank you Natsu, really." Levy said fist punching each other. I was walking next to Natsu, his hand touched mine. We intertwined our fingers together. I blushed and so did he, I looked in his eyes. This was the boy I fell for, he was holding my hand. HE WAS HOLDING MY HAND! Happiness overwhelmed me, Levy noticed us holding hands and me shaking with happiness. "Uh Lucy, are you having a seizure?" Levy said with a smirk, "NO! No I am fine..." I said smiling widely. We walked out of the mall and decided to go over to Natsu's place. We could hang out for awhile, it would be fun. As we arrived Natsu unlocked the door, and opened it. We all walked in, Natsu going straight to his fridge. "We just ate an hour ago!" I said wondering why he was already getting food. "What I get hungry from walking." He said defending himself I rolled my eyes at him. I was falling even harder, would he be there to catch me this time? (When she thinks that she means in love btw...) He would...I know it. "Lucy you are dazing off again." Levy said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh, oops" I said sitting on the couch. For the rest of the night we just talked and played card games. It was nice, everything was going off without a hitch. That night we left to head back home. "Lucy, I know you guys were holding hands. I also know you were dazing about something...about him." She said looking at me. "Yeah, Lev I think I am falling in love again. I don't know how I can fall for the same guy twice." I said, "I knew it, I think you should tell him how you feel at the dance.It would be perfect, dancing the night away totally romantic!" Levy said twirling around in circles. I laughed at her response, "I don't know..." I said nervously "What if he doesn't accept it..." I said trying to not think about that. "I don't even there is a possibility that that will happen." She said confidently to me. "Come on!" She said grabbing my hand and running. 

The next morning!


I got up and saw my dress hanging up on my door. "Oh yeah the dance." I said jumping out of bed, I jumped around. I walked out in my pajamas "Hey Levy." I said walking to where she was. "Good morning sunshine, its noon. We have to go get ready!" She said looking at me. "Its noon! Why didn't you wake me up earlier!? We only have 8 hours! That can't be enough time!" (Hehe since everyone says girls take so long....) I said. I ran back to my room, thru on a my red crop top I got the day before school with the same shorts. I put my hair in a messy bun, "Okay Lev first we got to go get our hair done!" I said looking at Levy.  "ALRIGHT!" She said throwing her fist up, with an excited voice. We love to get our hair done, it makes us feel like princesses. " LET US GOOOOOOOOO!" I said screaming, "Lets stop by Cona's apartment." Levy said getting her shoes on, I nodded and we left to Cona's. When we got there we just walked in, she lets us come in whenever. "Cona were home!" I said. "Hey Lucy, Levy" Cona said entering the room. "I didn't know you were visiting, so what going on in your guys life??" She said curiously. We rolled our eyes and Levy started to talk." Well Ms. Lucy here got us invited to a formal dance tonight at the Redfox's. Also she even scored a date!" She said smiling. "Nice, who is your date?" Cona questioned her. "Remember Natsu? We used to be friends, well he asked me and Levy to go." I said jumping up and down. "So what time?" Cona asked. "Tonight at 8." I said, she had a worried look on her face. You girls only have 7 hours! You gotta go!" She said. A whole hour had pasted, really quickly. We headed to the hair salon, I got my hair in a messy messy braid down my back, the little pieces that stuck out were curled. It looked beautiful, Levy's hair was parted between top and bottom. The top was in a bun, while the bottom was curled. Our hair was wonderful, we felt amazing. As we walked out of the hair salon "SELFIE TIME!!!!" I yelled. We took about a bijillion selfies and posted them all on Instagram. "We only have 2 hours left we got to go, but did we really spent 5 hours in a salon?" We walked home with our hair all done up, we got a few whistles and compliments. It was nice, we got to our apartment 30 minutes had passed. We did each others makeup and we looked even more stunning. Now it was time for the dresses, we put them on with each others help.

(Since I won't be writing this weekend I will be doing two chapters together!)

Part 9: The dance

When we got into our dresses we looked majestic. "Wow." We both said, "We look drop dead gorgeous!" Levy said. *Knock Knock* "Natsu is here." I said going to get the door. I opened it, he looked at me the way I have been longing for. "Lucy." Was all he mustered up to say. He was wearing a suit, he looked so handsome. "Come on love birds." Levy said grabbing mine and her heels. She gave mine to me, and put hers on.  I did the same as her, we walked out of the building. As we walked out I saw a Limo waiting for us. "Natsu...Is that for us?" I said with my mouth gaping open, "Yup, come'on Luce!" He said grabbing my hand and went to the limo, Levy close behind. We drove to the ball, we pulled up at an amazing mansion. We stared at it, no wonder he was popular. This looked a lot like my old house, when both of my parents were alive. We got out and walked in, we got so many stares even some glares but we didn't care. We walked to the dance floor, "I will be back." Natsu said walking over to Gajeel. Gajeel was wearing a nice suit, Levy had hearts in her eyes. They both walked up to us, "Hi my name is Gajeel." Gajeel said to Levy. "Don't you remember me? Junior high? I wore glasses, we were best friends.." Levy said trying to get him to remember her. "Wait, Levy McGarden?" He asked her. She nodded and smiled. "Its been awhile com'on! Lets dance!" He said dragging her away. "Told I could do something." Natsu said with a proud smile. "I guess you did." I said with a small gentle smile. "Lets dance." He said pulling me close, we twirled and danced, we talked and laughed. "Thank you Natsu Dragneel." I said resting my head on his shoulder, he was warm. "Thank you Lucy Heartfilia." He said in return. After that we danced and danced. "Lets go get some fresh air, it is getting kind of stuffy in here." Natsu said. I followed him up to the roof, it was dark out. We watched the stars, I sat up "Natsu, I need to tell you something." I said, he sat up too. "Go ahead." He said with a kind smile. " Okay... I am I uh I love you..." I said looking at the stars. I felt two warm hands cup my face, and our lips gently touched. I wished that moment would last forever, but it only lasted a few minutes. 

Okay so that was the two chapters! Hope you like. What will happen between the two, even I don't know :') hehehehehhe byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 

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