epilogue/sixteen - walking the wire by imagine dragons & perfect by ed sheeran

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4 years later.

Autumn Eve, the interview is on at 3, channel 5.
I'm flying back today, meet me at the bridge at 8.
From the best boyfriend ever, and with love,
Sent 2:37pm.

I sigh in relief, setting my phone down on the counter. He's finally coming home!

Colton's been away for two or three weeks, he had to go down to the studio in California to work on a few of the songs for his upcoming album. Then, he had to stay there for one more day. Only because his manager, Tyson, booked him an interview with Ellen to promote the new album. Rumor has it that Colton's singing one of the songs from his new album on the show.

"Autumn, you should be proud that your boyfriend is putting out his second album. Support him like he supports you with your novels!" I tell myself out loud.

It's been hard, Colton's always going everywhere to go on tours and record his music, while I've been going on tours for my new novel. Both of us have come so far since we first met, and I'm extremely proud enough for the both of us. Although, sometimes, I miss him just simply serenading me in my backyard.

A lot has changed, to say the least. To start it all off, Colton never went to college, though he is taking online classes in music production. His current manager saw him play a gig at a restaurant once, and the rest was history.

I am currently in college, majoring in creative writing, even though I already have a novel out. Right now, I'm in the final process of finishing my second novel, a sequel to the first. I'm definitely not as famous as Colton though.

When his first album came out, it took the world by storm. His low voice and lyrics to his music created an entire fandom for himself. I can proudly say that I am his number one fan, right next to AJ and CJ. Even if I wasn't his girlfriend, I would still love his music. It's alternative pop and rock, and he combines those genres seamlessly, making millions of fans in the process.

As for my writing, I have a pretty good fandom too. My first novel, The Last Young Renegades, made the NY Times bestseller list in the first few weeks! Of course, I owe everything to my fans, the renegades, and my editors and publisher. And Colton, of course, he's been my rock during the whole writing process. Gosh, I cannot count the number of times that he's brought me coffee and food at one in the morning.

Colton and I have pretty fabulous lifestyles, I have to admit. It hasn't been easy, but it's all been worth it.

With both of us being popular on social media, him more than myself, everyone knows that we're dating. I've gotten a few threatening messages from die hard fangirls, but I can always take them. The paparazzi are the ones I need to worry about though, they mainly only follow Colton. None of them know where I live though, thank goodness.

I take a walk around my apartment to pass time; although, it can technically be Colton's apartment too. He practically lives here with me. The apartment is nice and modern, not too big and not too small, and the best thing is it's only a few minutes away from campus.

Right now though, I was currently on break from university. So I just relaxed at home, wrote my novel, and talked with Colton a lot. "Why can't you be here with me now?" I complain out loud.

Incoming call from Lacey Trixe.

"Have you told him yet?" I answer her call, skipping all the niceties.

Lacey groans. "No, but I've got a whole plan that's going to take place tomorrow night. Autumn, I'm so nervous what if he dumps me on the side of a road, or shames me? I can't take this-"

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