Mornings with him

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Kai: Kai normally wakes up first and begins making patterns on your arms with his finger, his touch is enough to wake you up and you complain about it even though you don't mind. You would lay down for a while talking before eventually getting up.

Jay: The first one awake always changed between you two. If it was Jay he'd play with your hair, if it was you, you'd poke him until he woke up. It was Jay's idea to play rock, paper, clamp to see who had to cook breakfast, but most of the time you two would eat cereal because you both are lazy.

Zane: Because he's a heavy sleeper, you'd wake up first most of the time and go to the bathroom to wash up before he woke up. When you came back, he'd still be asleep and you would jump on the bed to wake him up. "Zane get up!" He'd groan and look up at you and smile. "I'm up."

Cole: He'd kiss your face all over until you finally woke up and swatted him with a pillow for doing so. You'd both spend a few minutes talking and laughing before washing up and going downstairs to cook breakfast. Well you cook, he watches.

Lloyd: Whenever Lloyd woke up first, he'd play on his phone and sing to you. He usually sings softly but if you haven't woken up after one song, he'll sing loudly until you're awake. "Oh look you're awake." He'd pretend like it wasn't him that woke you up and pull you to the bathroom to wash up. He likes to take you out to get pancakes in your pajamas.


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