How I Met Fairy Tail (Ashleigh version)

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So this is how Ashleigh met and join Fairy Tail

"It's okay we're at magnolia," he answered.
Ok so I go to Fairy Tail. "What did you say about Fairy Tail." The pink headed boy said. Did I say that out loud dam it. " Oh nothing, so this is the place that holds Fairy Tail," I said trying to change the subject. "NATSU, GUILDARTS IS GOING ON A 1000s OF YEARS JOB!" Said a white haired girl about my age again. Then a loud bell went and the city started to rumble. "WHAT? WITH OUT SAYING GOOD BYE," the pink haired boy that must to  be Natsu screamed on the top of his lungs. I started to falling into a hole that seems to get bigger. I landed in front of a man. "Ha you must be new," he laughed, he ware a black coat and hood. "Guildarts," he said while handing his hand out so I can get up. I take it, "Ashleigh, yeah umm.... What's going on here." I ask politely. "GUILDARTS WHERE ARE YOU GOING," a voice sounded like Natsu's but all I could see is fire cameing my way. I started to walk backwards forgetting about Guildarts, I trip on a rock lucky Guildarts catched me. "Th..thanks," I gave him a smile. "GUILDARTS!" Natsu yells. I look at Guildarts he had a sacred face, and Natsu look really angry, I wondered what Guildarts did to him. "N...Natsu I..I..I.." Natsu didn't finish "YOU WERE GOING WITH OUT ME OR SAYING GOOD BYE!" Natsu said full with anger and sadness. They must be close, "I sorry, the job is to dangerous for you and to long I want you live your life, also I didn't want to see you hurt so that's my answer," Guildarts said calmly sunnderly taking stopping my thoughts. I'm sorry Ashleigh go and follow the path, that way and you'll be able to get out of here," he said pointing the way out. I wonder how high it is and maybe when they're not looking I can jump out. It looks like 50 meters or 40. Natsu continue to yell at Guildarts, this is my chance I can jump now. I jumped, "Hay." Someone yelled, no someone saw me, "how you do that," the voice continue. Dam it Ash RUN! I started to run the fastest I could go. I run and run until I couldn't hear their voices, I looked up and saw the sign "FAIRY TAIL" I can't believe it I'm here. "Fairy Tail," I muted, yay I don't have to walk all over the city. I open the doors and there were between 100 and 200 people. I walked in to see a small but old man, "Hello sir, where do I join the guild." I ask politely, he started to laughing I was so confuse. "Sorry, I know I the guild master but I've never been called sir," he explained. I my face went to relief, "Oh I didn't know you were the master of Fairy Tail, sorry," I explained. "So I want to join the guild?" He question me, I nod repeatedly, hmmm he is thinking. " Then I'll have some questions for you, what is your name and why do you what to join Fairy Tail?" He questioned, I had to think it through but it was quick. " Ashleigh, and I heard that Fairy Tail is one big happy family and I want that," answer him, " And what's your name, if I may asks." " Master Marklov, someone come and stamp this kid," master Marklov continue.
Time skip( to when I got the fairy tail symbol
So cool I'm in Fairy Tail, the symbol is on my side of right thigh. " hey, guys I'm back and I saw this girl can jumped 50 meters.'' said a voice. wait is that that Natsu guy oh great.

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