More The Merrier (Emeralds Backstory Part 3)

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Emerald's POV

"Wow, what a jerk bag..." I walk in the direction of the lady told me and found myself in front of a big building, it had an archway that read "Fairy Tail". I pushed open the doors and saw so many happy faces. Then a woman with scarlet red hair walked up to me and said " Can I help you miss?" "Uh-ya I'm here to join the guild..." I say with a smile. "Mira! We have a new member joining" the red head yelled. " Just go up to the bar and sign the forms and get the stamp" she implied and walked back to her seat. I waa liked to the bar and signed up, "Ok now where would you like the Fairy Tail symbol?" The bar lady asked, 'where would I put it...Hmmm' "I know, on the right side of my neck please!", "ok what colour?" "A light Purple please if you have that colour.." I say, the bar tender pressed a black stamp on my neck and she handed me a mirror, " how about that is that ok?" She questioned, " It's wonderful!, thank you".
"I will go tell master of our new member" said the scarlet red head and went up some stairs.
"Ok, now what", "Go mingle" said the bar tender. " I don't now anyone here but Cana and Ashleigh..." I say with a shy look. " ok well to start you off I'm Miragane" "I'm Emerald, but call me Ems for short" I say while shaking her hand.

Erza's POV

I walk to masters office and I knock on the door and master answers. I calm in and exclaim " We have a new member!", "what, already?" He questions, "Yes, and the last person who joined was Ashleigh" I say now rather formally, "that's right, she's been in the guild for over a year now. Say let's meet the new member of the Fairy Tail family", "Yes, master". I walk back downstairs with the old man and present the lady with green hair, "This is the new family member master" I present her to him. "Why, Mira, your going to have some commotion with this beautiful young lady...hehehe" he said cheekily.

Emerald's POV
"Why, Mira, your going to have some commotion with this beautiful young lady...hehehe" a small voice came behind me, I look down to see a tiny, old man. My face was as red as a tomato. "Uh-uh, thanks-, and who would, you might be?" I say obviously confused. "I'm the master of the guild, and since you have joined the guild you are now considered family....SO THREE CHEERS FOR OUR NEW MEMBER!!", then the entire hall lit up with loud cheers and fighting, this wasn't unusual for me as this also happened at my last job. "Now, tell me, I can sense great power from you my child, what magic do you use?" "A lost magic..." I say questioning if I should allow people like them to know what incredible power I do hold. "I see.." the man said, "ok come in my office and we will talk about it, if you want?", "yes please" and I followed him into a room with a magic barrier, he chanted something then we entered. "Take a seat child".
I wait in the seat I front of the desk facing him, "Now what type of lost magic do you use, and I promise I will not use your magic of my own advantage", "ok well, I trust you, I use a lost magic called dragon slater magic, but I know there are different type of dragon slayers, I'm the ground dragon slayer, otherwise known as the earth dragon slayer, but that isn't just the magic I use. I use earth-make magic and I have healing abilities, although I'm not quite good at the healing magic". The master just sat there staring at me with a questionable face. "Well that was a mouthful or two wouldn't you say" he said while walking over to me and continued "not long ago we had a water dragon slayer join us, then a fire one. And know the 3th element dragon slayer has finally arrived. If you are wondering, who they are you need to wait." "Thanks for the introduction master, my name is Emerald Zola, daughter of the earth dragon queen.","Well welcome to Fairy Tail Miss Zola, you are excused." He says and I leave.
Surprisingly I noticed me not throwing up, but then I didn't had the Fairy Tail mark so I guess that was why.

I walk down the crooked steps to find an empty table, I walk over and sit down and grab a book out that read "slayer magic" I continued to read it until somebody was hovering over to look at it I SLAP! The book shut and glair at the person, salmon hair and black-brown eyes, "What do you want?" I sighed. "Pay Back" he said while punching his fists together which erupted smoke, "well not now, I'm busy" I say hoping he will go away, but his set was still present, "I told you to go away didn't I?" I say turning around, with fire heading my way" I grab the book and easily doge it. I put a spell on the book so it wouldn't get damaged. "Ok you asked for it!, Earth Dragon Tail Attack!" I scream out hitting him to the ground nicked out for a few minutes then he got back back up. "Still up and running huh?, fine I will fight you but let's take it somewhere else than here" I say looking at the damage I had just caused, "Fine" The guy said and we head for a large hill, "ok let's do this!" He said yelling, "Fire dragons roar". I used my earth make magic to block his attack and I yell " Earth make Pillars and eagles" he completely blocked them with one wing attack, impressive.

~~~Time pass cause I'm lazy~~~~

None POV
Natsu was left on the ground puffed out of air, while Emerald stood there and teased, "Tired already". Natsu slowly shot back up and said, " yup, I give up. You now you could make it to be an S-Class wizard."

Ever since the next try outs for the new S-Class wizard it was a tie between, Cana and Emerald and both were given the S-class wizard award.

Emerald's POV
We had a meeting with all the S-class wizards. There was Mira, Ezra, Guildarts...but then there was this blonde Mage that surprisingly I had never met before. After the meeting I went and walked over to her and introduced myself. "Hi, min'ame is Emerald", I say with a hand out. She easily grabs it and says "I'm Ashleigh, I believe we have not met before?". I let go of her grip and reply, "Ya, I'm one of the new S-Class wizards", she looked up at me and asked, "Would you like to be guild mates?!" I nod my head as yes and I spent the rest the day with her.

We soon become best friends and weeks later, we decided to go on one of the 100 years jobs, and we set out on the job not knowing how long it will take. We got back 2 to 3 months.
Ok finally finished it hope ya guys stay tuned for next chap. See ya!
BBLovesStorys Out!

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