Fire Ogre

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Sorry for putting this series for a hold for so long, I'll try to update as much as I can from now on. Anyways enjoy!

Also play music from the top when I say! ;)
Emeralds POV
"What was that?" Asked Lucy. "It's coming....I sense it in the ground...." I say as I get my fists ready. "Ready Girls?" Asked Ashleigh as we all stood ready.

We all nodded as the Ogre started walking in front of us. It roared viciously. "Oh shut up ya roasted piece of garbage" I yelled and it started throwing large amounts of lava balls at us. "Demon....." I muttered. "Lucy, do you have any water spirits?" Ashleigh asked.

"Ya.....but she's kinda a hot head" she mumbled as she reached for her keys, "Open! Gate of the Water bearer! Aquarius!" She Yelled And there formed a golden circle. And then there was Aquarius. "Here's some water! Paced Ashleigh as Aquarius caught it. "Why of course, ya summon me and this is the water I get?" The mermaid Questioned rudely. "Hey! Less talking more fighting!" I yelled as I started throwing rocks at the giant as Ash through water at it in a spear like form. The ogre slowly started to cool of leaving a cold core of magma.

"Didn't the Client say there were three Ogres?" I Asked remembering what he said. "Yes he did..." Said a quite low voice from behind us. "And who might you be?" Asked Ashleigh not turning around. "The lucky last two!" It Said again. My eyes shot open as I felt an attack about to happen. "Duck!" I yelled as a massive sword swung over us.

I flipped up to see another two fire ogres. "Goodbye." Said one Ogre as it swung it's other arm and hit me into a cliff, making an incredible dint in it. "Emerald!" Lucy called.

Ashleigh's POV

'Oh no. We are in deep sh*t write now...' I thought. "Aw, giving up huh?" Asked the giant as Emerald looked graciously in doubt. "Ya know...Ya gonna have to learn how to fight a little more......quickly" giggles Emerald as she flashed a smile. "Luce water now!" I called. "Aquarius Full power to the ogres!" Luce Yelled as I did the same. The ogre collapsed to the flor in wet ash. "No my brother-in! "Yelled the last giant in lava pooring tears, "you will pay!"

(Play Music Now)

He formed into an Even larger giant (like picture) It could've even been hades himself. "I will destroy YOU!" I bolted towards him with immense strength. I reached for his arm but it burned me "Ugh!" I called slamming into the ground.

"Em. Could ya do this one for me, I have seemed to burn my arm." I Asked and she come from the ground before me. "Sure thing!" She said as she asked for me and Luce to run and get any hostages out of the area.

Emerald's POV

I jumped at the beasts arm and bit it. "Hmm, I think it's a bit over cooked?" I said as I ate away at his arm. "W-what are you doing?! Stop! That's my arm!" He yelled. "But I'm hungry? Plus your arm is delicious!" I said smiling at the meal I was eating.

"Yup! I'm full now!" I grinned as I looked the giant in the eye. "Earth Dragon Roar!" I Yelled And blew of his head. "Ok I'm done!" I smiled jumping of him. "Now I have something I can munch on on the way home!" I exclaim as I pic up the head but it turned to ash and as well as the body. "Awwww. No fare!" I exclaimed as I saw someone on a roof.

There figure was not noticeably clear but it started to run away. 'I bet they are the doing of this?' I thought and started after them. I kinda picked up on there smell, I followed there cent. "They have an awfully close smell to the giants." I muttered as I felt a figure behind me. With me pushing the rock to the blade he held I grabbed it as it was in the air and pointed his hooked like sword to his neck.

He had red glowing eyes and black-charcoal hair. "Ya a quick one!" He spoke sending me a bit of guard. "Why did you attack so many innocent people?" I Asked and he laughed. "Well from mage to mage. I think you might already know." He sickly grinned. "I'm no mage.....I'm Emerald Zola, Daughter of The queen of Earth itself. The Earth Dragon. And I find you not welcomed, Coal the Burner....." I spat at him. "Well, well, you do remember me. Then how's your mother, I hope she's doing quite fine....oh wait she's dead! And all the other dragons. My apologies....princess..." he said as I held to the sword tighter. "You have no right to call me that! No right at all!" I yell as I swung the sword cutting his cheek. He grabbed the spot where the cut was dripping slowly. "Hey! I was only doing what I was told! I dreaded hurting those people! You know that!" He yelled as his guild Mark started glowing. "I'm going so be safe.....princess." He grinned and he vanished.

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