Chapter 1: The Sweet Stranger

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"Shut up hoe!  I'm sick of you always asking me a million questions about where I am. "
He raised his hand like he was going to hit me but he always knows better than to go there with me. I stood my ground and he lowered his hand.
"I'm sick of you and this accusatory mess! "
He walked out and slammed the door.  I sunk into the couch and cried my eyes out. After I calmed myself down I grabbed my cell phone and called my best friend London. She answered on the second ring
"What's wrong, she asked?"
I just started to bawl my eyes out again. 
"I'm on my way, she said and hung up the phone."
Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door and I reluctantly went to answer it. 
"Come on, were going to get something to eat, what are you in the mood for ,London asked? "
I just shrugged my shoulders and she pulled me into an embrace and I just wept into her sweater.  She pulled away and linked arms with me and attempted to skip down the sidewalk but I wasn't in the mood for that, so she stopped. We hopped in the car and she decided that we should go to The Cheesecake Factory, I agreed even though I had no intentions of eating anything. After she ordered her coke and I ordered a water, she asked me again what was wrong? 
"Well Tremaine didn't come home until 11:00pm last night but I just didn't say anything. This morning I wake up and start going through his phone while he's in the shower and I see he was with some chick last night.  She texting him talking about last night was great and next time you need to spend the night." "Oh hell no, where she live at?,London asked" I shrugged my shoulders indicating that I didn't know.  "So when he got out the shower, I confronted him about it and he went off on me.He called me a hoe and tried to flip it around like I was the one who was cheating."
"Best friend, you really just need to leave him.He has been up to these antics for a while now and it's just really not worth it. You deserve so much better."
"I know best friend, but I love him and weve been together for 4 years.  How do I just let that go? "
"You'll find someone better that's how you let go."
"Idk best friend."
The waiter came back to our table to get our food orders.  London ordered a caesar salad and I shook my head that I didn't want anything. I looked up and she was glaring at me. 
I sighed and said, "I'll take the fried mozzarella."
He nodded his head and took our menus. London got up to use the bathroom and I started thinking about the situation with Tremaine. Tears started to well up in the corners of my eyes and before I knew it they were streaming down my face.
"Are you okay? "
I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see this really tall guy with blonde dreads. I was looking at him through tear filled eyes, but I could tell that he was smiling at me. He wiped the tears as they fell from my eyes and softly brushed my cheek.  "I hope those are happy tears, because someone so beautiful should never be this upset." I smiled at him slightly and he smiled back.  He pulled a chair from the other table and sat down beside me rubbing my back. 
"Are you okay,he asked again? "
Tears started to well up in my eyes again and I shook my head no.
"I know you don't know me, but I hate to see a beautiful girl upset. Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Can you rewind time and keep my boyfriend from cheating on me? "
"Wow. He cheated on you!  Why would he do something like that? "
I shrugged my shoulders.I looked up and saw London coming back to the table.The stranger looked in her direction and got up from his chair. He pushed the chair back into the table next to me and leaned down and whispered in my ear,"You deserve better. "
He planted a sweet and gentle kiss on my cheek and walked away without another word. I turned around to see where he went.  I caught a glance of him as he reached the door.  He hesitated for a second, but pushed the door open and left. London came back to her seat and said.,"What
was that all about?"
"I don't know, he just came up and asked me if I was okay."
"Why? "
I turned towards the door, somehow still expecting him to be standing there but he wasnt.
"Thats weird. I feel like I've seen him before though"
I nearly snapped my neck turning my head back around.
"Really, where?"
"I think I've seen him at work.  He looks like one of our regulars "
"Hmm, I said"
"What? "
"Oh nothing,nothing"
The waiter finally came back with our food.  I glanced once more at the door and then started to eat my food.  She started talking about something that happened recently, but I was lost in deep thought about the mysterious sweet stranger.
"FAITH! Are you listening to me? "
"Huh? What happened? "
She sighed and said  "Nothing.  You wanna come over and spend the night ,so you don't have to deal with Tre tonight?"
"Yeah that sounds good."
"Alright we'll go back to your place so you can pack a bag. " *An hour later*
I made up the couch with my usual blankets and wrapped myself up to watch a movie.  Best friend time is exactly what I needed.  London came back with some freshly popped popcorn and settled onto the couch next to me.
"What do you want to watch? " she said
We both looked at each other,smiled and said "Breakfast Club. "
We fell back laughing. I didn't even make it past the credits, I dozed off thinking about that sweet stranger again. 
"Why couldn't he be my boyfriend, I thought to myself. "

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