🎒 finn [imagine]

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+ confident, low-key cocky boyfriend in public

+ actually high-key shy in private

+ always nervous around you

+ even if you reassure him tens of times

+ he always asks if you're okay

+ even if he's the one that's not doing so well

+ you love watching him listen to his favorite music

+ he loves watching you ramble about things

+ listens to everything you have to say

+ meme couple! and everyone loves it

+ pda scale: 4.7/10

+ hand holding all the time!!

+ small little pecks

+ but a lot of them ^

+ your friends love your relationship

+ finn loves snapchatting or tweeting about you

+ "@y/n is my 🅱️🅱️G"

+ "i 🅱️ove you @finnwolfhardofficial"

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