🍯 what they love preferences

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PHYSICAL APPEARANCE (part two might be personality but we'll see)

you might hate your eye color, or hate that your eyes seem to be the only thing people talk to you about. but finn disagrees. he loves your eyes beyond words and he's so mesmerized by them. if they're brown, he finds so much warmth and passion within them. he sees the earth in them. if they're anything other than hazel or brown, he sees the sky. he finds your daydreams within them and neither of you could ask for more.

it's common that a lot of people hate their noses. and you might be among them. whether or not you like your nose, wyatt absolutely loves it. he loves that he can 'boop' it at any time he wants, and how it just fits in with your face. he's fallen in love with every part of your face, but your nose is just so damn adorable to him. he also likes that he can lean in sideways to kiss you, and your noses fit like odd puzzle pieces. he doesn't understand why you hate it so much, because of how much he loves it.

maybe you think your smile is disgusting, but jack sure doesn't. he could watch you smile all day. it's one of the things that brightens his day the most. he hates it if you cover your smile or laugh with your hand, because it's his favorite feature about you. he always makes stupid jokes just to see you crack a smile. it always makes him feel on top of the world when he can plaster a grin on your face. but of course, a smile isn't the only thing he adores about you.

your hair. he's fallen in love with it. he loves playing with it, and even if you consider one day a bad hair day, he considers it beautiful. if it's long, he loves how it cascades down your back like a waterfall. if it's short, he just loves massaging your head and ruffling your hair. if it's curly, he knows he shouldn't be brushing his hands through it, but of course he's going to find a way to touch it anyways. he loves feeling the vibration of your voice through your hair.

she loves your arms. even if they aren't muscular or even if they are. she loves your arms because she loves being spooned, and she loves the feeling of being in them. she adores the way you hold her, and she feels the most comfortable in your hugs or cuddles. she also loves that they lead down to your hands, which is another thing she loves because she gets to hold them all the time. she likes to trace patterns up your arms, sending the best feeling up and down your spine.

he loves your lips. not just when you smile, not just when you kiss him. well, of course those are included. he could watch you talk for hours, because he can't get his eyes off of them. at first you might've mistaken it for him just wanting to kiss you and nothing else, but you soon realized that he was simply watching you. he admires the curve of your lips, the perfect pout, the way they move when you ramble about things you love.

it's weird, but he loves your cheeks. he likes that he can squish your face and kiss you like that, and he loves the way the sunlight dances across your cheekbones. if they're more chubby, he thinks they're adorable. it just adds to the cuteness he's grown to know and love. if you have more defined cheeks, he just loves looking at you. it's like you're a perfectly carved masterpiece, and he's lucky enough to have landed someone like you.

PSA: you're all beautiful
and i don't care if i have
no idea what you look like
you're still beautiful
in every way possible.
insecurities are human,
i'm not going to tell you
not to be insecure. your
stomach is beautiful,
your face is beautiful,
your existent or inexistent
curves are beautiful,
your legs are beautiful,
everything about you
is beautiful. it's important
to find self love somewhere
within you, and i recommend
finding one thing you love
about yourself, everyday.
you are worth it.
you are more than enough.
we will not tolerate any
body shaming, or any
slut shaming. your body,
your choice. i hope your
choice is to love yourself.
we love you all.

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