jaeden [one shot] - request for Am_I_Dark_Enough_Yet

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whitney hamilton is nicholas hamilton's younger sister. sure, she was excited to join him on set whenever he went, but mostly to sit in the trailers away from everyone else.

her nose is almost always in a book, and a lot of people mistake her lack of participation as trying to be rude.

when nicholas introduces her to the "losers club", jaeden lieberher is among the vast majority to misunderstand her.

whitney absolutely hates being interrupted when she's following percy jackson to the underworld.

"whitneyyyy." nicholas says, dragging her name out and walking towards her. she's sitting on the couch in her brother's trailer, re-reading the heroes of olympus series, of course.

"shut up." she says, rolling her big gray eyes.

"whitney. come on. you should get out. make friends. date. do drugs– i dunno! it's unhealthy to only read for 22 hours a day." nicholas collapses on the couch next to her.

"nicholas. i'm perfectly healthy. i don't want to get out. i'm an introvert. no one will ever like me. and drugs kill. you should know this already." whitney sighs, closing her book and looking at her brother with annoyance.

"whitney. i swear to poseidon." nicholas shakes her shoulders, and her thick black glasses fall off her nose.

"nicholas. that's a rude thing to do to him." whitney retorts, pushing her glasses back up with irritation.

"whitney. you should really get out more, i'm sure someone would want to date you or be your best friend and read books with you and you can go on library dates and be nerdy together!" nicholas says, exasperated.

"for fu–"

"no swearing."

"but you swore to a god. i'm just swearing to you."

"what's the difference?" he says cockily, and she smacks the side of his head. "ow!"

"you deserved it, you cocky loser."

"i'm actually–"

"henry bowers, i know."

"whitney, please." nicholas groans.

"i'll propose a deal." whitney says, running a hand through her pale blonde hair and looking at him. "if i start going out more and talk to the cast more, you're not allowed to interrupt me during designated reading time."

"got it." nicholas grins.


"hi." whitney says as they arrive at set the next day.

"hey! how's your book?" jeremy asks kindly.

"good. i'm rereading it for the millionth time." whitney chuckles, pushing her glasses up.

"oh hey whitney," jaeden says, walking up to them and looking at her weirdly. "i'm surprised you're not reading by yourself."

"i need to get out more. my books can wait." whitney shrugs.

"yeah, you do." jaeden chuckles, teasing her.

"hey," whitney says, getting oddly irritated by him. "i have a life, you know."

"i didn't know." jaeden retorts, and by now it's just the two of them standing there.

"why are you so annoying?" whitney says, overreacting slightly.

"why are you so rude when people try to talk to you?" jaeden shoots back, squinting at her.

"because i'm busy!" whitney gestures to the book tucked under her arm.

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