finn [one shot] - request for msmonet0920

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ashley and finn have been neighbors ever since she moved to vancouver in second grade. up until now, in ninth grade, they've barely spoken to each other.

sure, they exchange a simple "hey, how are you?" every now and then, but never a full conversation.

ashley thinks finn is cute, and finds herself observing his dark curls and freckled face every now and then. in all honesty, she's also found herself going a little out of her way to pass him in the halls at school.

finn has similar feelings– biking behind ashley or bringing his friends to where she's hanging out on purpose. he, however, has decided he does in fact have a small crush on her.

"but it's no big deal," finn had brushed it off when he told his friends. "she's just kinda cute. i dunno."

it might seem weird that he likes a girl he's barely ever spoken to. or is it weirder that they've gone to the same school and that they've been neighbors for seven years without a full conversation.

"i have to go home," ashley says to her best friends, buckling her bike helmet on. "but i'll text you guys later, okay?"

"sure thing, ash." natalia says, smiling and waving her goodbye.

"byeee!" layla says, and ashley goes out the back door to get her bike. she swings her leg over her bike and pushes her black, thick-rimmed glasses up before pedaling home.

the sun is starting to set, and she knows her mom will get upset if she bikes later at night.

she's almost home, all she has to do is turn a corner.

a parked car reflects the sunlight directly into ashley's eyes, and her glasses intensify the glare. she's momentarily blinded, and she tries desperately to see the road ahead of her.

a blurry figure yells out, and she swerves. her bike goes out from underneath her and she lands heavily on the ground, sliding across the pavement for a split second.

her glasses fly off her face and all she knows in that moment is pain.

"ashley!" the same figure rushes to her side. "are you okay?"

ashley blinks a few times, groaning and squinting up. she identifies the boy as finn.

"i-i'm fine, i need to get home..." she tries to sit up and winces. without her glasses, and still in shock, she can't clearly see what happened.

ashley pats the ground around her, and finn quickly retrieves her glasses from a few feet away.

"here. you need ice." finn says, as she puts her glasses back on.

first, she spots her bike, still intact, on its side near the other side of the street. secondly, she looks down and her eyes widen at the scrape up her leg and arm.

"let me help you." finn offers her a hand, and she slowly stands up with his help. he moves to her uninjured side and she puts her arm around his shoulders for support.

"my mom's gonna get mad..." ashley says, breathing heavily.

"i think your mom is the least of our concerns right now." finn chuckles, and they leave her bike on the other side of the street to get later.

he helps her to her front door, and rings the doorbell. the door swings open to reveal her mother, and she gasps.

"come in, come in. let me get my first aid kit. there's frozen peas in the freezer!" she says quickly, guiding them to the living room.

ashley groans, sitting down on her couch. finn rushes to the kitchen and gets the frozen peas. he gently unbuckles her helmet and removes her scratched glasses from her face.

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