📙 sophia [imagine]

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+ hanging out at the park

+ one of your close friends, but not the closest

+ because you told your closest friend about your crush on her

+ running around

+ swing sets

+ a sunny day

+ laughter and laughter and laughter

+ you lay down on the field/against a large tree

+ just staring at the sky and sometimes passing pedestrians

+ "y/n?"

+ "hmm?"

+ gentle words

+ "what are we?"

+ "friends..?"

+ you have a puzzled expression

+ "can i ask something?"

+ "go for it."

+ "can we be more than friends?"

+ "how so?"

+ "if i we hang out together again, it would be considered a date, and our hugs become pda."

+ "then yeah."

+ "yeah to what?"

+ "yeah to let's be more than friends."

+ sighs of relief

+ sighs of happiness

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