🌊 greeting preferences

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when they arrive at the airport and you greet them!

you've probably been texting each other nonstop about when he lands. both of you constantly complain about not being able to talk while he's in the air. he texts you that he landed, and you wait anxiously by the baggage claim. you spot the familiar head of curly hair and rush up to him. he's too tired to run, but he drops his bags and relief sweeps over his face as you rush into a hug. he holds you tightly, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.

+ the fans who wait at the airport scream when they see you, and scream more when you hug. someone shouts "I NEED A BOYFRIEND ASAP"

you guys have called each other practically every day, counting down the days until you see each other again. you tell him you're waiting outside, but surprise him right when he comes out of the airplane. he drops his carry on bag and opens his he rushes over to you. he almost knocks both of your over with the amount of force he hugs you with. he peppers the top of your head with kisses and tells you how much he missed you. you're grinning ear to ear and both of you laugh with relief.

+ a few fans recognize you and you smile, saying you're kind of surprising him. a fan tells you "most people would say you're lucky to have wyatt, but i think wyatt's lucky to have you."

it's a complete surprise. he had texted you that you landed and you said you were excited to see him tomorrow. when he gets off the escalator, you run up and hug him from behind, and he's confused, thinking it's a fan. he turns around and his eyes widen significantly. he wraps you in a tight hug, only to pull away a few seconds later to kiss you hard. he laughs, and tries not to cry because he's a softie, surprise.

+ fans might be a little salty, but a lot of them are supportive and someone says "get you a boyfriend who will only pull away from a hug to kiss you"

of course you guys have been texting constantly, and he's nervous to see you. when he arrives, he doesn't even see you at first until you knock him over, into a hug. you both close your eyes, rolling around and laughing, enjoying each others presence in your arms. when you get back up, he just hugs you some more and rests his cheek against the top of your head.

+ fans go "AWWWW" and swoon over your adorable greeting. someone, probably crying, yells "be careful! you'll get hurt!"

it's probably been quite a while since you've seen her. she loves seeing snapchats and pictures of you, but of course it isn't the same as real life. you wait for her right at the bottom of the escalator, and she runs down the moving steps to, into your arms. you both swing around with grins plastered on your faces, and she stands there with you for a while, trying to hug as much of you as she can.

+ a lot of fans take videos and ask who you are, and you answer politely. immediately, people realize you're there for sophia. a little kid gasps, "she's a real life princess!"

you also surprise him at the airport, like jack. he called you when he landed, and you had to lie that the background noise of the airport was actually your family. during the call, you tell him to look up, and you laugh, seeing his confused expression quickly become a lovestruck one when he sees you. you run into his arms and he picks you up, burying his head into your shoulder.

+ fans coo about your relationship, which you both had decided to share online. a girl shouts, "lucky! my boyfriend has the strength of two rice grains."

you both had been facetiming while he was away, and counting down to the hour until you could see each other again. he walks outside the airport to see you waiting outside the car, and happiness floods his face. it's not a quick run and hug, but rather, slow walking and staring until you're standing in front of each other before you embrace tightly and whisper how much you missed each other in one another's ears.

+ the fans and paparazzi snap a lot of pictures during your "moment" and someone yells out, "THOSE ARE MY PARENTS!"

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