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Request from 32waystoAutumn

Thank you so much for 82K reads, It's so fantastic and I'm grateful for each one of you.  Apologies for late upload!! I got caught up in a series and didn't realize yesterday was Wednesday. Here's some fluff :D

Jack had always been interested in reporting or just telling things in general. His voice was loud and booming but comforting too; he could report serious stories and silly ones but recently his job had gotten boring and a little sad. He was always being given the sad stories or having to report deaths and although that was apart of his job, he didn't like doing it often, it felt like he was bringing sadness to too many people and that isn't what he's ever been about.


Jack sat at home eating some pasta as he roamed the depths of Twitter. He couldn't retweet too much on his reporter account but it didn't hurt to browse.

JackTheReporter; 'News is always so serious and sad right now, could really do with some happy to cheer people up.'

He tweeted, his fork sticking out of his mouth as he did so. Maybe somebody would bring some excitement soon or he'd get a story that could make viewers feel warm, just for a moment because the world seem cold most days.


What he wasn't expecting though, was to be hijacked when he was reporting some mundane story - he had seen reporters have people doing some silly jig or making faces behind them but it hadn't ever happened to Jack before.

But this wasn't a normal person trying to get camera time, no. The raven haired man acted like he wasn't supposed to be here in this era and acted like he had never seen a camera before either.

Jack was really getting a laugh from this - only him.


Mark had always risen to any challenge presented to him - giving anything and everything 110% - so when The Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen came up once again he decided to go for it. He had done it a few years ago but he nearly got arrested due to trying to literally sofa surf (he took a sofa too the sea and then tried to surf which apparently, is illegal, go figure.) so he didn't do it after that because his mother had scolded him big time however, he hadn't had a good challenge or something to focus on in a long time plus college was driving him up the wall, why not?

Maybe he had forgotten how competitive he was and how much he wanted to meet Misha Collins and spend a holiday with him. (The true prize along with an amazing story to tell the kids should he have them)

You do as much crazy things as you can do in a week, team with the most points and crazy stuff under there belt, wins.

Mark applied as an indivual and therefore was put in a team with around fourteen other people; and today was the beginning of the crazy stuff.

Day one.

- A random act of kindness (buying a puppy and a year supply of food for that kid in the store whose parents couldn't afford a dog.) [50 points under his belt.]

- Started a flash mob in the middle of town, not only was that on his bucket list but the amount of people joined in was fantastic. [100 points.]

- Make it on the news. [75 points.]

Well technically he didn't 'make' it onto the news but he did show up on camera.

He decided to target a poor reporter, saying he was a time traveller, the brown haired reporter played along though, a smile upon his features as they had banter back and fourth and when the camera stopped rolling, the reporter, Jack was his name - if Mark recalled correctly, asked for his number just in case he ever wanted to pop on camera again.

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