(165) Fragile Hearts

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Request from All_In_Due_Time


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Love is fragile.

If you had asked Jack anything about fate or destiny and believing in such things, he would have laughed at you two and a bit years ago. Fate is a thing for fairy-tales and fan-fictions he'd grumble and that destiny didn't mean much to him either. Nor the whole soulmate thing, being limited to one person out of millions just never sat well with him. Only being given on soul person and that person will just have your heart regardless, yeah Jack disliked that truly. What if you didn't just fall in love at first sight? Or it was one sided love? The world must be beyond cruel to assign you a single person on the planet and for them to reject you just didn't seem well, fair. Maybe hes just cynical because hes never been in love himself, may-haps been close - but never fully in love. Jack thinks its a little overrated this whole love thing, sure love for family and friends is on a different scale but romantic love to him had always seemed like cheap valentines gifts and bad first dates.

But that had been two years ago, when he was down on his luck and unsure what the world had planned for him just knowing that whichever hand he was dealt with - he'd do something to change it or make it better. Because Jack isn't for one at just taking what hes given, rather fight it and do something else. Like going against the oceans current, some rebellious act against the world, to say that no he wasn't just going to follow some faceless people in a large crowd. A somebody in a sea of nobody's, maybe.

Yet when Mark had come along, things just did sort of change. Mark didn't fall into Jacks arms - not by a long shot, no romantic first meetings, no instant connection nor spark. Rather starting off with bad first impressions - Mark telling Jack that he looked like a wet weekend and was ruining the mood in his bar. Jack had argued back that there was no set mood in the pretty dull bar and that more than likely, people didn't come to the bar for the mood and demanded a drink.

And Mark didn't seem to get the hint that night, continuing small talk with the grumpy Irishman and normally he'd be enthusiastic about chatting to people but after the day he had, he was hoping his face would be enough to tell people to steer clear but the chipper raven headed barman didn't get the memo. Jack supposes he was just doing his job (with added extras) - and the alcohol was pleasant, a sweet burn in the back of his throat just enough to take an ache of working and putting up with bullshit out of his shoulders.


Jack no matter how Irish he was never did like drinking as a way to ease tensions, especially with the headaches and groggy feeling that came afterwards but today - today was an exception knowing no amount of black coffee would do what the alcohol just did for him. Its rare for him to be in a bar at such times and in the area but going home to his empty apartment didn't appeal to him either.

Still, he did answer Marks questions and respond to some of his chit-chat, crack a smile or two at some of his jokes. It did help lighten things a little so supposes it wasn't the worst interaction he had (minus the sass) There was something charming about the man behind the bar, looking like he belonged right there behind the harsh wooden bar serving drinks and chatting to other customers but always stopping by Jack when he wasn't.

Thankfully, when Jack does leave the bar (he only ordered the one drink but found himself staying for the bartenders chit-chat and left with no ache in his shoulders and forgetting the events of the day. Now heading home didn't seem too bad.


Jack found himself in the same bar a week later, but for a date instead - He orders some dutch courage from the raven haired bartender and after downing it in a gulp and making a face which made said bartender laugh, Jack goes to sit at the booked table and wait for his date. Its been a long time since hes done the dating scene - a little too scared and anti social in his life but decided to give it a shot anyway (after one of the middle aged woman had lectured him about it at work, saying it was weird for her to be quote: getting some and for Jack not) so here he is, leg bouncing out of nerves under the clothed table as he waits for said date. They had met on a dating site and upon exchanging jokes and messages decided to meet up. Jack had sort of given up on girls at this point so he figured he'd do something he hasn't since his teen years and date a man - a real, attractive man.

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