(145) Distance And Difficulties

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Happy Wednesday! Here's a long overdue one shot. This one was requested and is dedicated to 32waystoAutumn who is one of, if not the best person I've had the joy of getting to know, an absolute ray of sunshine whom I actually get to meet at a Markiplier live show in February! I'm so grateful that through this community I get to meet my best friend - I owe a lot to all of you and these uploads are a mere fraction of that. As you can imagine, having long distance friends especially those you are close to is very difficult and that's what I wanted to express in this one shot, shout out to all the long distance friends out there <3

Its late November and in Brighton its chilly and the leaves have frozen solid to the ground. Jacks feeling more than under the weather even though snow is expected soon but he just doesn't feel too festive. Maybe its the darker nights or the colder than Irish weather but he kinda wishes he was elsewhere right now. Brighton's lovely with its peers that look stunning against the moonlight gazing upon the water there and the shops are adorable or just downright weird; with things you just couldn't buy anywhere else. Little oddities that somehow fit into your home easily. Jacks spent many a time here and many a money too but he just feels fed up, its not the place, its the atmosphere - its a little lonely here.

Just as he thinks that whilst hes taking a break from screens and video games that give him escapism, Mark messages him and usually its a good morning or a how are you but today its an all caps message.


Jack tilts his head to the side like a confused puppy, wondering why Mark would be attending a London convention of all things. Though the text has excitement just radiating through it. It seems do able and if its early next year then he'll have time to prep videos for it which will keep him distracted and focused from whatever he's feeling about things right now.


Jack will figure out everything else another day; he could do with something to look forward too, meeting fans, meeting Mark - Maybe it'll even motive the man to get videos out too, its never a chore his content but it can weigh on him mentally and physically sometimes, Jack can get too invested in things and saying sure to Mark without thinking too much about it isn't like him; usually he'd be worrying about it, overthinking things but truth was, hes desperate for... something maybe hes desperate to recharge his extrovert batteries and really meet people; thrive in big groups.

Marks always been Jacks idol; Mark is a force to be reckoned with. Hes come through fire and fury wearing a red flannel shirt. Jack bursts with pride every time he sees his content soaring to the top, or his next milestone video. Mark was the one who inspired him to start youtube anyway and hes still shocked he gets to call him a friend and have contact with him. Although sometimes Mark can be hard to reach and disappears under the radar, its usually because hes having a tough time but the man always pops back up and its refreshing and just the right time when he does so.


Once the tickets are booked and the Irishman begins to browse hotels is when his stomach twists, hes more than excited to be with Mark in person and it's just going to be the two of them this con as the others are unable to make it. However hes also nervous, Jack knows that sometimes once hes comfortable with someone he can be a bit much to handle; quiet at first and then loud and proud which some folks can't deal with, which he understands. He just wants to impress the man; make him proud of him as he is of Mark. On the plus side, its given him something to focus on and hes been working a lot lately in prep. Hes also announce that hes attending and a lot of UK-based and further people seem to be pleased. Jack cannot wait to scratch that itch of meeting people again, loves seeing when their eyes light up and the smile upon their faces.

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