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Mark's POV

I had been ignoring Jackson's messages for the whole morning.

I wasn't in the mood for dealing with him in any way today.

Me and Youngjae were sitting outside before we had to go to class, looking at the photos Youngjae had took the day before.

"Those are really great pictures Youngjae." I had my eyes pinned on the tiny camera screen.

In the pictures the sun came from a perfect angle which covered my face just right. In a nutshell, the pictures were really aesthetically pleasing.

"Man, if you're going to get a worse than an A- from this project, I'm gonna slap the crap out of the teacher." I looked at Youngjae and saw Youngjae's eyes sparkling lightly to my comment.

"Mark Tuan!" Someone yelled.

"Why didn't you answer my messages yesterday or today?" Jackson looked at me really angrily.

"Uhh sorry? I didn't know I was responsible to answer you 24/7?" I looked at Jackson.

"Okay first of all Tuan, fuck you. Second of all, all I wanted to ask if you were okay about doing the project on lunch hour." Jackson took a step towards me.

"Yeah I guess." I moved my eyes back to the tiny screen of the camera and waited Jackson to leave.

I heard Jackson mutter something under his breath and then left.

"He doesn't seem to understand the situation." Youngjae said looking at the camera.

"Yeah, he's highkey an airhear." We kept looking at the pictures until the bell rang.

After couple of hours me and Jackson went to do our project. Jackson had decided that it would be a great idea to bring Jaebum with him, so I called Youngjae to be there as mental support.

"Okay Jackson, you could write about the history and what it is nowadays, and I'll write about the different aspects. When we're done with those we can write together the final report and conclusion about this." I looked at Jackson to confirm that he was okay with this plan.

"Yeah sure." Jackson took his own laptop and started to work.

As we were doing our stuff, I heard Youngjae and Jaebum talking to eachother. As I was silently listening them, I heard Youngjae slightly stuttering here and there, and I could sense that he's blushing from miles away.


After hours of school and Youngjae's noticable blushing, we were finally able to go home again.

"Youngjae." I said getting Youngjae's attention.

"What's up with you blushing all the day?" I looked at youngjae while he was putting the helmet on his head.

"Is it because of Jaebum?" With that sentence, Youngjae froze.

"Oh come on Youngjae, you don't have to hide the fact that you like him. Even though I hate everyone in that group, hell I hate almost everyone in this school, doesn't mean you have to hate anyone." I grabbed Youngjae by his shoulder so he would look at me.

"It's not like that, but he's not that bad either." Youngjae said and looked at me.

"Sure, what ever helps you get sleep at night." I rolled my eyes and put my helmet on my head.

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